market Era ft Express Coming Events night Keswick Arena sponsored by the Keswick Optimist Club Jackpot Dancing every Saturday night Prizes and lunch Friday April 17 SI games United Church BOYD LTD appliance full west side rick pood h fireplace 1 ESTATE FOR SA FORECLOSURE brick hot oil heated home with 300 highway frontage ground- Power of Sale financing MRS CARTER in Centre SI Richmond Hill J A AND SONS LTD Realtors JOSEPH REAL ESTATE front for thi farce lot Thi home is in very good repair and has ter- income mobilities ins down will buy Avenue brick stone fireplace dining area REAL ESTATE i I REAL ESTATE I Brandon and Hopkins value all bungalow with a rage very mode builtin Mir completely finished St Ranch stvl- hid rooms piece mill entrance leads to J garage and full with hirer re at Price Wins nek on in room and bath on second REAL ESTATE BROKERS NEWMARKET 510300 Attractive bungalow well landscaped lot in schools etc Asking whip i n This Good spotless 3500 down West Side Bungalow finished room of imhidrrFiill price ise on Que CHARLES E BOYD LTD CASE Realtor Solid In bungalow good bedrooms large boards hardwood and and drapes ascent brick with lath Newmarket s kitchen and 10 friiit treeV On paved hie S 14900 wilh NEWMARKET HOLLAND LANDING 1ft on Main St Open loof mrs mason a Lepage REALTOR CASE Realtor Handy Husband Needed H STILES found iiilc Brick bungalow tns ft lot Asking prlc Down il Area 4Bedroou ace s gliding the features homes priced MORTGAGE MONEY Ncwmiirkct ill Widen situated on high of Keswick Phone level large kit willi mahogany cup nil forced air it Full price 14000 Licence This vev designed ill and family home If Ir down brick Newmarket HOUSE FOR RENT or all modern Modern immediate miles Phone APARTMENTS FOR Now Renting PARK VIEW APARTMENTS Bachelor Apartments for and ym I May possession a TV Connections in Call 1 IlKIIU NURSING HOME ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE nursing home under of a Iliplil Newmarket and hoard Phone i NURSING HOME NURSING Phono THE HOME AWAY FROM HOME MORTGAGE LOANS BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUST MERCHANDISE Brandon Hopkins dining niirl living liled 111200 sit Main 4hi it f main street or ill II molded plywood I ARTICLES FOR SALE DIABETICS All types insulin always for your protection Complete slock of syringes tes tapes and tablets Prescription We deliver rheuin tor arthritic sm sciatic pains Phono MENS ROYS CLOTHING On Easy PAYMENT PLAN To ray Newmarket Company i thine who inkle Arch bells Best SA which St rat ton Will ifft fidiMa tors I t lon while wash Phone Newmarket Phone complete with motor Phone jumper well to Phone Newmarket or apply all chrome with COUNTRY HOME for pinpeily w v iiuuu mum si Hill civ kEl I tuiiiM 111 Ncwmarko ilni h 111 I find ditnrbiiuos fur yens adults BOND LAKE FURNITURE St Oak DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATE lepth Up ispll Hal Color 50 AnVERTl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE IS words lie per week phoned in of ii I mi il I 1 l hi SI fur Salutation plus a litis- Art t it into Dominion Bank Bank and Trust Newmarket It ink Commerce Keswick Bank may be phoned in to or left at he Kim and sprigs office Charles St the mail f ilnirlj indicated Landing Sharon TOLL