Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Dec FOR EVERT OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone S486Z Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St Newmarket Phone 52962 To The Electors Of EAST LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I sincerely thank you for the honor you have conferred on me in electing me as your reeve for WISHING YOU ONE AND ALL THE SEASONS GREETINGS WALTER RATE Era and Express Classifieds bring results To the Electors of the Township of North Gwiilimbury Thanks for your support In circling me as Councillor for I hope prove worthy of the confidence placed In mc A KING I wish to thank the electors of who supported me in the recent election Wishing you all the compliments of the Season CHARLES CRONE Tops On Every Christmas List Wanted by Students Used by the entire family The Remington After Central Office Supplies Timothy St Newmarket Phone TW 59813 Agents for Remington Hand Products Typewriters Adding Machines Cash Registers CLASSIFIEDS Continued IN loved was called that sad day When one we away God took him home it was His Charles Henry Foster who pass ed away Dec 15 Nothing can ever take away A love that hearts hold dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near often think of by gone days When we were all together The family chain is brolcen now But memories will live for ever To us he has not gone away Nor has he travelled far Just entered Gods eternal home And left the gate ajar Lovingly remembered by his wife and family MORRISON In loving memory of Angus Morrison who pass ed away Dec A page in the book of memory Silently turns today We remember you in silence And make no outward show And what it meant to lose you No one will ever know Ever remembered by wife Edna and family In loving mem ory of my dear husband Frank who passed away years ago December 14 I have lost my souls companion A life linked with my own And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone Dearly missed by wife Minnie Always remembered by daugh ters Ruth and Grace ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Norman Sabin Stroud wish to announce the agement of their daughter Barbara to George Don ald son of Mr and Mrs George Sharon the marriage to take place on Dec ember 28 at 3 oclock at Scarborough Junction United church CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank you to the many and organizations who through kind deeds and words expressed their sympathy and understanding to my family and me at the time my father Mr passed to life eter nal Mrs Horace CARD OF THANKS Words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and every one friends and relatives who have helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful deeds of kindness expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during the short illness and death of our loving husband and father Murray Munro Mrs and family MOUNT PLEASANT The Womens Guild will hold a social evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Claude Yorke on Tuesday evening Dec Come and enjoy a pleasant evening Mr and Mrs Harvey King spent Sunday after noon and evening with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Miss Bernice Davidson had Sunday supper with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Robert Davidson ing the polls as councillor North Gwiilimbury in Mr and Mrs Robert Davidson called on Mr and Mrs- Robert on Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs Ross Stiles and Christmas party held at the horn of Mrs Homer Blair on Monday Dec Santa Clans came especially to welcome the members after which games and a panel were conducted by Miss Bertha Members of the panel family Mr and Mrs Claude Mrs Lillian Rank Miss Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson George and Miss Stiles and Mrs Allen Stiles at tended the wedding of Mr George Stiles at Weston on Sat urday afternoon CARD OF THANKS In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our beloved husband and father Frank Kirton We espec ially wish to thank the Rev R Curtis for his consoling words all the donors of the many beau tiful floral offerings the pall bearers and Thcakcr and Funeral Home for their kind and efficient management of the services Mrs Kirton and family CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Arthur D Evans wishes to thank relatives friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and beau tiful floral tributes during their recent bereavement Mrs A D Evans Harold and Fred BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL CARD OF THANKS In loving mem- The members of the Cheerio ory of our dear father Frank I club of Mount Albert wish to who passed away press their appreciation to all December who helped in any way to make Three years have passed since their annual bazaar a success Elections arc all over with some pleased and some not About 40 members of the New- usual Our congratulations go market Business and Professional out to Mr Lea Glover on head- Womens club were present at a rine Mrs McHalc and Miss Audrey Lundy Miss Joyce intro duced as a child prodigy and suit ably attired provided a humor ous part of the program After the singing of Christmas carols the evening closed with a delici ous buffet supper The president Miss Margaret Morning moved vote of thanks to the hostess Mrs Blair TABERNACLE DRIVE WONT MISS SUNDAY DEC The only Fijian Evangelist on the North American Continent Rev J Shah am MORNING WORSHIP pm REV SHAH will relate the story of his conversion Friday Dec pm Christmas Concert Pastor Running Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY DEC SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen I pm Salvation meeting noday UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev E Minister am Broadcast Oshawa Kc am Worship am Sunday 12 noon Worship Bethcsda 1 pm Evening MOUNT ALBERT White gift Sunday was observ ed in the United church Sunday school on Sunday morning Special Christmas program will be held in both departments of the Sunday school on Dee Mothers are invited to attend with the junior department Each class in both departments will be responsible for one num ber on the program It is expect ed that slides on the church ex tension also some of the Cubs and Scouts will be shown in the senior department The Chamber of Commerce j will not be sponsoring a Santa parade this year