It The Era it Express MALE HELF WANTED Local firm expanding f New market requires bright young man Experience not necessary but a to loam 400 monthly Apply with full par- Era and Express Welder acetylene only ex- one who wants to work in a small shop Nixon and Co or York Driving School reqtiirt another Instructor The cant lelected will be In obtaining a licence end will be full trained This is permancr it ion in an expanding the applicant should FEMALE HELP WANTED WORK Unemployed would like Phone S Apply Top for ass A S OPENING Tor us salesmen one in Bradford Hast- ally at Kins HELP WANTED Mane woman seme HI Full Koch Bookkeeper for office raw A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER FOR NEWMARKET AREA arc willing to pay WORTH miry draw exceptional up to in ir Tins opening in is worth jnl mud to the right man South- Si Fort Worth 1 Lost in the LomePark Ave or- llrwiird FARM i I Information and I reliable Come in and talk Newmarket phone I clipping a specialty poodle TOUR DOG Helling out GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE Ticket Agency for BOAC Reservations for Sea Air Tours and Cruises ST Call Collect 2855782 RICHMOND HILL The Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF EAST a Special Hate for Street Lighting NOTICE THAT The Council of the Cor poration of the Township of East Intends to apply to The of llsllliR AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT BOOK NOW EUROPE July to An London only NEWMARKET TRAVEL SERVICE 8956131 SALE REGISTER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JAN J BUS CULBERT Township LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Oldham from New Iciiinn to oroxinnteV iixi lbs each Phone Sutton Pigs for sale also Hoist din heifer due this month Phone Bradford NOTICE TO CREDITORS late of the lllajc 01 landing In the I he of York on or the iimkMtRiW East General Ho annie Si Ave ml tn beloved IN MEMORIAM 3 secondly parts of j in 1MB t on Hie eternal