Editorial THE ERA WED VOL NO 12 Beware Of Spring Monday was the first day of Spring and with it came all the notice able signs children are beginning to hunt for a ball in place of a puck and the ditches are ru full Every year when the Spring thaw starts young adventurers disregard warnings and are sure that they are able to walk where once they skated month ago Even water on the surface of the ice is no warning of danger Only when one of these young children falls through the ice the danger realized We have had one such case in this vicinity over the past two or three years and parents should realize that from now on these water hazards exist and they should make every effort to warn and keep their children from this danger Teachers too should warn their students of the danger and enlist the help of some of the older pupils in cautioning the smaller ones that from now on ice is unsafe anywhere Even some of the adults in their anxiety to catch fish or from sheer bravado take too many chances every Spring especially near the edges of lake expect children to heed warnings if we persist in doing almost the same thing ourselves A child cannot resist the lure of the first running water in the Spring and the warnings cannot be too frequent or repetitious One valuable aid is to make sure that children are taught to swim and if they are old enough let them be taught some form of likesaving service hut best of all keep them from the hazards of the Spring thaw Theyve Sure Changed In a little over 20 years the world as far as a soldier is concerned can turn full circle and half way round again A recent by 22 members of the Highlanders of Canada in this area must have proved this in no uncertain terms They were let loose with ten cents each and were under orders to report back to Target Headquarters in Newmarket by any means available and not be arrested by forewarned police Six out of the original 22 made the assignment and in less than hours from the start had been arrested Perhaps a war makes a difference but we can remember travelling over many parts of Canada England Scotland and some of the European countries still with probably only the original ten cents and never see the inside of a This too was at a time when every other soldier and most civilian were really security conscious hut they would still stop their vehicles even in the blackout and if you had a uniform on it was the passport for Granted in this case the police had been alerted which put three strikes on most of them before they ever started and credit must also go to the police forces for some fast work If these men had been escapes from a prison camp or just plain it is proof that their freedom would have been shortlived Just a passing thought but we wondered if there were any mem bers of the army who were out on a genuine pass during this period and how they convinced an inquisitive policeman that their papers were all in order and not forged A World Of Pleasure Reading The Key to a Changing World will he the theme of the eighth Canadian Library Week commencing on March and last ing until April These modern times are a tremendous challenge and an enormous task for the libraries Canada With a population which has gone over the million mark our evergrowing population must assume its impor tant role in a changing world Canadian Library Week points not only to the need for more and libraries hut also to the plight of mankind if reading Canadians continue to docile about this age of automation A library cannot operate on charity and still play it3 part in this automated space age This is easily recognizable if one looks at the price of alone It has been estimated that average cost of a technical book of which libraries need so many is per book Another report shows that libraries are paying average of from to for nil other types of tiooks Today Canadas and indeed the very existence of the world depends on the degree to which its people form the habit of reading to discover to intelligently interpret and weigh ideas and to reflect on the history civilization and history of past ages If you or your children are not yet members of a library there is a mil being missed in your home In Newmarket for its size there is one of the better library facil ities for the asking all this knowledge and information is free Our parents and grandparents found reading a wonderful way to relax and learn long before television and even radio was considered a vital bile of winter and the eve- the dark- old abandoned Pity For A Principal of a very few whim I fed deeply sorry for high school principals Its the lime when they have to bidding on livestock in the form of teachers for next fall Lets put you gentle reader into the hoots of one of these sterling chaps for a few minutes And lets say you have a staff of GO at the moment And lets any you know whether youre going to have or students next well so far only two people have officially resigned Any clod could hire two teachers Unless of course extra SOU kids all equally qualified have been gunning for the position No mat ter which gets it all the others will quit in dudgeon You have just heard that your Home Economics teacher the one in charge of teaching gills lu cook planned the menu for the meeting of the Unfulfilled Club And came do- with food poisoning One of the ladle staff pregnant You are fully aware that Ma demoiselle Tartuffe of the French department had an unfortunate affair basketball coach them will be the has just blown up worth of equipment and two students during an experiment which com pletely justified your opinion of his knowledge of the subject Little Miss the teacher just one of college is having discipline problems You discovered this when you walked limbing out the window Investi gation revealed Miss Muffet hang ing upside down a boy holding each leg They were