North Gwillimbury News freshments will be served by In the discussions Re to the croup part in other means Secretary Thomas Deer Park presentation to Mrs Daw- Beach The final selection re suited in a mixed council three schools he subject number of on the of lake Tern in the Territorial dis south of and includin an Monday Oct 23 The sec- steady increase in membership for the purchase of best sellers and a host held a Remembrance the North Em b Hot by Rev Arena and Optimist Club John Phillips I Bruce Welsh one of the Youve only got til Friday- to deposit money In BRITISH MORTGAGE savings account computed from the first of November Thats right Deposit by Friday November 15th and earn interest from November 1st Put money in your present account Youre wise to save at BRITISH MORTGAGE where yon earn higher interest with chequing free stamped envelopes long office hours BRITISH MORTGAGE TRUST Telephone Rudy Reiter Manager 198 Main Street Newmarket yOU CAN CHOOSE THESE MANY OTHER DOOR PRIZES MCh cakes pies salads etc produced during donated by Unlaws DOOR PRIZE ALSO mixer g And to forth Savlngfauib and Iwo HEINZ VARIETIES HEINZ COUNTRY GOOD SOUP A CORN LIQUID DETERGENT CREAM CHEESE ALL VARIETIES 10 NO CALORIE SWEETENER BETTY CROCKER CAKE AND MUFFIN MIXES USTINGHQUSE EYE SAVING LAMP CHIPS PRODUCTS AND PRIZES COURTESY OF NEWMARKET HARDWARE SESSIONS DAILY FROM PM ST JOHNS PARISH HALL MAIN ST N NEWMARKET NOVEMBER 20 21 22