The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Dec 5 Indigent Rates Private Hospitals paid for indigent pa ts in nursing homes and pri- in York County increased at the November Jon of county council on the of the finance committee reported that county subsidize local for per cent of the cost of nursing home care indigent patients and that per diem rate shall not All applications for must be approved by warden and commissioners request to raise the county for indigent patients in institutions was presented ho June session It was re ed to the finance committee study maintenance rate paid to rbush hospital Stouffville Sutton Rest Home was sed from per day to a of I present there arc 18 pa ts in private hospitals and homes in the county arc receiving assistance local municipalities and by the county They After Care four McGinity Nursing Home n one Nursing Bolton one Maple Glen home Gormley three Nursing home two Nursing home Stouff- Iwo Thompsons home one Aurora Nursing Aurora one Grants and Parkwood hospital London two Brlerbush Hospital hospital has been recognized since the early thir ties as a county hospital for the purpose of maintenance of indi gent patients Previous to the county paid 225 per day for all indigents This was rais ed to 3 that year and has re mained at that figure Brierbush Hospital has 27 beds four bassinets one crib and three recovery beds They have three registered nurses and five helpers including kitchen help Light surgery is performed There were approximately operations and 215 births re corded last year Sutton Rest Home The Sulton Rest Home has 30 beds On the day it was in spected by Finance Chairman Fred Armstrong there were 27 patients of whom were indi gent N surgery was performed there in No births were re corded for last year The staff includes two trained nurses and five helpers The Finance committees re port showed total disbursements at Oct were S906493 The budget as recommended by the committee totalled SI 015350 Carl NHS Valedictorian MEETING IS DEC The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Group of the Ladies Aid of the Christian Bap tist church will be held at the home of Mrs Orval Saunders 475 Queen St on Thursday sing home one Dec at pm ops On Every Christmas Gift Wanted by Students Used by the entire family The Remington v rnt Down Committee To Study Planning Board Idea For County Of York Newmarket A committee has Edward Wrightman reeve of Carl gradu ate of Newmarket high school gave the valedictory address at commencement exercises held recently at the school The text of his address Is given here Tonight occasion is indeed a happy For those of us who face it with courage with deter mination and with optimism but is that strong enough The world today is full of people who as long as they are having a good time and have a wee bit of the almighty dollar in their pocket arc not in the slightest worried about the fact that there is a are leaving it is not only a grad- tomorrow Central Office Supplies Timothy St Newmarket Phone TW 59813 Judys RECORD 65 Main St Newmarket BAR Phone TW 54911 2 1 SPECIAL RECENT HIT PARADE RECORDS 2 for the price of 1 OP SELECTION OF LPs LATEST HIT TUNES RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS HI RECORDING ACCESSORIES nation but a commencement Not only are we graduating from high school but we arc entering upon an entirely new phase of life for some university for others various fields of occupa tional But as it so often happens happy occasions are tinged with a note of sadness This may very well be the last occasion on which we will all be together to reminisce the last five years with fellow students and with teach ers whom we now regard as true personal friends Because this may be our final meeting together it might be well to look back for a few short moments over the road we have just travelled When we entered this insti tution of learning five years ago we were quite dubious of what the future held in store for US We were frightened and be wildered New subjects with weird names like physics botany and algebra caused us to balk and wonder What have I got into During the next three years We derived great enjoyment from ootball basketball track and field the drama society parties lances and so forth Oil yc we attend classes occasionally but during those years I can re members slouching contemptu ously in my seat and saying to myself Who cares if the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides or that Aristotle was in the bathtub when he dis covered his Principle of Flota tion Education was one long drudgery and a pain in the neck Entering the Inst year of high ehool I finally realized that may be there was something in this education business after all saw some value in learning and could feel a sense of responsibil ity creeping into my soul By the end of this last year of I though I admit that my youth may blind my vision can not agree with anyone who says that we are living in the best of all possible worlds and that the future looks blight But someone may say you are liv ing in a democracy What more could you want democracy is far from one possession which cannot be taken away from man It is our sincere wish that all the delight ful and valuable experiences which have ours will in due course be theirs When their turn comes may they be as sorry to leave as we arc this evening Thank you goodbye and God bless you all KESWICK A prominent citizen Mr Wil fred Victor passed away Nov Interment was in cemetery on Nov 27 My friends Mr to Keswick perfect from being manager of the Bank and ought not to be equated with of Commerce Pickering to be perfection for it is not an ex- manager until his retirement of in perfection but a painful the Keswick branch Since then attempt by imperfect mankind he has been assessor for North laboring to govern itself Gwillimbury but because of ill Well then why not try some health was planning to retire other form of government You He was an Optimist a good will notice that other forms of neighbor and friend government have been material- Sympathy goes out to his