Newmarket Km titan Heights Loop Playoffs Roll Bookkeepers behind Gar razor sharp pit 104 East police showed their side and got sharp pi AURORA VETERANS TENNIS WINNERS air of Aurora Veter a court battle and Stan Walker Aurorans Lose OBA SemiFinals Comets Fly e Plazas Edge Sharon Thumps Rockets Twice league linals as they nipped I Bill Garlands Net Electric Supply will r the Heights Little I the East ship Softball downs The 1 lion the Electrics The league playoffs on is Bill Sadler Holland Dave Copeman drive Park is vo played Septer lover poled out a home run I outfield fly was Bill Barclay Tiger hilltop- to close out pitching Smother Blues To Win Series Mount Albert fans pistolpacking shut 161 win over Zephyr Blues September in a Lake Softball League first- showed his class silenced the Blues hitters on four pitched shutout ball for frames then ground to only tally to count their on had things slickmen Robert Bill Barclay shared One To Forget As Coops Slain Lonsdale with the tie breaker in and out of trouble had have help from Ross J one until the fifth yielded eight Bob Lonsdale rode three hits to lead the Cc Harry Thompson lined two hits Perry Lane C Sutton Bill Lonsdale Mulder and Bill Duncan Town Softball 1 Skating Arena ad apply to the Ontario of Agrici 1 BOLTON FOURSOME WINS AT SUMMIT off in the round uprising Bolton Golf Club won ti picked Sweeney si WANTED 500 YOUNG MEN For Supermarket Opportunities In GREAT BRITAIN f EXCEL OPP TO DEVELOP FOR FUTURE KEY POSITIONS IN GREAT BRITAINS FINEST SUPERMARKETS MUST BE SINGLE 18 TO EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL BUT WOULD BE DESIRABLE SELECTED APPLICANTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONTRACT FOR 2 YEARS PjjASE APPLY IMMEDIATELY IN PERSON OR WRITE GIVING EDUCATION AND ALL PARTICULARS WITH SNAPSHOT TO C R ARMSTRONG PERSONNEL DEPT 545 BLVD WEST TORONTO ONTARIO f MM Ill I HUH I I inn Organizers Set Santa Expenses The have 15Minute Installation CHECK and SEE YOUR SAVINGS Muffler 195559 525 660 750 885 for a Dodge and Plymouth 765 990 FREE MUFFLER CHECK leaky muffler Ford 598 823 955 995 an be fatal 1 Dont lake passenger 1095 window driving leather Mufflers tail pipes etc r most and Foreign ears Cost of supply mark The price of Brampton Open Thurs Fri Night UNTIL NIGHT TIME SPECIALS Thurs Sept 14th 5 pm to 9 pm EXTRA BONUS of CASH DISCOUNT NOTES ON ALL PARTS They Look Ilka MONEY Fael lika M0NEYII SPEND them a MONEY for anything you want of CANADIAN TIRE 1 OPEN THURS and FRI NITE UNTIL 9 P ssm tire J SPILLETTE SON LTD