and Heart Throi by Andrew Murdison Member of Boreas of Circulation and A Newspaper Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Com pan j Limited Subscription Audi THE EDITORIAL PAGE THE ELEVENTH DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTYONE A Gambles Passing Glances WE NEED EACH OTHER Canada and the United States need each other Yet in history with little apparent thought of the consequences irresponsible Cans dian journalists are daring to suggest that a rift exists between the traditional neighbors One writer claims that Canadian thinkers are beating the United States on the head and says that not for half a century has the situation A popular subject for critics the foreign affairs writers who would have us believe that an emotional antagonism exists against the United States are in jecting their colleagues in Washington who are eagerly reaching for their type writers in support of the myth that Can adians fear a loss of natural identity These socalled observers of Canadian- US relations are confusing a proper bid with out-and- out Americanism While we are building our own proud heritage and painfully forming a natural character time well the help that our friends to the south Our destinies are intertwined Though brothers may squabble they of the same family interests and the interchange of both Ideas and merchandise across our mutual boundary have made our past good rela tions uncommon when compared with strife experienced by other nations with their neighbors The inflammatory dis courses of editorials and articles belli here and in the United States are danger ous Bewildered Canadian readers un aware that a tense situation existed will ask each other is this us on the other hand sadly with little alter native will believe when they read of a Canadian political I directed against them I Daily newspapers and magazines opinion are telling us that Canadian re not ignore the voters grow dislike and resentment of the United States How do they know what the Canadian voter likes towards the Americans can hardly he expressed even in a federal election and to write that Canadians are dons In their criticism of the United Stales writers also claim that an yearning for neutralism Their sources of information are apparently the same ethereal who that Can ada and the United Stales are as oil and The billions of dollars already spent on our mutual defence would tftlnly not seem substantiate these must be judged in that context To all but a small minority of Canadians it does not mean antipathy to the Ameri can people whom we tike better than any other people in the world It does however a fear of American power not because the neighbors are hostile but precisely because they are so friendly We dont fear attack but seduction doubting our strength to resist it There is also a general well grounded fear of American national poli strike us as unfair unwise or plain In such a period of trouble and American policy that to damage Canada hurts better times Every disagreement looms larger Every problem tends to be ex- hyperbole and uttered in a shout Though it small nation to live beside a giant how- friendly it becomes much ficult when the giant must expand his continental power in self defence and nation of burning secret pride under its calm outer look realizes its dependence on the neighbors strength The adjustment to the hard facts of power is inevitable hut painful As it was the first American nation to contract into the two world Canada will be the last to contract out of continental defence It just isnt built All these confusions frictions are usually reduced in Canada i- a tired cliche The United States we say takes us and our quiet neighborly habits trio much for granted Its mind is concentrated on any distant and re latively iiuiMiKiitiiii trouble spot Canada because ft makes no trouble no news of violence and revolution is largely ignored This is certainly true but on the other hand Canadians take the Unit ed States too much for granted also the terrible responsibility of the world lead ership which it never sought the cost of defence embracing Canada the aid for poorer nations the almost of these demented times Like Canada the United States is prickly these days and sensitive to criticism from its best friend After all these things have been said the current dialogue of the border