QUEENSVILLE attended the local women modelled sports day meeting was on Wednesday night Hay with Mrs Oliver Bill Thomp- An official Bill Good Cry Burke Dew Dick Bruce Beckett Dan is year Hock- ill have Cryder- Held Himeg sharing Bob Dick Cry- Bruce Beckett Ted during the first week In June Maple Hill Baptist Church Sunday At Queensville Baptist H Rogers as by Mrt Stan Mr White Mrs Fred Dew Ronald and Mr Syd ney Thompson first meeting of the new year will be held on May 31 United Church Sunday School Is every Sunday at with Fred Dew as super intendent Church service is with Rev J McNaught the minister in Mrs R Toronto was recent visitor of her mother C and sister Miss Mrs Burns mother dick Newmarket day visitors of Mr and Mrs Sydney Thompson Miss Viola Newmarket isited friends in the village ist Saturday Dr and Mrs Stiles and Jamie of London ere recent weekend visitor Mrs Robert Stiles Mr and Mrs An- OPPORTUNITY SALE LAST THREE DAYS TILL SAT MAY BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE SEDUCED TO ELECTRIC PORTABLE 5950 only 3995 TRADEIN SALE Electric Portable from 1950 Electric Consoles from 2950 Portable Singer midlines electrified 3950 SINGER SEWING CENTRE Mom St Newmarket 56371 mother Mrs Mc School is each Sunday at 930 United Church is each Sunday at Sunday School Is at ll and Mrs Donald Glover Hosptal Newmarket slightly improved Mitchell Stanley PARK IMPROVEMENTS erected inn N G Council News urged by Deputy Frank also include reducing chase of the gravel pit on the Replying to the query introduced a seconded bv Councillor Id Glover reading Whereas the investigated the arty of Colin as to the quality of the Gwillimbury apparent delaying luetics of regarding the appro of property on Willoughby He stated is a terrible id something shot immediately to Reeve Pollock Dt and Ave for road- Royal Canadian Legion I a grant to assist their sports and Early A grant by Councillor J Doyle Strenuous objections to Aurora News Scout Mothers was held hi Trinity Hall Mrs Gordon Bonk pre Mr and Mrs Erskino Brown were guests Louise Campbell Mrs Clifford Chap moved from Centn 80 Catheri Alex Re by Mr Harrison spent the holiday Newmarket Mrs Brampton spent her mother with on by the id by Miss KIDDIE KWIPS nd DISCOUNT CONTEST 10 WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES 20 BONUS EVER 5th WEEK PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS THEY APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE EACH WEEK FOR THE NEXT WEEKS THEY WILL BE AWARDING SOMEONE IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES AND EVERY FIFTH WE EK SOMEONE WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES WINNERS WILL BB PUBLISHED EACH WEEK READ THE RULES CAREFULLY Each week for the caption of your found by locating with the original title The best one CERTIFICATES CONTEST NEWMARKET ERA EXPRESS The best one selected Will be awarded Id MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES firms participating In addition to the award there will be a 10 DISCOUNT and ROSE FOR FINE FURNITURE TW 56411 MAIN ST The BEST DRUG STORE ELIZABETH ARDEN HELENA RUBINSTEIN TOILETRIES LAURA SECOHD CANDY PRESCRIPTIONS Called for and Delivered TW BEAUTY SALON Expert hair styling Cold waving IIOTSFOKD ST NEWMARKET for appointment Op Monday COLD STORAGE pick tip and delivery EVES LADIES WEAR REGENT ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS SIDINGS AWNINGS CARPORTS FREE ESTIMATES Nothing down nothing The elegant Luggage f Si SII Main St PAINT WALLPAPER I OKI Minis Window Truck 55731 MAIN ST i the perfect dessert Cousins STEAM CLEAN UNDERCOAT Your ear for only DUTCH ELLIOTT McCORKELLS CATERING FANCY end PLAIN SANDWICHES TW EVANS FUELS III FURNACES OIL BURNERS A blueprint for every job JEFF SMITH Plumbing Heating CLOSING SALE EXTENDED TILL JUNE 15 After IS years we ore our EVERYTHING MUST GO mo DISCOUNTS TRANSISTORS WAY BELOW COST NEWMARKET FURNITURE AND ELECTRIC LTD I but tor eligible The selection of BONUS be weekly prize without I MUST SALES Bonus which someone wilt get PLAZA HARDWARE In Newmarket Praia ELECTRIC FRY PAN COMPLETE WITH FREE SILK LINEN SHOPPE DRAPERIES DRESS GOODS Ready made lined drapes TW MAIN ST PARTS SERVICE DAVIS DR EVANS FUELS Finest Asphalt ESTIMATES EIIEK SINGER INC MACHINE NOW MADE IN CANAD WHITE STAG SPORTSWEAR TOWN CASUALS 1 Main St Newmarket ODEON BOWL Gives you air conditioned GUITAR SPECIAL 1890 BUDD STUDIOS UNBALANCED WHEELS LET US CHECK YOUR ALIGNMENT NEWMARKET Spring Service DAVIS DR TW DAVIDSON Equipment LAWN MOWERS ION MILLS ROAD NEWMARKET Department SPRING COATS DRESSES ON SALE