testing the wind velocity they explained us ing her hair as a weathervane the director of your Technical the director of your department was in hospital with bums after trying to The grapevine has informed that Mrs Billings the old fail ful in the History been hitting the eiipr since with the waitress The bead of your Maths men old refuses tench the New Mathematics have anything to do with it be cause Its ii lot of nonsense the English Uncut is rife with strife Since the unfortunate demise of Mr Wiley the department head A lit I this love to fire because of incompetence emo tionalism idealism being loo fat or plain laziness If you jump in too nobody will ret up with the Hoard right and and youll re teachers elf No No No This Is not a model This is all the house you can get in your pricerange now As a result quite a few prin cipals these days are trending the thin Hue of lunacy They fiiart at shallows They quail when they see it teacher looking surly They with unconcealed honor at Mis swelling waistline They flinch when teacher knocks their door They pour nil on troubled waters urn their harks and find that somebody has tossed a mulch Into the mixture Hard luck chaps and good hunt THISWlEK AND NEXT By Ray Scandal That Snowballed In addition to the many ques tions for which Mr Justice will seek answers in his inquiry into the affair of there is an even more important one which con be answered only by the Canadian people The question is this Have the Liberals and Conservatives plung ed Canadian politics into such a morass of scandal that the slate can be wiped clean only by the removal of not just the party lead- era but several of their key lieu tenants The death struggle in which Mr Pearson and Mr have been locked for he past five has seen Parliament skid continu ously down the precipitous slopes of demagoguery and disgrace When the Liberal cabinet pass ed its setting up the inquiry it directed only that Mr Justice in vestigate the charges made by Justice Minister These charges as all the country now knows were basically lhat one or more Conservative cabinet min isters had endangered Canadas security by associating with a wo man who had allegedly engaged in espionage before her arrival in Canada in the 1950s The maimer in which the charges were blurted out as sequence to the Oppositions attack over the Victor Spencer security case can only be described as incredible One must wonder whether Mr Cardins outburst was a spur-of- themoment retaliation for the un ending onslaughts of Mr or whether it was part of a carefully laid government plot to destroy the Tory chieftain Davie the Conservative Minister of Justice lime of he alleged indiscretions his Mid he had been warned week earlier the Munsinger case would he raised If he Tories per- slsled in heir attack on Gov ernments handling of Ihe Spencer case Mr Iavreau Min ister denies the charge that he tried to blackmail Tories The shocking disarray in which Parliament now finds itself has been building up ever since the debacle of 1962 Stiil determined to regain office he must take much of the respon sibility for the state of affairs which Mr Pearson accurately described as a frightening lion It was it culmination the PM said of many sessions carried on in an atmosphere of extreme partisanship bitterness ami ten- The country must of coitrs told whether the Cardin charges have any in fact whether Tory Cabinet ministers did or did not endanger national security and whether Mr Diefenbaker ns prime minister dealt negligently with information at disposal These are the main points to which Mr Justice will address himself But the fact remains that to the time of the appointment of the inquiry not a shred of had been produced by Mr Cardin that any of his charges had any foundation in fact There is a well established pi governing the functions the department of justice When an offense is suspected the depart ment calls on the police to evidence If the evidence in tht opinion of the department is 3of to warrant charges charges are laid and the mattei goes to the courts lelhod- sharp contrast to by Mr He went much further afield than he issue of national security and ques tioned private morals of mem bers of Parliament Including one now dead who cannot defend him self After another week of uproar in Parliament Canadians could only conclude that the work of seii destruction has been well and completely done If it is true Mr has committed political suicide history may also judge him the destroyer of both his leader along with his hated enemy John Letters To The Editor What ever happened to the introduced system of streets just as per On lvo different week parking ticket residential is are about the meter Mil clicked to viola tion One person was told by the bylaws officer that he would lose bis job if he didnt hand out more tickets He suggested that council was dissatisfied with the lack of income from parking infractions A second person who was about lo drive away from a meter was given a ticket When ho com plained the bylaws officer said else you This attitude is a far cry froi I understand that County Council recently passed bylaw lcslnctiiiK on Davis Drive from Street to Dr Why should parking meters placed on residential streets I understand meters on streets but in front of homes and iipai is another story Where are these people to park their ears Some have to walk several blocks day and night to pick up their vehicles in order to avoid a ticket If this attitude by Newmarket officials continues people should refuse to pay the fine and take the How long would Hie bylaws of ficer last if he had to most of bis working day in court fight ing parking tickets Its about time a little com mon courtesy came back to this J parking problem Ticketedtodeath THE ERA Serving Northern York County Since for two Circulation Authoriad Aurora I Tonga Si I