OPP Eliminate Merchants I In the third OPP got i After the fourth brush OPP hitters staggered Mer- starter Jim Kelly with Dave Kellyi I ZEPHYR ADVAMCE Loca Beat I m3m lu Savers Sem F Second Game Played Here Sat I OKA ami rammed smash into deep left field to a red hot shoulder stab after nipped BIG WALKIN SIDE DOORS sparkling pitching the local I Sterling Move Chill Legion In Semis VOLKSWAGEN delivers the for less A fly to deep Don Krueger followed but he ended the he was caught try- reality With Best in the saddle hot liner Nelson had one double MACDONALD BROS MOTORS 4 Main St Newmarket Ltd 54821 3TSrSS Be him in hoi wafer in ingle in the filth was the horn- nil lone safety A couple of fielding gems Let of ed fn the third with a runner on Meehan scraped smash though the box out of the dirt beyond second to throw him out at first by a half step Dixon led off the LEAGUE STANDING BOUNDROBES Aurora Sterling Drugs fining game vs Aurora hushing fnTirrieer third bringing on ace ball over I Armstrong Tip Aliens CASH FOR YOUR SCRAP Let u pick up your metal Cars and Trucks HIGHEST PRICES PAID S2549 a both Leg- 1 number When a mother needs a friend At a time this the best friends a mother can have are a modem automatic electric washer and an electric clothes dryer They make short work of washing and drying and they do it Just set the dials- no heavy lifting no wet wash J to carry never a care about getting clothes dry for another day of play With a modern automatic electric washer and clothes dryer washing is easy drying is certain- whatever the weather You get more out of life when you gel the most out of electricity LIVE BETTER ELECTRIC Stunden Hurls A No Hitter bag bread op 10 las and A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BETTER LIFE FOB YOU