and CIRCULATION Total paid ERA 1I7TH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 1959 SINGLE COPIES II CENTS EACH Propose MultiMillion Dollar Subdivision For King Township Here And There the 15000 price ranee Around Town an Davis Drive planned lfm A shopping turned to their owner planned for the corner Davis The Township has no pi J of development New moon May principle had the SCOUT PAPER COLLECTION Here Are The Candidates In June Election STANLEY J HALL the Quality Con- Ma MAJOR A A MACKENZIE DONALD A Victoria Day Celebrations Attract Crowd Of Stanley Editorial PLAN TO VOTE JUNE 11 CAMP Damaged Receives Stab Wounds Shopping Centre m2 To Defend Sister week this newspaper deliberately refrained Horn publishing news about the forthcoming 1rnvincitl elections because we hud reeling that nobody wan ant greatly Interested We expected a protest at least from the respective candidate- i campaign era jut no it word was heard We know we have rend- era some thousand in ttiis county seat and the neigh- boring counties hut hot wont of complaint This bears chart ill this Province in fact outside of a few insider- you would hardly realize that therell lie a provincial pohe lion in three weeks Unless the pace of the campaign Ac steps up and there are belter fighting tactics launched by the Liberal and leaders this will see The fact is that the at Ontario has dropping percentagewise since The 10 percentage of the vote lulled was It fell to in to in mi and to four oblaw sup- rti5STho Flashing Signal Lights installed is COMING EVENTS Winners can challenge tile 77 mall I 111 which was awav under the respectable per recorded in the Si si Keep the IlO Onl of Ontario election of The Admission 2 election day response scarcely hem yen Hi la anil SATURDAY MAY 195a lie number of eligible voters Increased by Please stage One evident fuel is that the declining percentage and idled vole hasnt hurt the ft to am visible extent succeeded in ranking off with the hulk of Hie even with a declining manlier of ballots Yet it he significant that the biggest provincial upset of past couple of decades came with light at That one could he laid to apathetic Grits Whats irevent apathetic Tories from producing a similar J SATURDAY MAY im Jerry Myers nip You can make your choice we will make ours We will Meantime we are going to devote space and effort in an effort to gel out the vote because we believe that tor Victor issue at stake is bigger than the local issues in- ibi That stake is the future of our war of life art to he held i freedom of speech freedom of choice no surrender to gj vested Interests whether they be socialist capitalist lad battel dam communist Our protection Is at the polls Apathy Ever can defeat a free people quicker can a police state WEDNESDAY Again say MAKE CERTAIN THAT VOLT ft si NAME IS OX Till LIST VOTE JUNE 11 scSitl Haul Make Certain That Your Name Is On The Voters List Election Date Is June 11