Era and Express Thursday Dec 1957 Evening Auxiliary of the will meet at the home of Mrs on Tues day evening Dec The wor ship service and program will be In charge of Mrs Lew Irwin The hostesses are Mrs J Kav- Mrs and Mrs Shropshire The members are reminded of the exchange of Christmas gifts and are asked to bring a small piece of Christmas cake to this meeting The regular meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the will meet at the home of Mrs on Thursday Dec The program will be in charge of Mrs Lunch committee is Mrs J Smith and Mrs Dew The annual Christmas vesper candle light service of the will be held on Sunday evening Dec at pm in the audi torium of the United church ft The combined Christmas pro gram of Queensville and Maple Hill Baptist Sunday schools will be held in Baptist church on Wednesday Dec at The Sunday school concert of the United church will be held on Friday night Dec 20 We extend our sympathy to Mrs J Cunningham Newmar ket who was a former resident in the loss of brother Joe Grose of Stouffville Trooper Peter Cole is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Cole for a few days A nomination meeting for vil lage trustees was held last week and the trustees for the police village of for will be Alfred Oliver chairman Morley Andrews and Arnold Johnston who will replace Bob Wilson Mr and Mrs John Kell King visited Mrs Kelts parents Mr and Mrs Lewis recently The extensive work on the Baptist church is com pletion at Maple Hill The ser vice for Maple Hill and ville combined will be at ville Baptist church Sunday morning Dec Mr and Mrs Sydney Thomp son attended the funeral of Mr Joe Grose in Stouffville on Tuesday afternoon Dec Mr Donald Lewis Guelph visited his parents Mr and Mrs Boh Lewis on Sunday last News Of York HOPE Sunday Dec will be observ ed as White Gift Sunday at Sha ronHope United church at the usual hour The gifts are to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission The East Group meeting of SharonHope WA was held on PINE ORCHARD Sgt Robert Dennis Mrs Den nis and family Ottawa Mr and Mrs Harold Dennis and family Kinsail were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Douglas Hope and Mr and Mrs Edgar Dennis The December meeting of the Willing Workers of Union church was held at the home of Mrs Roy Cody with a good attend ance of members and friends Mrs Cody conducted the devo tional exercises and Mrs Emer son gave an excellent paper oh What Christmas should do to us Mrs A Rogers presided during the election of officers Hon pres Mrs past pres Mrs Roy Cody Mrs Walter Johnston 1st vicepres Mrs G Mason 2nd vicepres Mrs D Hope sectreas Mrs Armitage assistant Mrs J Wednesday at the home of Mrs Hope auditor Mrs Sheppard Jack Mrs Elmer Stick- pianist Mis G Wood visiting wood committee east side Mrs D SHARON The regular service at St James will be held at 930 am Sunday school will follow ft The CG1T annual vesper candlelight service will be held at United church on Sunday Dec at pm The community was sorry to hear Mrs John Duinker broke her ankle last week Mrs Levi Weddel and family attended a surprise wedding anniversary gathering for Mr and Mrs Ross at Trafalgar last Saturday evening The White Gift service will be held at the United church on Sunday Dee at 945 am Sunday school at am KESWICK Mr and Mrs Gall and family Toronto Mr and Mr Earl Newmarket and Rev and Mrs Gordon Winch Oak Ridges visited Mr and Mrs Perry Winch on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stewart Dow Newmarket visited Miss Sprague on Sunday Mr and Mrs- Isaac visited their son Mr Harold Waldon and family at Orillia on Tuesday Mr and Mrs J Weston were Sunday guests of Rev and family The Christian church is hold ing its annual Christmas turkey dinner on Thursday night a treat OUR TOWN IS READING New Books At Public Library Listed By Mrs Jack Skinner Among the new books which have been added recently to the Newmarket Public library are many Christmas books Mrs Jack Skinner librarian has list ed those with a special Yule- tide flavor They are available on loan to alt readers in New market and district Once in Royal Davids City Kathleen Lines The Dolls Christmas Tudor Babar and Father Christmas Jean de Brunhoff A Little Child J and Jones Brownies Its Christmas Gladys Christmas Pearl Buek Miss Flora Christ mas Eve Mariana for its Sunday school and church group The Sunday school is giving the concert Congratulations to our two newly elected council men Mr and Mr Lea Glover Saturdays election brought out a good crowd of voters in spite of the stormy day Reeve Roy Pollock and Mr William Kay were reelected Mr Lloyd spent a few days last week in Toronto Mrs Goddard Sr returned with him for a short visit Christmas in the Barn Marg aret Wise Brown The Doll in the Window Pa mela Bianco Snow Before Christmas Tudor Rudolph the RedNosed Rein deer Robert L May Rudolph Shines Again Robert May How the Stole Christ mas Dr Seuss The