el all Snviat Nawmrkal and rural of North York stmt Our Readers Write regarding t the Emcrg- responsibilities t Si Newmarket in sad Limited Sutacrlpttes MM for two ISM for mm year In Mi Mtmbcr A WifkUtt of Canada Canadian Weekly Nrwipapti Audit Unreal el MatL Department THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY THE 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER NINET HUNDRED AND change or at least a very material one in the practice of the science of lure as it exists today The world has moved into the jet ago and is indeed on the verge of the nuclear one Therefore it may very well be that in the light of these rapidly changing times there wilt have to he a revamping of agriculture along with other Industries which have been stabilizing mainstays of the nations economy in earlier and less complicated times For certainly on the 1jhms of the fig ures available locally at the present time the trend is definite and unmistakable and it would be folly to ignore it To an increasing degree this populous and fer tile area is becoming an urban and Indus- trial one Factories and commercial en terprises arc springing up everywhere and to the extent that they arc doing so they ob ait displacing agriculture On the other hand there will always be a need for a substantial agricultural balance in the overall economic makeup of the county This is only sound com mon sense and the matter is one that should be engaging the attention of gov ernment civic and business leaders Too many areas in the past have put all their eggs in one economic basket and have lived to rue the day that they did so York County must not make that mistake and in the period of progress and advancement that lies ahead there must he due and adequate provision for main taining a healthy and ample agricultural community It may be that the emphasis will have to he changed and new practices and techniques introduced But if it is to continue to progress and advance through the years in a stable and practical man ner York utility must retain a strong agricultural community as one of the en during bases of its progress and pros perity Measures Organization is unfortunately not un usual This Is unfortunate thereby contusion The utilization of receiving wholehearted cooperation of our churches schools in dustry trade unions and a wide variety of community organizations This is sure ly the best proof that Buddings within make It desirable to fly a distinctive Canadian Flag received from another source of Information on this mat ter from Ottawa The Can adian Government can re quire Government offices to fly the particular flag which Is authorized but no one else can be compelled as this Is not a matter of breaking PRESERVE HUMAN RIGHTS Elsewhere in this issue appears a from Premier John referring to Human Rights Day which occurs this year on December 10 Needless to say we are glad to commend this communication to the thoughtful and sympathetic consideration of our readers particularly the younger ones to whom it should have a special appeal r It ta 14 years ago that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made and since that time over the years On tario governments have worked with dili gence to make the code effective the Premier quite properly and aptly points out the government has now brought all the pieces of legislation on this subject passed since 1944 together into a single an consolidated statute The scope of the Ontario Human Rights Commission has been enlarged a full time director and additional staff have been named and plans are under way for I an expanded educational program The premier also notes with a degree of gratification and satisfaction that this program is receiving active and whole hearted cooperation in churches schools industry trade unions and a great variety of community organizations The premier also serves a very use- purpose when noting such negations of human rights elsewhere as the Merlin Wall He points out that we in this country must not be blind to the walls of prejudice that exist right within our borders For that they do exist in many spheres is no secret and is one of the shames of this country There are reli gious and racial prejudices in more than one part of Canada There are color bars in some communities Newmarket and district are fortunate indeed that nothing of the nature exists in this lo cality But we cannot afford to be compla cent The matter is indeed far too seri ous to be complacent about We must unceasingly and unremittingly condemn Intolerance and bigotry in no matter what form they appear wherever they rear their ugly heads That is our mini mum duty as good citizens maintaining the basic democratic traditions of Ibis There he neither Jew nor Gen tile bond nor free That in the dictum given by the Man of Nazareth almost MO centuries ago That dictum is just as valid today as was voiced on the shores of the Sea of Galilee Today as Premier so truly and properly points out Ibis is a subject on which we must stand up and be count We must take our stand with men and women of good will everywhere to ensure equality of before the law and in society which should be the inalienable right of ever free bout