Pa I In ft Express Wed- Not ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED Bonier electric good condition good condition Decorations Highest Nursery Phone Carrier boys black a quitted For Christmas MUSIC S ranged free demonstrations phone SERVICES AVAILABLE i office EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS REUPHOLSTERING All hinds Chesterfields Chain etc Guaranteed Workmanship SIDNEY PEACOCK Phone Newmarket MALE HELP WANTED LIVESTOCK FOB SALE heifers ated Electric Corpoi Era and Express in Au- corporation of the Town of Newmarket CLERKTYPIST designed Dec t 1363 for Typist Portion offers day week Bookkeeping machine Grant Blight Clerk Street Box NEWMARKET DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Applications should be sub milled by November include full alary expected MALE HELP WANTED LICENSED MOTOR Required Town of Newmarket Dispatcher Required for Police Office applications market Apply Amalgam FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON ATTENTION WOMEN Without any experience by local Express box Experienced house liberal time off Phone ly each month John Holsters heifers 1958 Volkswagen good condi tion reasonable must sell Apply St phone be sold Phone first calf vaccinated St Phone Newmarket Hiking machine si close and Januar December Vaccinated heifer phone Keswick Yorkshire due Nov Robert Smith BR MACHINERY TEACHER WANTED TEACHER PRINCIPAL if Newmarket Wanted NICKS DEAD STOCK SERVICE FOR FAST SERVICE PHONE Oxbridge 8523319 coiled days a week service NICK ANTONS TV RADIO Service Electronic Organ Seme Newmarket and DAVISON BUILDERS RECREATION ROOMS REMODELING REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES PHONE repai Experienced mother HELP WANTED COUNTY OF YORK STENOGRAPHER Applications will be receive by the undersigned until J Smith Clerk Ave Newmarket farm woman for part- day work Monday and Accounting than your family needs and boss yourself in need you and will help slim 35 residents This is one of Canad leading financial established enthusiastic and like to Phone Hudson qualify for confidential people Phone Hudson 9- to qualify for or wrife Box No press Newmarket STATIONARY ENGINEER Required to operate high Newmarket plant manager Phone handling books Office work to do at home phone TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE NURSES UNIFORMS MAKE US AN OFFER No Reasonable Offer Refused INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER STORE PETS FOR SALE 1936 station we Tee Nee boat Ite Keswick SALE REGISTER Thursday Nov of purebred Ay shire Tborah Twp 2 it rl 1 ton head of cattle Ik cows open heifers No reserve as is giving up farming CORPORATION OP THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE Take notice that proposed umber topping otter Sh ipened and bribed projection Bylaw Number 2140 respect ing the stopping up of that part of Cotter Street which it now opened and more par ticularly described as lying the projection of the southern limit of Saturday WANT TO BE A HAPPIER DRIVER LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA sale of household furniture the property of the late Mrs Byron Stiver to be held in the village of Mount Albert con sisting of refrigerator electric stove highback antique couch Boston rocker platform rocker antique chest of bedroom suites full Terms cash clerks Reg Johnson hard- carbureters Is FINANCE COMPANY SALE finance company the TROPICAL FISH POODLES Quality puppies usually avail ling poodle GOING OVERSEAS The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone on Highway Chacoda Riding Club Newmarket civ WOOD FOR SALE Dry for Mount Albeit GLOBE Ticket Agency for BOA KUU CALL COLLECT AT Nights USED CARS FOR J good Harold Bray It Mercury hardtop good i Phone Newmarket 2w4 ictior Larry John Wednesday Nov pleic dispersal tion sale of herd accredited listed v perly of Ronald 1 Stiver Terms cash Sale a Catalogue BIRTHS Jimska On Wednesday Oct 30 1663 at Milwaukee to Mr and Mrs formerly of ket a daughter Ellen prpjet said Lot 1 Plan 85 Town Newmarket will be con by the Council of Town of Newmarket on about the day of after as may be desirable And that all persons may object to the passing of said Bylaw Number 2140 whose land may be affected thereby file their objections in with the Clerk of the Town of Newmarket on or before said 25th of November Clerk CORPORATION OP THE Town of Newmarket BYLAW NUMBER A Bylaw to provide for the taking of votes of the eh following question North c2w46 Saturday Id the late Mrs will be hi Hie village of Canning shot- ernfiritor bedroom suite of books liners household furniture of the late Mrs Burgess will be held llage of Can in the Queens hotel Tin LITTLE Volkswagen FOR SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES 957 coach Riley 26 Litre pickup va engine International Harvester 85 George St Newmarket 1SCELLANEOUS ANONYMOUS Hydro poles and tf4C Si MOTORCYCLE SALE North Davis D a Hawk Sport full price only Scooterclte clutch can be and other makes to a week for Motorcycles phone NORTH GWILLIMBURY NOTICE Ill tilt which the 19S4 taxes will be As Which th based will hold its first sitting on Tuesday December 1963 at am in the Township Markham No clerk Frank PUBLIC NOTICE RE SNOW REMOVAL 1963 and 1984 BYLAW NUMBER 60S SING a Bylaw to provide Village of law of the trustees of the PO 1 The occupants of Hidings within the limits of it- Village of illo shall clear away sidewalks on the highways of the Police expense of th Are Deborah Lynn Hospital I i Tuesday Oct IE am in Si Paul Church Ncwmartajll Florence Norine daughter Of Mrs William Simmons Newmarket and the late Wil liam Simmons wai united in marriage to Mr Clif- Mr and Mrs Harold Jar Sharon Ont Stanley Albert All Stanley Albert Breulsyl 73rd year beloved t I of Harriet Horner of Mai Kincnrdir t Taylors his year beloved t Horner dear brother of Maude Mrs Carman of Kincardin of Tuesday Cemetery officials of Newmarket January 1 1965 therefore day of December 1963 2 That the Clerk be tructcd to publish a notice his bylaw in the local PASSED this day A Kent Mayor Grant M Blight Clerk CORPORATION OF THE Town of Newmarket BYLAW A Bylaw to taking of votes the establishment of for the support of and in aid visable I question to the Are you ling Byla provide Bylaw Number be used for p port of a it I bands led by tax breach of the shall forfeit convicting Magistrate a per not exceeding sum Fifty Dollars 5000 day February AD 1955 Morley Andrews Village Trustees CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET BYLAW No sable to require that the Mimic of the Town 1 That from and after the first day or January all signs overhanging the road or sidewalks on Main Street in the Town of Newmarket shall be removed PASSED this Iltb day of 2nd day PASSED this day of M Blight TENDERS TENDERS FOR STOKER COAL larked as lo contents w by the coal required by District I for Tender i by Newmarket District High ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Starr Susan Ann to Simpson ham A Kent Mayor United Grant Blight In fond wing Hirst who from this earth Nov y things have small war I Every day in Memories of you i Though absent you are evef till missed loved missed by daughter Art Dawson grandchild Douglas Jim and Jacque- on Nov hand Master place for loved and missed tip Sweetly tender fond we do not think ill and family Page- Earl mav think the little know lh In to Dear God lake a Tell him how much And give him all our Nov Allan Arthur just over the hilt Many a lonely heartache But always a beautiful Kenneth CONTINUED end Brian WS COL