Page At Legion Warriors Win North York Midget Title hockey team In our midst Its The local hockey guided by Jim Kelly Harold Clarke captured the Trophy in an Optlm Special a pair well Don Cowell clicked for the championship goalie Optimists Now In Final Series when they The Fertilizer Trend Optimists Win Holders Weather Delays Start Bantam Game whi Stars 7A p JSii7 Minors Finals For April 15 YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE WEEK PEOPLE RECEIVE KETS FREE Each week tor 2li weeks there will appear in Ihe aiher- on this names anil addresses of lucky people in thiourea If name should appear anil you locale alt you are asked to do is clip the ad ami present il at THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS office You will receive sliest tickets In Theatre or to Ihe Howl whichever you COMING IN APRIL Suhjecl to alteration THEATRE CHARLES LTD WALLPAPER SERVICE Moored Ait it AURORA BEAR ALIGNMENT SIMMONS SHOES CHILDREN OFF J FARR MOTORS LTD tele Crippled Child YVONNES SALE WOLFS Service