In its place there will be a special Christmas party for children in the community hall on Dec at pm Bags of candy will be Given out and films shown The annual Christmas Vesper Service of the CGIT will be held in the United church on Sunday Dec at pm HOLT FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev J Slack Minister am Sunday School am Morning worship pm Evening service Tuesday pm Prayer service 7 pm Wed Dec Christmas pro gram ST pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting pm Cottage Meeting Captain and Mrs II commanding officers Invite to make the Army your home Prayer The held its December on Wed- moon Rev Curtis was present to address the meet- 1 ing and conduct the election of officers Officers elected for the coming year are as follows Pros Mrs James Thompson viccprcs Mrs Norman Brooks recsecretary Mrs Thcakcr secre tary Mis Frank Brooks treas urer Mis ft pianist CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs Ed and assistant Mrs There was a Christmas worship service conducted by several members The WMS is most Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp 11 am Morning Worship Christ PAULS CHURCH Anglican Church and Streets Rector Canon J T Rhodes BA THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT I am Holy Communion am Senior Sunday School am Junior and Kindergar ten Departments am Holy Communion and sermon 7 pm Evening Prayer and ser mon Subject Will the World pm Sunday school 7 pm Evening Gospel and Song service Friday Dec 13 pm Sunday School Christmas Concert Sunday Dec Candlelight Service All Welcome Save grateful to the Cheerio group and the for donations pre sented at this meeting IT FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket The people that walked in dark have seen a great light am Meeting for Worship Burton Hill and family of Gall are expected to be with us for this service and worship at this Christ mas season All welcome Basket lunch will shared at the close of the meeting In Christ we find light to guide us through the darkness of this world METHODIST CHURCH Rev C Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school Family Sunday am Divine Worship Rev S Bull preaching pm Evangelistic service a pm Prayer service Dee pm Christ mas Program Thurs Dec pm Christmas Film The Great est You are welcome TABERNACLE Parkside Dr South of Shopping Centre Friday Dec 13 Christmas con cert Sunday Dec am Sunday School am Morning Worship 7 pm The life storey of Rev Shah All Welcome Pastor It W Running Affiliated Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada GRACE 373 Botsford Street Pastor Rev A Yielding am Bible School for all 11am The Pastor in a study in Romans Reception of new members and dedication of children pm Rev Australian OpenAir Cam paigners and a film of the work Always A Welcome At Grace TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White Music Director Leon Nash ARCT am All Sunday School Departments assemble down stairs am Whin- Gift Service Pageant The first Canadian Christmas The Christmas story as told to the Indians 7 pm Evening worship Carols and Christmas music by the choir All arc welcome at Trinity Mount Albert Fire Depart- will sponsor a dance In the community hall on Friday Dee Music will he by Pax- tons orchestra Members of the Couples Club are reminded of the Christmas party for their children on Dec at 730 pm The bazaar held by the Cheerio club on November was a very successful one making Mrs Geo celebrated her birthday on Tuesday Dec at the home of daughter Mrs A her Mrs Clara morion visited Mr Ernest Morton who is in York County hospital on Friday VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical I Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy Law son am Sunday school Classes for all am Morning Worship pm Evangelistic Service Wed pm Childrens Meet- Wed pm Prayer Meeting Thurs pm Womens Meeting A Hearty Welcome Awaits You CHURCH OK THE Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday school pm Frank Clark Supi pm Evangelistic service Rev Earl Whitrnore min ister ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev R Stuart Johnston MA li am Nursery and beginners am Public Worship Dr Joseph Wasson CHURCH OF THE MAIN QUEFH Social News Items for the Social and Per sonal column must reach tin- Era and Express office by Tues day noon Send them by mail or telephone TW TW 5- 2331 Over attended the second annual turkey dinner at St Pauls Anglican church on Thurs day night The Chi Rho fellow- ship catered Mrs Ronald repre sented the Prince Charles and School association at the December meeting of York-Sim- Home and School in Aurora On Dec 5 Sixteen members of York Curling club participated in a bonspicl at Union vl lie on Friday night A buffet supper was serv ed at the conclusion of the curl ing The 2nd Newmarket Scout company held a Christmas parly in St Pauls Parish hall on Tues day night There was an ex change of gifts games and Christmas refreshments Ladies night was held by the Junior Chamber of Commerce at the Colonial on Saturday night Guest speaker was Editor J St rut hers School children will have a long Christmas holiday this year The public schools will be at noon on Dec and will not open until Monday Jan re The Chi fellowship St Pauls young couples club held corporate communion at the j church on Sunday evening A fireside hour followed Hi i Organist Miss June Haines Organist- Miss June Haines am Sunday School am Morning Worship 7 pm Evangelistic Service Monday pm Young Peoples and Mrs Wednesday pm Prayer Meet- j of a sisterinlaw the late Mrs Graham near Aurora Mr and Mrs Roy Cody spent Friday at Lindsay Mr and Mrs R Glen and Keith were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mrs Sympathy is extended Mr M McNicol in the loss BUY TB CHRISTMAS SEALS Have regular free chest xrays Visit your doctor for a tuberculin test HARRYS Dry Goods The Shopping Centre or the Entire FAMILY GIFT IDEAS FOR HER BLOUSES SKIRTS CLOVES NIGHTIES SWEATERS PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS PURSES NYLONS LINGERIE COATS ALL THESE AND A N R GIFTS FOR DONT FORGET DUSTERS AND HOUSECOATS SHIRTS SHIRTS GLOVES SHIRTS SOUKS SHIRTS SWEATERS SHIRTS CUFF LINKS TIE BARS SHIRTS SUBURBAN COATS SHIRTS BELTS SHIRTS WATCHES AND SHIRTS FOR THE KIDS WE ARE FEATURING A III I R OF BOYS AND GIRLS COATS PYJAMAS SKIRTS SHIRTS SWEATERS AND SOCKS FOR HIM MAIN ST NEWMARKET TW