Newmarket Era Ksfrm Mar N G Council News A delegation from Ion by North Township Council the coun- that he petition submitted by the association This petition called for widening school road and the removal of a hill on the road to promote safety La Rue were informed that Deputy Reeve Frank has been authorized within York County to in gathering will a County a motio Doyle Mount Albert News I Mr and Mrs Norman Bunker ah Church News Family Sunday will be in the United Church Scholarship Will Honor COMPREHENSIVE Late High School Head COVERAGE STATE FARM MUTUAL CLAkfc SALISBURY A ship fund in Susan the scholarship formally placed head of in the Club Clippings up High Eddie Marl Ivan Eves tens high triple with not y Sutton Newest fishing motors under sun spent Sunday in followed with day An funeral club build- application to the BRICES MEATS STEAK 79b Rump Roast 79 Butt Pork Chops 59f Legs or Breasts 53i Pork Sausage 3 lb 99c EGGS A large Roast Pork Cooked Ham Side Bacon BUTTER KM Wieners 3 lb 99c Minced Beef 2 lb 79c IiIkIicM at the lowest aavc this additional tost OWNED AM BY I RICKS DON HI BRICES HOME FREEZER SERVICE If BRAND FREEZER CABINET HUM ii Hearting Front Beef An Prime Hind Beef 5K CUT WRAPT and on CHE S SALES CHEWS REVOLUTIONARY CORAS IP IS SPECTACULAR uncivilly tint floor- why built CANADAS FASTEST SELLING TRUCK CHEVROLET SPECTACULAR ALL WAYS THE MOST SPECTACULAR HISTORY