Christmas Parade Ada Morrow Reeves Snowflake Dorothy Hogner Tish and Mike Christmas Is Special Agnes Augustus Claire Bi shop Anne and the Green Umbrella Constance Howard The MusicBox Maker Gert rude Doederlein Dog Who Spoke To Santa Claus Katherine Forbes Lucys Christmas Anne Molly The Little Star and Other Stories Elizabeth Ward Donkeys Glory Nan Goodall The First Christmas Enid The Animals Christmas Anne Eaton Welcome Christinas Anne Eaton The Top O Christmas Morn ing Alta Halverson Seymour The Light At Tern Rock Julia Sauer The Trees Kneel at Christmas AND TUESDAY DEC ORDER YOUR Maude Hart Lovelace ERA AND EXPRESS WILL BE PUBLISHEl The Childrens Christmas Carol Johanna THURSDAY DEC 19 TUESDAY DEC Christmas With The Savages Mary CHves and the Christmas Star Alia Halvcrson Seymour Allisons Christmas Adventure Sheila Stuart FigTree Village Grace W McGooran Sleigh Bells for Windy Foot Frances Frost Kersti and Saint Nicholas Hi- da VanStockum The Year Without a Santa Claus Phyllis McGinley The Christmas That Almost Wasnt Ogden Nash Christmas Everywhere Eliza beth Goudgc Scchrlst The Christmas Book of Leg ends and Stories Smith and Alice Plays For Christmas Rosalind Vallance The Spirit of Christmas Henry VanDyke Christmas Tales Charles Dick ens Christmas At Vernon with George and Martha Washington Helen Miller Merry Christmas Mr Baxter Edward Get Away From Me With Those Christmas Gifts Sylvia Wright Christmas Trees for Pleasure and Profit A G Chapman and CANDIES GIFTS FOR THE SPORTSMAN Morrisons Sport Haven Lane North Hospital Ph TW 54363 BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED FOR CHRISTMAS The Best Drug Store Newmarket We Deliver speaker and delivered a splendid Christmas message with the Star of the East as her topic The same slate of officers was returned to office for the com ing year The bazaar and afternoon lea held by the Friendship Circle the community hall on Saturday was a success Ross North Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Douglas Pottage and family Guy Pottage is on the sick list The Christmas concert at No be held on Monday evening Dec at the school The concert at Hope school on the Fifth Line will he held on Thursday evening Dec THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert 81 Hope west side Mrs Clure Program conveners Mrs Cody Mrs J Hope Mrs G Wood Mrs Toole Mrs Johnston sewing conveners Mrs Starr Mrs J Mrs Mason Mrs L Harper The officers were elected for a two year term A donation of 10 was sent to Scott Mission Toronto At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess es Mrs Cody and Mrs McCIure The next meeting of the Wil ling Workers will be held si the home of Mrs McCIure on Thursday Jan 2 at am Program for the coming year will be planned Come prepar ed to quilt A NEW SYMBOL OF LUXURY IN MOTOR OAKS On Sunday Dec Gift service will be Union church at While held at am BY MIOROUP SANITARY CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks Pumps and Toilets Tile Line Repairs We go any place called Ph Roches Point On Sunday Dec the Sun day service will bo the form of a candlelight service at pm The Christmas message will be given by the pastor Rev Harold and special music will be provided by the choir A cordial welcome to all to wor ship with us Pine Orchard school concert will be held at the school on Thursday evening Doc at oclock Never before such Magnificence Unlimited over 18 feel quiet comfort Never before a car that combines the spirit of a sports car with the floating ride of a limousine This the Pork Lane an entirely series by Mercury It is a car of surpassing beauty distinguished in every line and detail It has the longest of any car ever offered by luxurious appointments and quiet power that until now have been associated with cars in the highest price range Here is the ultimate expression Mercurys 9 ports ear spirit with ride sue and comfort Hie Park Lane compares with many the costliest custombuilt limousines You enjoy i ride that is smooth and steady always quiet And the Park Lane has entirely new Marauder V8 engines matched with new Drive McrcOMatic transmission that tailors performance to every driving condition Every Mercury for gives you the spirit sports ear the luxury of a limousine See them today at your Mercury dealer the budgetpriced the elegant the brilliant new Park Lane models in all CORRECTION was reported erroneously in last weeks Era and Express that the sympathy of York County council had been extended to DeputyReeve Richardson of Whitchurch township on the death of his wife It was to DeputyReeve K township that the council expressed its sympathy Mrs died recently and Express Classifieds Results HI test season moke this of J 9 It IMS your extra HERE la ft to I SEASON WAY WITH CASH US THINGS WAN WHY MOT OR CAll THE MERCURY i ITIZENS COMPANY LIMITEC Loon Lf3fll Ml A Mtn St Open fit- pm- Sot till rstn SAFE BUY USED S YONGE ST NORTH AURORA PHONE PA 742389 i LIN L