This Is Sport Theres a man down in western Ontario whos importing wild boars from Hungary He already has a male of Hie species and three females lie plans to breed these four animate lie calls a eonei but what he plans to do will the offspring of thee Lours is about as far from the conservation of animal life as Timbuctoo is from Toronto His plan is nothing but an slaughter When Hie voting- me old be will let them run wild in a field He will enclose this field to protect the public from theso wild animals Then he will charge hunters fee to shoot the wild animals in tho field You have to use a highpowered rifle to bring these animals down A lninler with a topic could it in a rocking chair in one corner of the field and pick off an animal Waled without mining a rock of his Ho calls this conservation YOU might as well shoot fish ill barrel Time For Revision Hockey remains the only major world sport In which the gladiators can participate in fights and remain in tin- panic In football soccer and If Mich a rule were iulilut and apph lommnw fittiting would cease lo be a part of After all the majority of players come to play hockey not to brawl on I ho ice liny knew they would net fur the night would be a thing of the in double quick THIS WEEK AND NEXT By Ray The Spirit Of II hud seen if ill when line would did final- nodal fabric creep acre ss week Dal I llic frayed lie affairs be mioii ion in pub capital Irani- Members of the House of Com- refreshed after an Easter indication that they recognized Iarlianienls reputation had fallen I licoml a farmers field Hie sun awakens Hie land stir- l a low during the Mm loiul lonj the iters the winter up and trees as lliej burst into the greenery that is spring Zm If You Want A Laugh Mil lunnia I him- pviijr tonic in copy Up Down And lilt- teachers all there workhorses Hie beaten who like kids mid who in spile of it nil know theyre dolus most lioilant job ill tho world crisis anil that follow in the first of new llirlianiciil Illlle I lien I lie ill i mil broke The mood of Parliament wile or of rule- is With more teams till mild In sec more debt oil lull a nil It I came a lout quinine Hi Ihe lonelier asks kids I briefly why we study ami His and Hie Odyssey who will mine school I they would SUA I I A Catch Phrase indictment of whn lid help Item Hie the middle Ural Beta of slick In Hie school ile- wore Ulan lb- parallel there sifL hi me she still 1 Hal ii s My me and si to other has been 16 years but re- behind j mi Micro tho my ankle men prison hear a lies and ill many states where lie deal has been done awn nil of was alio heir I pa cried cm Imps just each idee lent are THE Re ide -17- North I loll ii Sorry fellas I cant fix this foreign car of yours The handbook isnt printed English All well read book Itll do on g I Last sample of lis flavor is mi loon the learlicr hud on bulletin hoard It wcnl Teacher There are two wonts in Ihe liineimgo you must never use They swell null Pupil OK What nro limy THE ERA Serving Northern York Couniy Since