Heart Throbs Humor Gambles Memtr f Bureau of ClrraliUen and A Newspapers Serving and rural districts of North York year of publication Thursday at St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express by Andrew Murdison Passing Glances Company Limited Subscription yean for yeiSF i Single A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspaper a and the Audit of Circulations Authorized as Second Mali Office Department Ottawa Publisher Philip G Jones Editor George Sports Editor ink AdrWnt Racine Production Margaret Arnold Business Mir THE EDITORIAL PAGE THURSDAY DAY OF I NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTYONE CHILD SAFETY possibly a lifetime of insecurity and long periods of unemployment Should be summoned to court Because of this situation it is playing on the street Sone of the tremely important that we do everything delegates to the fourth annual Confer- within our power to encourage our on Child Safety held in Toronto last- to stay in school and graduate and week said yes but Inspector Douglas td seek training which will fit them with Crosby of the Metropolitan Toronto Po- useful skills Of course parents cannot lice said no Crosby was one of force careers on their children but cer- experts in various safety fields who we can emphasize the necessity of addressed the conference sponsored by thinking and planning ahead and give the Ontario Medical Association He said them an early and lasting appreciation it would not be fair to the children to ex- of the value of a sound education formal pose them to juvenile court because of training and good citizenship their parents neglect It was the res- Parents too often feel their children of parents to teach their chil- should pursue only the academic side of to keep off the roads which are pro vided for the sole purpose of moving vehicular traffic The public would not accept education and by so doing cause them to overlook the excellent career oppor tunities which exist through technical and vocational high schools technical in- of bylaws prohibiting children trade or other occupational playing on the roads Crosby said training and apprenticeship programs general As an alternative police had experiment- The importance of education and living a sound truck travelling through training to the future security of your residential areas warning parents to keep children cannot be exaggerated They that they their youngsters off the streets The je entering experiment proved successful in Scarbor- continue to and was being extended to other districts Its amazing to me Crosby said that people who are investing a large percentage of their life savings in a home dont even bother to find out the traffic conditions of the neighborhood or other child safety factors such as the route to school He said streets with out sidewalks were a hazard to child safety and those with sidewalks built next to the curb were also dangerous be cause children playing on the sidewalk step from the hazard world of work which great changes in in dividual occupations and the whole pat tern of occupations They will need to have the flexibility which comes from good fundamental education and train ing Encourage them to equip themselves as well as they possibly can with useful skills and knowledge before seeking their lifes work AN ACT OF FAITH The closing remarks made by Presi dent Kennedy of the United States fore members of our House of Commons the road Sidewalks four feet from Senate at Ottawa last week high- the curb desirable TO PARENTS ONLY lighted a speech which was a frank of relationships If we can contain the powerful struggle of ideologies and reduce it to manageable proportions we can proceed During the last few years a revolu- with the transcendent tasks of tlon has been taking place in Canada the nuclear weapon which shadow a revolution in employment which is our lives and of finding a most certain to affect the future of your of common enterprise between ourselves children The introduction of more and those who live under Communist better machines and improved methods of doing things have been gradually wiping out thousands of jobs which re quire little education or training so that unskilled and semiskilled jobs now rep resent only per cent of all employment in Canada At the same time employ ment opportunities proportionately for graduates of appren ticeship programs institutes of techno logy high schools vocational schools trade schools and What this means to the future of the here today young people in your family is obvious Early dropout from school being cut off from per cent of the jobs act in Canada being limited in their earn- your for life a closed door to the better in training in industry often meet being restricted to deadend jobs and ture For in the end and are part of one whatever the we must lose no cha toward a world of la At the conferei minds of men strengthened bee is strengthened t efforts of From The Files Of And 50 Years Ago Oar Readers Write it would be Readers Picture Of The Week