wife successful for a while but look the former Kathleen and at the values that have been surrendered freedom of person of speech of opinion of associa tion of equal treatment before the law and others No democ racy is the answer However the strain on democratic govern ment is tremendous The people one daughter Mrs William Ruth of Keswick son of Midland The ser vice was held at the fu neral parlors Mr lack Edmonton is visiting relatives at Kcs been named by York County council to obtain information rel ative to the formation of a coun ty planning board A report will be presented at the last meeting of this session The warden and commissioners recommended the establishment of a county planning board in their report to county council at the November session It is just as important for the county to have an overall planning board as it is for Metropolitan Toronto they said adding that the fast est developing area in America is Metropolitan Toronto and the adjacent municipalities A lot of thought should be given to a planning board for York county said Warden W J Taylor reeve of Richmond Hill There is a tremendous continu ing growth in the countys popu lation particularly in the south ern section of the county Wo should have a board to plan for this future development South ern municipalities in York Coun ty have representatives on Me tro Planning board and that board has a lot to say about the planning of our own area What would be the powers of a county planning board Reeve Fred Armstrong of Wood- bridge That question concerns me too commented Reeve Joseph Fry of village We have enough trouble as it is with Metro planning board It would be good for the county to have a planning board said County Commission- Carol King Carol Keith Winch and Bob Hopkins enjoyed a playparty in Mark- ham on Friday night of today with their many mater- wick ial temptations are making a mockery of democracy The worlds political future depends on democracys occupying the first place in the loyalties of everyone The field of science tees The Mothers group met last similar difficulty The differ- 1 Wednesday with present A in the world today as com- devotional period was ltd by pared with that of yesteryear Is Mrs Ivan Rye ei mainly attributable to science The discovery of the power of hydrogen can have many great peaceful implications but its power has building of Your Difficulties Mrs Cunningham held a discussion period while the ladies worked on two quilts Birthday cake been shifted to the and ice cream were served by weapons of war How I Mrs Mrs many looked at Sputnik episode as OUs scientific achievement open ing a vast new field of learning Few People in Communist countries boasted of their super ior intelligence and bragged of their accomplishment People in the democracies were jealous of the Russian success and angry with their own governments for see- 1 being so slow The educational school I felt that five significance was pushed to the the recent Tory Stevenson and Mrs a Fairbarn The Christmas meet ing will be on Wednesday Dec and a cordial invitation is ex tended to all young mothers years in this building had ac complished something Char acter had been formed com- developed sportsman ship was exemplified and prob ably many other attributes not easily seen at first glance had evolved Certainly no not will disagree when I say that these years have been well spent And now as to the future We CHRISTMAS TREKS FOR SAKE From our Scotch Pine plantation Selected and grown with our customers and friends In mind Free delivery T R HILLIARD R CLARKE handiest helper a farmer ever had PIONEER Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings clear ing new acreage cutting winter firewood these are just a few of the way farmer across the country are using lightweight Pioneer chain saws Let us show you how a Pioneer saw tan help you to more profitable farming Sold by CONSTABLE SON LTD Dr Newmarket PIONEER Sec the complete range of Pioneer saws priced as low as 20495 background Are the many scientific dis coveries being Used to promote human happiness or are they being used to promote the power of groups The heart must be added to the head in the realm of science The fields of government and science are only two that demon strate that selfish materialism seems to have taken over our twentieth century world How ever our civilization is not doomed to collapse or annihila tion There is a solution educa tion Education is simply a training in acquiring a sense of values which will lead people to the correct use of institutions nat ural resources and inventions Education is the keynote Note the words of Baron Brougham who said Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive easy to govern but Im possible to enslave Upon the education of the people of the world the fate of the world depends We who are graduating tonight are grateful that we have received at least a high school education and are somewhat enlightened on the troubled world into which we are stepping We are thankful that we live in a country which provides public education We are greatly indebted to our par ents who have encouraged us often forcibly to get this educa tion On this occasion we are especially grateful to our teach ers who have been our interested listeners and wise counsellors through the last five years What fortitude what tolerance what they must have had I am sure however that they feci an inner reward when read he words of Henry Brooks Adams A teach er affects eternity cannot tell where his influence stops Our ambitions will undoubted ly carry us far afield but wherever we may be we shall profit by the influence of the principles and precepts acquired during our association with this school On Sunday morning a baptis mal service was conducted by Rev McLean The following were baptized Stephen son of Mr and Mrs Robert Cunning ham Stephen son Mr and Mrs Harry Davis Kenneth son of Mr and Mrs Dan Peters Bonnie daughter of Mr and Mrs Adams Roger son of Mr and Mrs Ivan Rye Santa Parade Committee To Sponsor Hockey Team Holland Landing The Santa Clans parade