Aurora Hews Mrs Barkcy attended Wellington si annuel lamed the original Club of Mr and Mrs toine key Toronto Saturday Detroit a week ago May THE SOUTH BEACHES Barbara Bobbins GR Elmhurst Beach Morion and of Mrs HOLLAND MARSH I her darter in Toronto Que on Tuesday and Mrs Reg Wood and Cheryl rs Ross Snooks on the of twins a boy and girl i Friends of Bill will glad to hear he is home hospital resting for a few Sympathy of the community ly on the death Dew this past week ilyhas lived at ttw Rolling a weekend guest of extended telaw spent church on Parry Burks of friends at Orangeville Sharon CHURCH DEDICATES ORGAN King City A new I d dedicated at the at Lunch committee members church Sunday morning by and Mrs Jack of Mr and Mrs market Era Exprt PINE ORCHARD ith the Donaldsons for a few Mrs Fred attended home to the Mrs Grace Whit- Kir Weekend Specials PONTIAC full price AUSTIN A55 CAMBRIDGE down balance monthly 59 CONSUL SEDAN DODGE SEDAN full price down monthly Fred Burd Motors Ltd Rambler Austin Main St Newmarket SSU3 Bay and meeting of the Scout LA recently to plain the work of a WW MM Church News NEEDS IRONING no Ironing I ill of ft MM Conn lea a Is t M8WS I 0H tan Just SriS Hi lanked the Rover on behalf when a to be held in the j lunch and meeting closed A LLOYD FOWLERS A Cities Service Station ST BETWEEN DAVIS DR Eagle Si Newmarket TW CAR WASHING OUR SPECIALTY Wet wash outside of car only Wet wash completely cleaned inside 125 Our special deluxe wash FREE LUBRICATION WITH EVERY 50 GALLONS OF GASOLINE CLASS A LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE WAREHOUSE SALE FRUITS VEGETABLES OPENING MAY IS ON DAVIS DRIVE Till STAND Hill HE OPENED mill mi ITS AND AM DAYS A is to visit oik stand SAVE on SAMPLES ONEOFAKIND ODDS and ENDS LESS THAN COST ON MANY DISCONTINUED LINES KROEHLER valentine I St Tabu dico a CONTINENTAL BEDS chair I- s M Irs than cost at CASH CO 750 1 Mattresses Clean nrir SfKINUrlLLtU double only 2975 RUGS 2850 IN FACTORY SMALLER SIZE BROWN ORE DYERS 3 Pc Bedroom Suites FURNITURE LTD MAIN ST NEWMARKET I BLOCK SOUTH OF DAVIS DR