Defence and otherwise intcrl which otherwise will have realized this column is not purely technical We like informally occasionally Proposed Church Extension St Pauls parish hall on branch Mrs Gerald Tea and fruit breads will be congregation observed its 13l5th Anniversary Services The model above was shown as a proposed answer to the pressing need for christian educational and peoples facilities This extension would the present and include facilities for a gymnasium larccr Sunday school equipment choir rooms offices board room and church parlor Major Explains CD Work To Stuart Scott Home And School till presided Mix I Iho a Hernia nee Graham aid Mr Knowing a icing prepared It the Teachers will he briefed in by Mr MRS NAMED BONSPIEL CHAIRMAN Mm Krneil been f I by the sp A film Unwed day by each rink is the local club i will bo available ERE NOW The car created for Canadians MO A thrilling blend of beauty performance and luxury priced to Invite you to the adventure of finecar ownership our dealer will be delighted to have Ill find Monarch Mark II offers you more of the things you t more value and a new choice of fine cars for Throe superb series LUCERNE Brings you todays most economical finecar value RICHELIEU Brilliant performance and distinctive styling SCEPTRE Finest expression of Monarch Mark luxury Tun distinctive Above the sedan shown in the Richelieu Sedan Left the sleek Cruiser seen in the Sceptre Cruiser SEE YOUR DEALER BRAD WALKER MOTORS LTD FORD EDSEL MONARCH Dealer Davis Dr E Ph 54541