and Member Bureau and Class A Newspapers Serving Newmarket and rural district of North York year of publication Thursday at 3t St by the Newmarket Era and so for one year to advance Single Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper ni Authorized Second Chut Ottawa Philip G Editor George Sports Editor W Advertising Racine Production Margaret Arnold Business MfT 52 THE EDITORIAL PAGE Heart Throbs Humor by Andrew Murdison A Gambles Passing Glances Company Limited Subscription KM copies each Member of Class A J Association and the Audit Bureau THURSDAY I DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED J WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT Winston Churchill with vision and his usual eloquence forecast the present crisis in Europe and the emergence of a common market at Zurich Switzerland In September in these words This noble continent is the home thoughtl ing figures have shown that per of modern teenagers are working at be coming good citizens Thus only five per cent according to statistics ever run afoul of the law But it is the one in 20 youngsters who is invariably thrust into the glaring all the parent races of the Western world And what is the plight to which Europe has been reduced Over wide areas a vast quivering mass of hungry careworn and bewildered human beings gape at the ruins of their cities and homes and scan the dark for the approach of some new peril Among the victors there is a babel jarring voices among the vanquished remarks silence of despair Yet all the Possibly th light of public opini actions He is presented as delinquent and oldsters condemn him as just bad The adverse publicity is reflected on the whole teenage race Per haps this small minority richly deserves the castigation showered on them by older citizens Certainly at times this group runs wild and commits acta of violence and petfy destruction that can them the scorn and detrimental of parents older friends and while there is a remedy which if it generously and spontaneously adopted would as if by a miracle transform the whole scene It is to recreate the European family or as much of it as we can and provide it with a structure under which it can dwell in peace in safety and in freedom We must build a kind of United States in Europe It is being built Soviet ambition can i be contained by the European Common Market A divided Germany is a stark reality so long as the Soviets want to Loo the other side of the keep it divided If the Soviets annex P thfl majority of teenagers East Berlin to East Germany they are to direction On possession of the bait a united lom Jmany to attract all Germans to cut Toronto youngsters who specialized in disappearance of the courts of law for offences has had much to do with the upsurge in some sections of juvenile crime A short jail term or a stiff fine does not seem to have the discouraging effect that the old woodshed treatment formerly had on younger offenders Briefly a warm posterior was remember- nuch longer than a few days behind ties with NATO But West Germany motorists will spurn the bait so long as she a prosperous entity within the And they really worked at their aim This is only one example of what the kids can do if their thoughts are channelled in the right direction Unfortunately there never has been enough publicity given to the construct ive work that teenagers do In various r Many groups engage in model rl partnership with he stales of moel flying dance clubs rFOftl 116 and a variety of other fields This is the strata of youth that is trying to carve out useful lives and live down the useless label that has so often been tagged on them by older people Suffi cient to say that a pat on the back for their efforts will go further toward es tablishing a right attitude toward life for the youngsters than all the criticisms kicks in the pants and other verbal brickbats that have been tossed their way in the past So you oldsters pat them on the Belly J That Is where the great visionary Winston Churchill was so right A kind of United States in Europe Can- still play a leading role in the cold war by joining the United States 1 J IN THE BULLRING On November at pm an as sorted group of citi zens will be named as contenders in the municipal elections to be held December Half shyly and half resolutely some unfamiliar with the procedure white others possess the confidence of that Ive- been herebef ore look they will hack You forward But whatever their all those who allow themselves to bo nominated will feel that they have omething to contribute to local affairs And they will he right For whatever their receptions from a public that all loo often is subject to sen sitive changes in mood the quickly understand that whether they eventually he elected or not their participation is stirring an interest in our elected democracy We are not suggesting that a man should he persuaded to run for office because it is the thing to do We do not want to see a mass wived rush of eager young pumpkins a United Nations Is Worth Sav that a gore hand ami shouidc he appreciated The Opli the way in this project vice clubs need all from NEWMARKET INQUISITION Observers at meeting Monday evening spci and embarrassed as they watched a town employee under the questioning and hoorish of council members lhe employe inking for what pretext of a misplaced desire to help the dollars per month and the righ community The picture of an emhrynn- statutory holidays free fron politico sacrificing himself on the altar The man in the hot seal of local legislation for the his Officer Bert Kent hut hi neighbors quickly palls after the firet doesnt matter No man few months of often dreary meetings and should he forced to he singular lack of public appreciation consideration BUT If our young man truly feels the public Monday that he has a contribution to make to fill exhibition of what public life and feels that past efforts of government loses Us municipal officers have been adequate the occasion was as but not quite adequate enough If he i physical whipping prepared to spend evenings on end- While the employees own altitude w particularly a smooth JXv r the degrading J I hln and probing of the All then he should allow d name to land those for office and well all the employee must have felt affected and angry at themselves for not topping This abuse of a mans WE WERE ALL YOUNG ONCE ft a Op to municipal conventioneers clubs exist this International Neither the mans name organisation will celebrate Youth to tho money I Important Appreciation Week from November IS important anil lamentable Is that a to this dlsparage- the to several less publicized ment by an elected body in North on the joulh of today America