The Newmarket an Dee IMS NOTICE SCHOOL SECTION NUMBER 2 KING CITY Annual meeting will be held at the ON TUESDAY DECEMBER AT 8 PM Raymond Burt thanVs for your loyal and may this holiday season be one that you will always Ink back on with the greatest of pleasure Broadbents Bakery NOTICE GARBAGE COLLECTION HOLIDAY PERIOD There will be no garbage pickup on Christmas Day Dec Boxing Day Dec or on New Years Day Jan 1 1959 Collections on other regular da changes noted above will be made Citizens in the effected area make a note of these changes necessitated by the Christ mas holiday period MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TOUR GARBAGE COMMITTEE for these requested to Newmarket Hardware An Essay By A Its A Gamble Gift placed a glass el piece red by hundreds fterwards could I TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE OFFER OUR i BEST WISHES FOR A TRULY most child- brightlooking package Christmas At Grandmothers children gathered the tabh jangle of dishes of candy the old old letting By the cubby- ho tes raped vanity tablet we will ways wanted will not lain St is holding a 30 pm Making the iditor of the Era and El Dec Monday Early JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora For Friendly Personal Service Telephone FA AURORA ridge in the leaving it to cook while help the barn mpiy tin bowl this day from other days tor certainly in the hearts or somethim themselves mashed potato and turnip or the second course there choice of plum or and berry pie There doughnuts lemon biscuits had the foresight to leave a lomemade candy nuts and When the last bite had been ter had drilled folk went Keep CHRIST hi CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF