and Member of Bureau Circulation and Class A Newspaper Serving Newmarket end the rural districts of North York rear of publication every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Espies Company Limited Subscription to Heart Throbs Humor by Andre A Gambles S350 10c each Member of Clara A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association and the Audit 3urean Circulations Authorized as Second Class Hail tost Office Department Ottawa Era THE EDITORIAL PAGE The Express Herald Passing Glances THURSDAY THE DAY OF FEBRUARY AN IMPORTANT MATTER I Newmarket the Township of King the Planning Board are currently considering a blueprint for future de- velopment of what might broadly be termed the Newmarket Metropolitan area which will have a vital and far- reaching effect on its future Ah local Officials stress it Is important that each step in this integration process be care fully studied in all its implications so that no missteps may be made either in the initial or more advanced stages of the forthcoming development It Is good therefore to know that the local authorities are fully aware of the vital effect of the decisions they will be called upon to make in this matter and are making haste slowly obtain ing the benefit of all the expert advice and information available and making full use of the facilities provided by the Ontario Government There are those of whoa fori However the feeling of the responsible authorities is that careful thought and study must precede each move in the matter and this also appears to be the opinion of the Minister of Municipal Af fairs Hon Fred Cass in whose hands the official plan now is It should be stressed that this plan fa not something suddenly developed It is baaed on a growth trend study of the area affected covering a number of years and Is sufficiently flexible to meet chang ing conditions that the future may bring It is in effect a blueprint future growth and expansion prepared with a view to guiding the expanding Newmar ket and district of the future It is a program based on cooperation and parl- rather than compulsion and an nexation it being resized that each of the ha problems and rights The ones must be Appreciated and the others respected and It is on this basis that the various thoritics concerned are proceeding to deal with the situation It is a generally accepted principle in municipal government that planning is essential to orderly process and there fore it is good indeed to know that this is being done in a spirit of good will and cooperation in the local area We are that the benefits of the studies and steps now being taken will be reflected In increasing measure down through the A HIGHLY PROPER STAND who wlthou be to be hoped that their reprcsen this matter will fall on fertile Queens and will result j realistic setup than is the ens have an enervating effect and result in a lowering of morale on the part of those receiving it The proposed move would serve to increase the self respect of those affected and would be beneficial to the community as a whole BAD PUBLICITY Canada is a juvenile delinquent in world affair- Due to the unfortunate practice of scrambled articulation by our leaders in public affairs we have created this impression among the mature na tions who should be our best friends Spokesmen for good public relations have always pointed out that words are no substitute for deeds In the arena of press radio and TV where the public iB the judge of the spoken word our politicians make a poor showing They do not adequately prepare themselves for discussion on matters important to all people and accordingly make Canada look Their reaction to public criticism is to blame the press radio and TV Our elected representatives claim they were misquoted when they spoke out against the Common Market Subsequent events proved they were not they saw the error of their ways and changed their minds The present fiasco about Cuba is all due to the fact that our position has not been made clear We do less business with Castro and the trade is in food and drugs than the United States but the impression in the United States and elsewhere is that we are working hand in glove with the Com munist outpost off the coast of Florida Our politicians must recognize that their public utterances are made in the name of Canada Only by clear thinking and effective public expression can this country regain the position it held so long in world public opinion A WELCOME STATEMENT It is well that the chairmen of the York County Hospital Hoard and the York Central Hospital Hoard have issued a joint statement clarifying the functions of the two fine curative and treatment and the scope of their tions Tho re had some on is all to the good tl nit the record was straight with a in inimum of do 1 he Joint statement makes it clear as a matlor of fuel that the iganlzatton and in this county of Ontario if in deed it does not exceed that in any other the province en the major development completed Co of York is will have tho most complete and possible to provide is will lie a source of gratification to hospital and medical vitally important to the gen If It should he stressed that new regulations would lively small of relief and welfare assistance Moil of the people In llus Isieilv through no fault of It- work and not charily and anxious to earn the assistant pvj them They p work loielief and would gladli doll hare to ear the them at the expense of II tasptiers during their period of there are always we suppose human nature l will he days of tight economy when main I is payers are finding money hard to come by such people given a clear if suitable wink Is cut off public would not harm those play their part to best and as a matter of fact would probably do the comparative fen good as well acceptance of relief cannot hut oral wellbeing of any When tile projected of facilities has been com doted the resident f very pop area of Ontario will have at close ha ml modern facilities providing trenltnei it for any type of illness or malady There is one other point which should he made Ft matter how good they may arc at best only wood and atone and metal Their real value depends a the avail- ability of suitable trained p to utilize them and provide In this respect too the Is fortunate Members of medical and nursing professions a tlediialisl group of people train and fill ly qualified to carry out Inch important function in safeguarding Improving the health of the comiiuinilv With the assurance now given that patients from any pail of the county may bo direcled to the near suitable hospital by any duel or regard- 1 bo a dents of the area may reel a Hint they will receive finest in the most manner possible This is a welcome reassure nee and the members of the hoards of are to lie commended for having