The Newmarket Em and Expr Thursday May Metro Conservation Vocational Guidance Topic At King Home And Shool KlnfAlthough grade of the Aurora High school He was addressing grade eight King Cily pupils t emphasis was laid on the study f Freak 2 Fire Alarm King Firemen At the high school in Sepler subjects with the I tr enter high f o he only in- hel mi i house fire phones were ylJ ho siren There was no Deputy rushed to PONTIACS quality dealers invite you to cash in NOW during CALL THE HOME OFFICE MONDAY you fail service a day CURE SALISBURY WARD AND ALLAN BUILDING STATE FARM MUTUAL a Richmond Hill 1 ANNUAL SPRING FAIR Saturday May lloriie Show Saddle and Hurdle Events Clowes for lighl and Heavy Horse Midway Dance Jersey Show Many Attractions Dance In Arena at iNlBlH fur Iht jhO full lurlluiUi 7 J BOOMING SALES MEAN me payoffs WfXTRA Miff III rtrai nWafe CHECH TOUR ACCIDENTS SLESSOR Motors Ltd 361 Eagle St Newmarket Phone TW BU1CK VAUXHALL TRUCKS