Farming Report by At Wall Of Ontario To Hold Annual Meeting United Coo for nil ihe depending ARTS GARAGE Limited DEALER We will pay per annum on all cash received on purchase of NEW TRACTORS and tillage equipment until April NEW BALERS until June 1 NEW COMBINES and Swathers until July 1 1965 ill also pay per tradeins special ingredients First of all potting soli be well drained so that the medium does not become sour To this end use sand or gravel vermiculite or nil more or less inert sub- run and good passage of air Next they must have mils or organic matter which will hold the soil moisture in adequate quantities for the roots to assimilate To Is all hu mus or add welldecayed leaves which are similar in decomposed le you mix this or sand and have had good mixtures of half and half sand to a gallon of Feed New ShurGain Dairy Silasupplement A If dairy cows are receiving high levels Dairy Silasupplement A silage feed SHURGAIN Dairy A fed at balances the low protein corn silage Dairy A pro vides adequate levels of all necessary nutrients to insure top production from every cow in the herd Make more profitable use of your top corn silage You need only ad Dairy A Now available at the dairy feeds For Service and Information Caw Dike Mount Albert J A DENNIS Holland St Bradford MAPLE FEED MILL Vitamin needs Wo He evidence now that usable form In Addition cattle in on corn silage and heavy hay eaters they used to be Herd Has Silver Medal Bull The Jersey bull Supreme Very is just been designated a Sil Medal bull by the Cana Jersey Cattle Club h production of Of his four rs three have Silver Medal bull was bred by Robinson Sons of Station New Bruns- and is owned and has used In the herd of Cecil orison Sons of Queens- He Is a son of Campburn Really Royal Excellent Superior and Cen tury Sire with 148 tested that average si milk 501 lbs fat and classified 8767 His dam is Sunny loyal qualified Royal lbs milk three Medal Do- years day- in days of lbs milk fat per cent Royal Very fat Royal Sonnet Very Good with a record at one year 356 days in 305 days of 8383 milk lbs fat Ottawa Seeks Provision For Farm Unemployment report that the Hays of Agriculture would soon be introduced employment Insurance for acted so quickly on Ontarios The Honourable Mr Stew- position In which were placed in the labour market because employ HEARD Tins ONE Minister on the pi St the dead full of if there isnt for t The annual be hold mid the Royal York Hotel morning reports will be presented by Harr During tlon me election of represents- for Zones and will be held followed by an by Dr J K Stern difference ranging lin need to think that cattle fairly well vitamin supplements that arc definitely minerals cattle to up Cattle Church News Andrews Presbyterian On Saturday Dec 12 at of the Sunday School will have a Christmas parly There will be a film others interested are White Gift Sunday will be observed in the Sunday special programs at the in Newmarket i Toronto On Sunday The Newmarket I meetings for directors at large will fttto be made A liquet will be held at pm Syl Culver Junior Farmer Association will give a report day morning when proposed The will be cedents lunch- THY TOIklVS 1 1 in Now better than ever Sea for yourself Take a handful of your fingers Smell it Even It uniformly textured and palatable And thats a starter For real proof put find It to work on ly for Ontario farmers by your feed research largest in North America In Ontario and States nutritionists and feed specialists trained It Modi America In Ontario and throughout the United sand feed specialists trained to recognize your Cooperative network of laboratories had plants strictest quality standards Their aim to fanning e rewarding a successful every Year TVtorfai NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOPERATIVE the lougheit obi fl for trouble free cutting DEMONSTRATION TODAY SMITHS FEED SEED 1730oo Tata a good who give you with a 196a Custom Volkswogen Adjustable bucket tea Is Backrest adjusts Windshield washers Independent lors on bar suspension A new gas heater hot realty Worts Even An aircooled engine or bailor traction Spring operated front hood Vinyl headlining on the ceiling And we also give yew the best aanrfe H J Motors Authorized Sales Service St at Eagle Newmarket