The Newmarket En Apr ESTATE FOE SALE BRANDON and HOPKINS NEWMARKET with only dm Millard Ave re plan ALBERT DISTRICT insulated brick home with bedrooms on large lot with small barn double garage Hydro telephone ly of cupboards with price with easy terms ROY STEWART Imagine only down lortgage at I building local BRANDON and HOPKINS i Street Newmarket brick bungalow rears old living kitchen two ttlretl up A OLIVER REALTOR 1000 Down- Brand rev M STILES RESIDENTIAL with kitchen separate basement closed attached garage Full with SaOOOdown heating quiet res Joseph Near flw brick EARL STEWART EARL V STEWART Newmarket W CASE REALTOR 5year old bungalow with car fide of town near school en deep lot CASE REALTOR Phone PA 11691 St South AURORA the with you HI Toronto CHARLES BOYD LTD a Mils Stmt Tweed BEST HOME BUY IN ONTARIO ALL CANADA NHA HOUSE CHARGES I960 Down payment Full price NOW LOOK AT OUR CHARGES Down Payment id Taxes monthly TOTAL CARRYING CHARGES Monthly CONSTRUCTION MOO phone In Newmarket piece bath bungalow Richmond Hi 0882 Toronto MORTGAGES investments Out ME Miles north of Qui Ion Mills bungalow it i im home and twi m with down Many other to choose from M STILES Newmarket waiting Mr hour Real Estate Ltd BRETHOUR REAL EST Member Toronto Real 10871 PA GARAGE FOR brick UPPER duplex kitchen Newmarket Room self Located Eaglet Battery Company duty volt plate heavy duty volt AH types of insulin always old modern broad loom full oil heat acre landscaped Full price Newmarket th light th BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Excellent opportunity for years Rapid expansion of ivi pailnr with and shopping Aurora oil A Bedroom modern house Beverley isle Apply J Dr or phono PA Monthly 1 1 A IBM liUH an Id IA J Viol house In good APARTMENTS FOR I landing TW Ion April I Apply Room and I cupboards private Newmarket ipaTlmon phone tall hirvk New mark room fa sue phone MILLARD EXCELLENT 3ROOM APARTMENT SelfContained Private WANTED AVAILABLE VENETIAN BLINDS windows 6551 or apply USED WASHERS From STEWART BEARB US Main St me Newmarket NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLS THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ihitis unlit or chesty coughs MUCOUS IN S5 DISCOUNT BUYING IS HERE TOMMY COMMONS TUNE TOWN market S phone 5710 Icnlriilly located all run 9110 Newmarket Room and hoard available St or phono 55814 New- Furnished mm two girls or gentlemen mediate Apply St phone low monthly iWofCKm furnished from idir suite special Stainless steel Dominion or gun Albert Antique Oxford- it Mitchell bed and springs small m two odd cliiitK Phone- USED TVS from Main St Phone Newmarket Bradford ftwrnke4