Tke Fcrm Scene In York Nov 16 the First Bull In Canada To Win PRI Gold Award Maple County Livestock Judging Com John Hope of ition Staff List 1963 Work Of Horticulturalists St been plan COOP Concentrates COOP 38 with high level vitamins A and D improves herd health increases conception rate builds sturdier calves increases milk production fortified with COOP Gainer Concentrate specially formulated for feed tot feeding With high level vitamins A and this concentrate is an excellent forage supplement extra Vitamins Wth coop Beef and Dairy Concentrates your cows are fed vitamins minerals and proteins of the highest quality High levels of vitamins A and have been added to ensure herd health and more profitable milk or beef production with benefit from home grown grains and roughages Like all coop feeds coop Dairy and Beef Con centrates are formulated from the highest quality ingredients and backed by the largest research organ ization in North America When combined with coop quality service and feed programraing they offer the ultimate in herd performance chrysanthemum show Christmas show this be held Wednesday in the Library is held on the second tors meeting is held ii month million in Mrs J Fa Max about volun- Tour Of British Isles Monday night Nov IB the films will byways of burgh Festi tish is billed Page The Newmarket Bra It Express Wed NaT The Charolais bull Carlo I by Central Ontario Cat- Breeding Association He is only the seventh bull COCBA Ontario beef bulls The Farm to PRI and feed full feed period When the eers are finished the carcas es are officially scored by Government graders These te the Or erformance Association Cattle heir Quality Meat Sir affiliated with Perform breeds of cattle purebred and their weight ige when slaughtered lbs Carcass quality be bought Farming Report by Wall The feeding of thought this winter lures this fall have stable feeding nee ess that there a important added to by think its before buying a better plaj supply by Corn used to get t problem but if the uddi healthy to start with It ca safely Corn can usually good Adjusted ribeye per hundredweight was per was Askew Houston was brought to Murray Little COCBA His Artificial Breeders Agree To Pool Sires NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP Schomberg 9392201 Sutton to be used Semen the facilities of the On the time to think about It Traditionally we have 16 percent ratio milking cows It doe of roughage varies early cut well saved hay to late cut weather vital no ad- milking than she needs Rates for feeding look too lie of feeding of milk has soma good prod when Its Sow producers When a gets on toward the end of lactation milking lbs a for Instance It will only off better to be more generous with the good milkers and more stingy with the low pro Our recommendat any herd depends in the gram to or that makes ration provide service dairy through ability of our your into a profitable yearly harvest see PIONEERS lUto Vic Sturdy Photo by ANNOUNCEMENT The directors of Central Ontario and Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associations are pleased to announce that they have agreed on a plan for JOINT OWNERSHIP OF BULLS HoUteins 21 with daughter proven above average for type of production Hereforda 23 performance tested 3 progeny tested Jerseys 3 with daughters proven above average for type or production 12 Shorthorns 5 performance tested Brown Swiss All from the famous Lees Hill herd Charolats 3 progeny tested one a Certified Meat 10 Milking Shorthorns 2 Red PoUs Ayrshire 5 with daughters proven above average for type or production Guernseys with daughters proven above average for type or production Service from this outstanding group of hulls will be avail able for the breeding programme in member herd of Central Ontario Cattle Breeding Association Central Ontario Awed