Sport sM Bradford Melmen Win Take Commanding Lead Bradford Expressmen commanding lead in termed sale A finals the Bradford third lurry scoring from Bob Ha sard and Mo Richart sons snapped a Gary completed Bradford scoring Richardson fired the pass I gast relayed J tally funs mid themselves by scoring two goals seven seconds early in the sec ond period to tie the score unlit the unfolded their four goal third period Bob Hawkins Jack Lauder and Jim scored Dun- Are you making the most of all these Banking Services Your branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce offers a complete range of banking serv ices Here are a fa examples All you do is transfer an agreed amount easy an agreed at regular intervals SAFETY DEPOSIT She ifest place for alt i You can also fh ho Bank of Commerce Jo keeping no Just soma of the- many services offered by of Commerce for lull details visit your branch Let the Bank that Builds simplify business of banking for CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you DYER MANAGER Newmarket Shopping Plaza Davis Drive Fastball Loop Needs Entries Hughes Shell he Aurora entry to by Allen Acrl accepted it The Metro ear will go with fasti pitching feet leave with the pitch Curling Chatter Rob Clarke and REDSKINS TIE HORNETS IN FINALS Richmond Hill Hornets wound Dave Kelly Mil and Pel into the won the in Rntpli MeNabbs Trophy tosboiough rink me trough subbing I Houston md Clinic- I w title match in he edged Harold and Trophy Ed Jones Kurtz meet in the LADIES SOFTBALL TO HOLD MEET APRIL 28 in the Que I wish lol mi I Albert Zephyr New Comets Wait For Ont Finals Keswick Cornels Ion hi lie were Gary a Unco goil In in two complete Ihfi Optimists In Bantam Finals Newmarket Optimists m Hockey the Opt Optimists period dip first peri i il a three point Figure Skating Club Annual Meet May 11 The annual meeting market Era Wed Apr PrltchardRlnkln Miami Greens Lead Skip Rob and his led and tested helpers Willis Fred Godfrey and Bruce Eves defeated Del Gibney 139 and Harry 310 to shoot Into a com- other lass SPRING REXALL 1C SALE SATURDAY STORE GOODMANS AUTO PARTS LTD A Complete Stock Of Parts For CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS Machine Shop Service PHONE 8952341 Est 1933 Davis Drive Newmarket Ontario A TIRE FOR EVERY PURPOSE BATTERIES ACCESSORIES ON THE FARM TIRE SERVICE COMPLETE ROAD SERVICE VULCANIZING RETREADING EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING CARSTRUCKS GLENDALE TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT HANDS TIRE SALES LTD Davis Drive Phone 8952961 J Hello Hello fun and flash and flair GOO Sports Coups one of the Total Performance Fonts Bull in Canada the car with the winning ways Youll love its family room and comfort its rich interior trim and stylo And wait till you try zip and zoomit sets a pace that leaves competition behind I Beautiful sensible with a sports car feeling all its own in sedans and wagons I Hello blue skies hello living Five Total Performance FORDS MUSTANG FALCON FORD THUNDERBIRD BRAD WALKER MOTORS Ltd 567 Davis Drive 8954541 ITS FUN TO DRIVE A WINNER SEE YOUR FORD DEALER