Platform Rocker Cum Treasure Chest By Dorothy lwia there Is a rocker It should tan leaves on a dark back- had worked their evil spells on It to that now it Is no longer a thing of beauty It is t let me tell you about I to have been upholstered piece of brown drapes so popular in the later portion of Queen Victorias reign revealed was a sack Plymouth Twine ft SO lbs gross tare in Welland Can you ice lha against the polished wain il less horsehair I Beautiful GREEN STAMPS gg EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS I EXTRA LI I EXTRA LI I EXTRA in i in iiii iiiiuillllllK Hill RE SjEXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS f g EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS IE EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS E EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS llMllllll EXTRA I llllllllllll llllllllllll PIE FILLING Ml DOG FOOD I 11 liailllllllllllllllllllliuilili- HI JLK htm li- i jJTgALUCKY STAMPS lb EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS js llllllllllllll EXTRA 11 llllllllllllll EXTRA I I lllllllllllll I EXTRA liiiniiiiini J EXTRA I