committee is going to do things up right Just so that no one will forget their work after the eventful Dec parade day the committee is go ing to sponsor a hockey team Their pride and joys will be the Rockets who will represent Holland Landing in the Bradford and district intermediate hockey league Pitied against the Ro ckets in league competition will be Bradford Bond Head and Ken llarman has been named coach George manager The committee has purchased green and white sweaters for the team With of the players signed to date Holland Landing officials are expecting to get quite a following of fans The Rockets will be playing each Thursday at the Bradford arena in one section of a league doubleheader attraction FURTHER UNIT GRANT No further grant will be ap proved by York County council for York County Health Unit in A request for 13100 made by the unit to county council at the June session was referred to the finance committee This was the amount by which the council had cut the units proposed budget The committee reported under the chairmanship of Reeve Fred Armstrong of Woodbridge at the November session It recom mended the request be refused SQUADRON ADOPTED BY COUNTY The adoption ceremony Air Force Squadron HI by May I close with this thought York County council will be held We leave tonight but our places at the opening of the new shortly be filled by others administration building The Newmarket Perhaps at pres ent it is more important for the southern municipalities but per haps the time has come to think of planning as a county problem An area could be established in the county for industry for re gardless of where industry lo cates in York county it will help all municipalities he explained The idea has been discussed many times in York county coun cil replied Mr Armstrong The financing of the future of the county depends on the plan ning board of today Industrial development schools roads should be covered by overall planning We must be careful in the selection of such a board At a meeting on planning which was held in Aurora two patterns were outlined which the county might follow in setting up a planning board explained Reeve Elmer Daniels of Stouff ville The first calls for the pro vincial department to set up a planning area and this would give York county planning board the same powers as are held by Metro Planning board The sec ond plan calls for the establish ment of a planning board in the county which would work jointly with municipal planning boards Under this it would still be nec essary to go before the depart ment of planning but the county planning board could act in an advisory capacity Vaughan Richmond Hill and the other southern municipalities are with in Metro planning area and un less this was changed it would be necessary to go through the Metro Planning The min ister recommended that Brad ford be included in a planning area if the county establishes one added Mr Daniels A committee should be named to study the problem agreed Reeve William Clark of Mark township Because of their position the southern munici palities are tied into Metro plan ning There could be a clash of authority if a county board is es tablished too hastily As I understand it one would be more of a dictatorship com mented Reeve Longford Pec of East Gwillimbury the other would work in conjunction with municipal planning board I would oppose the first idea hut approve the second We have a township planning board that functioning well The province wont change the Metro planning area said DeputyReeve Victor Jones of Aurora If that isnt changed what Is the use of setting up a county planning hoard PAY TRIBUTE TO COUNTY COUNCILLOR Sympathy was extended to several associates of County council when York County coun cil met recently in Newmarket The death of a former mem ber Archie Murray was an nounced Mr Murray repre sented Aurora in York County council from 1027 to inclu sive Auroras reeve Clarence Davis was absent from the session It was reported with regret that Mr Davis had been injured in a car accident when returning from a hunting trip Sympathy was extended to DeputyReeve George Richard son Whitchurch township on the death of his wife Council lors were pleased to have Depu tyReeve Milton Burke of with them Mr Burke had been ill for many weeks GOOD BYE Transportation Problems just as eager just as anxious just as determined to obtain that dale Dec has 30 been set for Monday Once in Year Sale To the People of Newmarket and District General Motors who are celebrating their anniversary this year designed and produced a GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY CHEVROLET AND OLDS- MOBILE CAR that met with outstanding public accept ance You can see all the new General Motors products at the Automotive Building in Toronto this week at the ADMISSION FREE More and in November than had honestly result we have a yard full used cars pic ted our selection of used ears offer HAVE KEPT THE AND WHOLESALED THE REST have been anticipated and We have to you Sold as a com- We have a really wonderful selection of good used cars a FORD previously owned by Mr Doug Terry with only miles a 1957 OLDSMOBILE driven by Mr Stan Terry with only 3100 miles a OLDSMO BILE driven by Mr Dan McTavish with only 7000 miles a 1957 CHEVROLET driven by Mr John Jacob with only 3000 miles We have three other 1957 OLDSMOBILES several BUICKS CHEVROLET S FORDS PLY- MOUTHS etc from 1950 and up We are approaching our year end Dee and winter is coming with its headaches of starting cars thai have been standing in the snow overnight So I ARE PREPARED TO OFFER SOME EXCEPTION ALLY LOW PRICES IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUR IOl OF USED CARS THE MONTH OF DECEMBER and our usual guarantee with every used ear sold We have a good reputation we give the best ser vice so Dont Delay Come In Today For the Buy of Your Life For example 1956 Buick 1955 Ford 1953 Chevrolet 1952 2295 only 1450 only only only Other at our cost in order to clear before winter really sets in Newmarket Motors Ltd Hit ST rows ham will give you a PHONG 53371