It The Newmarket Bra ft Thin Aft Town Hall Topics The regular meeting or Communications j Dent or Public held In the Coon- special aui on Monday i King News Present Mayor James I Reeve Caroline Ion Frederick Count Whole No totallir York County Building April and 13 Filed with Clerk members to ascertain who advise County thereof to Cancer Campaign contributing to Business Mr spoke proposed work to be MEN AND WOMEN BOWLERS PRIZE for Hidden Triple Score will be added each week ill won Every Wed from to 1030 CROWNS SMOKE SHOP Howling Alley Snack Bar the unemployment Mr Lloyd requested ex FREE ADMISSION One Only pm FRI APRIL 7 MOSLEY ST AURORA Sponsored by York County toward me budget is around King City steadily and this of the memorial an church King City Mrs Christine Harrold Dr are taking a trip to Insurance Assn Heads Elected Club Clippings ma meeting of the According to ways i will be held at the rummage sale held on Mart Miss BroUgh was highly pm on assisted in any way either Members bring re- contributing or purchasing At the regular monthly March A food and to to Jeanne the J through the Save The Child Aurora Bride Honored At Several Showers CHRISTADELPHIAN THE Ho Che made to Abraha I by the glorious judged for he rdtl King I thought a h i Was flight to heaven so when and aft If Keswick ITS TIME AGAIN It and furniture high lighting FREE ESTIMATES CALL SUPER CARPET CLEANING NEWMARKET Mrs Ion second ed by lit second- f i Sharon 100KI Your headquarters for Goodyear Tires is HANDS TIRE SALES LIMITED Davit Drive Ncwr GOODYEAlOj When you need tires see us Complote range of long mileage- Goodyear Tiros Generous tradoln allowance on your old tiros Fast offidcnt repair on all and typos of tiros BEST TIRE VALUES IN TOWN ON THE FARM TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE SPECIAL RETREADING VULCANIZING Guaranteed Itcfmrllnr and RETREAD TIRES 1195 EXPERT WHEEL BALANCING 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE Call TW Robins Pharmacy Malcolm The Milkman By GLENVILLE FARMS DAlRTIi You should he sold on milk loo any day or the week ruin or shine Ils drink to keep you happy anil healthy or only So a glass Glenville Farms Dairy NEWMARKET COULD YOU USE 160 500 OR MORE Trans Canada Credit make it easy for you to get the cash you want Buying a boat starting a business paying off bills Ready cash helps you do the things you want to do Mp c problem may be different but youll mill listeners and ready to TRANS CANADA CREDIT A M BUCHANAN