citizen THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH The old order So the eayilig goes Latest information avail able at the offices or the Depart of Agriculture indicates this Is the cast in York County today particularly with re spect to the areas primary industry that down through the years has been one of he major mainstays of Its overall economy progress and pirns- While agriculture still bulks large in the economics of the area and is to be hoped that ibis mil continue to be the responsibility of each ship in their dally relation- Emergency Measures are truly enlightened social be- built around the existing demands It municipal services each of which has an emergency role InnjHy owned by the cities before towns villages and town- U8 ships which in the Province i Berlin Wall of Ontario are coordinated never cease to coi at the county level selves with now Ink- conformity with college students for is on the shoulders of the pie who have allowed ridiculous situation to officially declare O NOTICE TOWN OF NEWMARKET MUNICIPAL VOTERS LIST His Honour Judged II Moore will hold a court in the Municipal Office 171 Main Street Newmarket on the Kith day of November at the hour of oclock in the morning to hear and determine ill complaints which have been lodged with the Clerk with respect to errors and omissions in the 1002 Municipal Voters List this Hi day tike charity should Oh live in Jamaica Broughlon uman Rights Day be other things a lime The Era mid Express lain that We are Dear Sir From reports which have maples of the placed Ihdr seal County and other papers would tint the Coun ty of York lias no should the need arise recently trust you the pace Yours vcr A truly straight on few f Save The Queen 1 Lti HUMAN RIO nty of York this country nor is 1862 this country I ember loth An the Department of Sen of e Universal lary of stale dated Government that In the TAKE A DEFINITE STAND Tomorrow members of County Coun cil will vote on whether or not they favor legalized public lotteries in Canada the proceeds to go to hospitals and certain other designated public services The matter has been raised in resolutions passed by the United Counties of and Glengarry which have been cir culated asking to all coun ties in Ontario The matter was present ed York County Council in a resolution moved by J Dales of North a seconded by William Hodgson of King Township It is the duty of the members of County Council to make up their minds on the contentious subject It is not our purpose or intention to attempt to tell them what to do Any such move would he presumptuous We can however and do express the hope that they will give his important matter calm careful ami deliberate consideration lor it is a seri ous subject and the resolution should not be lightly dismissed out of hand on the basis of past bintea and prejudices GOODWILL One Owner TradeIns oramr low mileage macula till VAUXIIAM i 1R Radio MONARCH A equipment mileage Si ISM PLYMOUTH 1 11 1D5S DOOOH TON Of the for over the period of the past four or five years as indicated In fig ures and statistics on hand at the offices Of the Department of Agriculture show a changing emphasis which is hound lo have a very decided effect on the future economic and social development of the county What is happening here is quite probably true with respect to many other areas in Ontario that have been primarily cultural as well ami indicate- the li indeed the vital of maintaining dose watch on lhtse de veloping economic trends and then fnsh- toning programs and long range designed and tailored to properly with them Hie program for the future may well tell in fact there are informed suggesting that it does a complete todiii to the icqiknH of this county when a major hospital fund raising cam pnign is in progress For the proposal is that the suggested lotteries If the appropriate to Die Criminal Code is pushed should lie used provide financial support to such institutions and other designated worthy purposes The point assuredly merits fan consideration- There is another point that also should not enajie notice At tin- present liuiB tens of thousands of Canadians are buy ing lottery tickets to finance hospitals elsewhere Millions of dollars are there by going out of this nation and represent practically a total loss insofar as the economy of Canada is concerned These people arc technically at least breaking the law yet nothing is done about it lists of ticket holders drawing hordes and consolation prizes are printed in the stones about ha enough lodrtw rcil lo The buyer pi K hi Nothing whatever Is enforce the law whit stance becomes a hollow n sensible thing is to legislation which is a prat or else to repeal It effect- THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions natures heating systems and when it conies to home heating nothing is quite as good as safe dependable Esso Oil heat With you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best he very and most ileal healing fuel the very best and most reliable service Call your nearest Imperial Aeent today ml let him introduce you to that wonderful world of warmth DOUG NIGH AIUIITAOB ONI ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR