Harper Codnngton Mr and Mil weekend Welly in Mr Rots Mitchell Mr Mis Cecil red Hall LIONS CLUB BARN DANCE FARMS WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 MOUNT PLEASANT home of Mrs Kes- PROCLAMATION TOWN OF NEWMARKET BIKE SAFETY WEEK WHEREAS have been requested by the Optimist Club to proclaim a Hike Safely Week as the safety of children is of prime importance AND WHEREAS the good bike riders or today the safe drivers of tomorrow I hereby request all citizens to observe the week June to June as BIKE SAFETY WEEK DATED at Newmarket this lllh day of June 1959 A Mayor News Of North York boys trophy for will be r Sowing citizenship given by the citizen- Mrs Sydney Thompson Re- will be Mrs packed later in the home of Mrs Dike GRENDYS JEWELLERS OPENING JUNE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FREE GIFT TO THE FIRST 100 LADIES One ticket given with each dollar purchase prizes ranging to value will be displayed in the window This store will carry jewellery and gifts also maintain a complete servicing department GET THE BEST BUY Guaranteed Used Cars AT Newmarket Motors Limited FULLY RECONDITIONED PRICED TO SELL mile eonditlnn throughout Vry clean Low Completely NEWMARKET MOTORS LIMITED CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS OPPOSITE TOWN HALL HOTS FORD ST Where customers do eend their friends on resident Mrs Mr Mount Albert District John Craw 35th Sport Mr and Mrs Guy Williar daughters Brantford awson Dike who is life in the villi of the village Board the Maso made to the United VANDORF good attendance Mrs Paid The Newmarket or Express Thursday Mrs Edward Ayletl for boarded will be where trip to Engl from India Mr and Mrs Clayton and Mrs J Cookson Mrs visited Mrs Mr and Mrs Loveless were visitors Sunday at the Herbert Mis Thompson Mr and Mrs Herb HOLLAND MARSH Mr and Mrs rated their 35th wedding Hyma and children Brampl SHARON it Sharon Hall each Sun- 930 am until further at SharonHope will be held at attended the I BACKACHE May be Warning the tint la NOW YOU CAN DIAL 6R RADIO TV SERVICE HiFi a Specialty Appliance Repair REG SHARON YOUR VOTE CAN RETURN REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT TO QUEENS PARK ELECT DON PLAXTON LIBERAL YORK NORTH TODAY Wne visited friends and Elgin alio Mrs tiling homes of Bill PINE ORCHARD Mr John attended th SELLING OUT YES FOLKS ITS TRUE WE ARE GOING TO REDECORATE OUR TWO STORES AT AND MAIN ST AND WE MUST CLEAR OUT ALL OF OUR FURNITURE TO MAKE WAY FOR THE PAINTERS AND DECORATORS EVERYTHING MUST GO WE ARE SELLING OUT TO THE BARE WALLS HOLLYWOOD DIVANS 2975 SPRING FILLED ALL COLORS REST0NIC ROCKERS Double Spring Filled All colors 3995 SERTA MATTRESSES 3995 SPRING FILLED REG Double size only Remits Phone 2 PC DAVENPORT SUITES Spring Filled Seat and Back Large wardrobe for storing bedding Reg 99 2 PC CHESTERFIELD SUITE 159 Cuihioniif Grey repp Reg PC BEDROOM SUITES Double Dreaser Chett and Bookcase Bed Walnut finish only Reg 62 CHESTERFIELD SUITES SOLD DYERS FURNITURE BLOCK SOUTH OF DAVIS DRIVE