The Newmarket Era Wed April 1 Most School Areas Face Increased Mill Rates I King township public rale credit based buildings debentures the various schools and Union City King rates this The remaining ichools high At King City the lal of 2007 is mils residential mills Amount raised is a drop of down lower BoltonKing with no a decrease 04 i raising an Area 1 Kettleby Loss Is Heavy After King City Farm Fire I by flames sight I engulf April uninsured contents were destroyed by the blaze Farming lh King City De velopments Ltd property Mr lost a new combine implements in and his light el the Iji door to left the el spreading e KlnB fire only watch the house Nothing could be done to r anything inside Dave Glass emit barn door to go to th he saw a light in the lighting turn- went back In but in Area to has commercial residential 1944 Banks high of 1033 v if 34 milts an average The commercial ii mills and resl of HI and mills an Increase of evidential rale is a double from King City Churches Plan Easter Services fine Sunday lor Rev related April when tory of how the vicar of Abide With Me arly lBOoVhs provided by the parish hat day when the vicar- r died two months after losing the ageless t With Me The mixed choir and the joys choir sang a suitable inthem Special mist Howard the choirs of some ices on Palm Sunday and children aged six to Presbyterian Church from church hoof King City- The direct- i Mi- legg with Mis less On Sunday ii riiBlnri Believe by llii- Kirk Robert A I Council is Concerned Over School Crossing Vandorf News The Unit of home of Mrs Joy SO members in attendance a Kingdon presiding The t were pertaining Donald liushol Discussions on for further The Afternoon I THE 0DE0N Theatre Newmarket Fill SAT Matinees daily pm luring Euster Week Ernest ana Ills NAVY ADDED HIT ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS Newberry Award SUN MON TUBS DAYS Walt Disney Presents AND THE DETECTIVES Recommended or the entire family Starts Wed April The Three Stooges in THE OUTLAWS IS nil the same program The Rounders Starring GLENN and HENRY FONDA pm and 835 pm School System Causes Rate Increase In King Twp Council Contracts For Two Hew Police J C Smith King City News wo months t We by lartmnit in nf le I pbLin si by Pine Antiques Theme of Talk Given to was ST JOHN AMBULANCE Starling nl THIS COURSE OPEN Good Friday TIL 7 PM VANS FISH CHIPS Groceries FISH CHIPS FRYING HOURS 8952148 Prospect St NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY PAYMENT PLAN BUY ON TIME Open An INSLEY Budget Account Now Cliff STYLE LEADER Clothiers is a new What makes a new different A new is different in many 1 Willi new will receive FREE LUBRI CATION for miles with every service Willi a new you receive a month or mile FULL WARRANTY on lie power train provided he car Is viced by us at regular intervals as stipulated in the factory ma schedule J I FAFF MOTORS LIMITED only factory trained licei mechanics Service on your new PFAFFVOLKSWAGEN is done by experts only I VOLKSWAGENS are serviced on our premises There are no inconvenient trips out of town necessary A full lank of gasoline is included with delivery of every there arc many thing you new VOLKSWA You wont see ilirly flmi- wheel etc We are Iirauil of our KSW II ink Hits rr Utter We like to the new habit forming after youve bought one See and drive a new PFAFFVOLKSWAGEN today at H J PFAFF MOTORS LIMITED Authorized Volkswagen Dealer Highway at Eagle Street