METRO WRECKING and used lumber oil tanks I Hill plumbing soil pipe doors oil Clearing new glazed sash OPEN till Saturday South off Mark hum Rd Phone Deliveries Arranged tf till THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP Tor coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective remedy for the relief of bron chitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket tf pick up Prescription Open angle sled material Phone Newmarket milt scoot hp generator cost East of AVAILABLE Notice to Farm Trade lave vour tractor radiator re before the spring rush ROWLANDS RADIATOR Fairgrounds Newmarket Phone NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE COOP WELL DIGGING HELP WANTED iipjy office hook Used WANTED BUY Antique Phone 80S Ss Mo WANT T Rill OR TRADE Phone Queen SERVICES SPRING CLEANING SEPTIC TANK SERVICE JOHN VELEMA EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS REUPHOLSTERING SIDNEY PEACOCK FOR RENT live phone ability tea lime dice or I May 1st In I truck body build no painter WoodbridEc phone Assistani Storekeeper WEED INSPECTOR CORPORATION OF THE Town of Newmarket IMll 11 I offices Cooperation resfdent of Newmarket Bradford Inquire in W R CASE Realtor 06 South Aurora Toronto own of Newmarket necessary Fa and up weekly Full School Section No King Township Inquires teacher for Grades MINIMI Mr V I- riiin me No King Cify LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Austin A door sedan I Phone Newmarket Machine Operators Stickers Shapers and Assemblers for woodworking line Please phone Mr K Marcus PRODUCTS LIMITED long Queens Phone by the undersigned i on or before April All applicants mu keep for widower or a Owner sick Mil handling for loco of I lOiij Hodge SI full price Coach SI Sedan Coach monthly Moumh Sedan V License No 40 monthly A Phone Richmond HIM PASTURE WANTED Private pasture for of heifers J monthly Mount Albert cow second calf York available Super llirnuRlinut Reply statins qualifications HI 473 I salary to Mr I GREENHOUSES iiiliii- HELP WANTED I960 I Phone 8956265 housekeeper for me near Mr month Walker High complete Phone Z Man work of an lit- lions day e Will day care lo child KLS J- L FOR X Leaving for Europe 9 and 1957 Ford Standard ii TRUCKS FOR SALE Keswick wl Stake nick good fliti WO Ilimu FiK Keswick IT oneIon truck Fargo to pel up low PI one market FARM FOR J A l 1 A IIY I HICK this thrifty feed con i livibiliti You lop Clucks ivInt or starlet fiiinr Arnold etc Our information proposed trip The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone PAY NOW GO LATER ALWAYS a Comae Voyag cost less than you think GO PLACES WITH US ECONOMY TRAVEL AGENCY KESWICK Phone NOTICE TO CREDITORS irkel art hereby pur to the Art ilh day 1 due the o will i of tiled only to the have notice DATE J at tin liv or A Vale and Main Hospital id LOST YOUR We also pets available North York Humane Society open to public weekdays anna clipping Phone Hun WAN II iid jar ride to New innT LOST Newinnrket PERSONAL GARBAGE COLLECTION TENPER Township of Whitchurch nd for the stale Oak Ridges Page Era Express Apr Town of Newmarket TENDER FOR ROAD MATERIALS Sealed Tenders plainly mark ed is to their contents will lie received In Town Clerk Mi Street Newmarket mill on TUESDAY APR1I 10111 r and of ill or pari of he followlnc to the Town within the the diicelion posts step ladders barrels Porcelain top kitchen table Forks shovels palls bare chains bags Many other articles too nu merous to mention Home Electrical Appliance 15 en fl Pantry elicit type freezer nearly new and good electric Crushed road gravel by Ion range with Jeep well lie near new and good electric refrigerator EAST WHMMBURY TOWNSHIP Take Notice Thai 1 Council of the of Township struclcd as a improve electric barret pull inbeani electric fry pan electric console televijion other appliances lamps Ifouscliold Effects limit I fit 11 No and from to 110 and Outfall cost of the work of nil lo lars is be paid for The rate foot is The he I I oclock In the loon at tln Council Oil in Ihe Hall rcr for the complaint- table floor Maple cuds ant Oak oval top drop leaf bridge Telephone table with side seal by the Ihis Seventh day of and rack wall pictures mirrori flay bed couch and spring maltresaC bedroom wardrobe Implement- the Indu iduallj designed rfwis Wanted Itv price a poultry Best Write or phone 2941020 Mark allied pages for fast results ANONYMOUS 8959528 in In lb cognisable by the His ventb day of and garden entire choice household fie glassware effects etc the prop- JANS ship on Si Aurora known as APR Wicker rocker and arm chair Med la mi Set of full length flowered fled limps and pictures colored drapes with match- size painted bed wilh Willi hitch all l leclhiiiow and snow plow Hi r odd pieces of farm 1115 bales of good bales of sir feed bin with 10 hags chop thine with piece twin bedroom wilh double dresser and bedding blankets etc ironing board working set bowli her household Iron kettle Wire fencing Jet deep well pur Pam draw rope fork gals fuel tank itii Ken Rales Man mt it fitn ans Prentice inlurv to the public in with this auction