Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Oct 1957, p. 5

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Classifieds Continued MISCELLANEOUS HEADYMIXED CONCRETE or Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD Stouffvllte If color and black and photo finishing One week n Kodacolor and one day on lack and white Abel for e finest in photo finishing tollable at Harvey Lanes tf35 TOWNSHIP OF GWILLIMBURY COURT OF REVISION NORTH is hereby given that the rst sitting of the Court of of the Assessment upon which the taxes be based will be held on Oct 30 1957 at clock in the forenoon in the Hall Ont- appellants are requested to present and present their before the Court and unable to attend the court 11 proceed exparty Winch clerk Belhaven TOWNSHIP OF EAST GWILLIMBURY THE Court will be held in the Council Chambers on Thursday November at the hour of oclock in the fore noon for the 1957 Assessment Roll J Clerk c2w43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Ann late of the township of East in the County of York widow deceased CREDITORS of the abovenamed deceased who died at the Town ship of East Gwillimbury in the County of York on or about the sixteenth day of September are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the twentythird day of November after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR SALT SEALED tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to clock noon MONDAY NOV FOR supplying and delivering to the Township where and as directed by the Road Supt APPROXIMATELY 90 tons of coarse salt in lbs bags for use on Township roads during the winter months LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Chalmer Black Road Supt Kettleby Ont Township of King TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR SCREENING SAND SEALED tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon MONDAY NOV and loading Household goods and other articles terms cash No reserve Property belonging to the estate of the late Mrs William A Tim bers Sale at pm Ken and SATURDAY OCT 25 Important Clarke Prentice auctioneers auction sale of 38 head of FOR screening and of j proximately 3000 cubic yards of undersigned will then suitable the have notice DATED at Newmarket this twentyfourth day of October AD Stiver Vale Peppiatt and Newmarket Solicitors for Murray Rut- ledge Kennedy and Galloway Executors c3w43 Township Roads during the win ter months FOR full particulars and tender forms please contact the under signed LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Chalmer Black Road Supt Kettleby Ont Township of King AUCTION SALE RES house and lot feL th hold furniture antique dishes ered accredited herd of Jersey cattle Dione threshing machine span of horses milking machine and cooler also mixed grain On Front Pickering Twp on Liverpool Road South 2 mile west of Pickering Village mile south of Kingston Road Frenchmans Bay Property of R W Balsdon Sale at 2 pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers FRIDAY OCT 25 Complete dis persal of the registered herd vaccinated and accredited Herd classified on selective registration including fresh cows springers bred heifers also Surge Milker pump pipe line at Farm located at lot 7 con 6 Vaughan township mile west of Hy and mile north of 2 miles east of the property of the estate of the late Robert Watson herd is on testing write to owner for cata logues Carl Boynton on pedi grees Terms cash Sale 2 pm Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer SATURDAY OCT 26 Auction sale of household effects the property of the late Cook also the frame house at 397 St north side Newmarket with all modern conveniences will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid Terms and con ditions made known at time of sale Sale 1 pm Terms on chattels cash Executor Gord on C Cook and Irwin Smith auctioneer c2w42 glassware kitchen utensils den tools odd effects etc gar- usiness fit Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS D STORE NOTI SUNDAY OCT 27 The Best Drug Store TORE OPEN 1 5 PM VETERINARIAN The Best Drug Store Will be open next week Oct 28 Nov 2 Until 8 pm TURNER MOWERS ENGINES sales Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped 24Hour Service C STUNDEN Church St North RICHMOND TURNER DR VETERINARIAN Eagle St Phone TW INSURANCE NORMAN W GREENSIDES Insurance Agencies Ltd LIFE FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCE AND LOW COST AUTO FINANCING Timothy St Newmarket TW JOS P BREEN QUEENS VILLE CLU AURORA PA Mutual Life of Canada LEGAL CLARE C GREEN Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Keswick Ontario Telephone Roches Point Contractors or Fanners and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed live red on the job by truck rton Lumber Co Write for prices Port Ontario FOR RENT POWER TOOLS AND FLOOR SANDERS AND FINISHERS Fred Penrose 56583 or TW 527 Newmarket INSURANCE JOHN E Confederation Life Association Pension Life and Group Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket PHONE TW FLOYD E CORNER Qc Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Aurora Ontario Telephone Aurora PA Res PA T A Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St 20 INSURANCE Personal Package Policies Business Package Policies Including Car to off Rates Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET ONT PHONE II RES PA ACCOUNTANT C Moore US ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Lundys Lane Newmarket Ontario Phone TW A A CONLIN 252A Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE TW NEWMARKET LEONARD ROSENBERG Com CHARIEKED I MARKET AND ESS net TWining 52331 2332 and 2333 Accounts Also Payable At Dominion Bank The requires your bill when you make payment ERS AND PUBLISHERS Era and Express Is The Advertising Medium Which You Can Find CHARLES ST Between Queen and Davis of Main to 530 Mon Harper and Co Chartered Accountants MAIN ST NEWMARKET TELEPHONE 56601 J Jackson CA Resident Partner Telephone MUSIC PIANO Miss Charlotte Morton will open a studio for piano music les sons at her home St Newmarket phone 5- Stiver Vale Peppiatt and Errington BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES K M R Stiver Joseph Vale J Peppiatt I J A William ISCom A MAIN ST 54571 Newmarket A MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC 208A Main St Newmarket PHONE VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone 52011 Newmarket Mathews Dinsdale and Clark Barristers Solicitors Bay St Toronto Norman L Mathews Beatrice E Mathews Stanley LLB Allan J Clark TELEPHONE EMpIre 35391 DENTAL DR W 0 NOBLE DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office Office 52701 Residence DR KELLY DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone SATURDAY OCT 26 Auction sale of farm stock and imple ments property of Richard Bart- ley and Son lot 3 con 9 Brock Daybed couch Electric township 3 miles south of Day mantle clock or 3 miles north and 3 miles SATUDAY NOV 2 The property of HERBERT at St Aurora President electric vacuum clean with attachments new usee only once Happy Thought electric range Small annex kitchen coal wood stove Simplex electric washing ma chine Roll top oak office desk Columbia with rec ords Extension dining table 6 Matching dining room chair Drop leaf walnut table Cained seated rocking chair Glass top cardboard closets Several wind drapes Large rocking chairs Sideboard buffet Antique chest of drawers J 5 Old style kitchen chairs Old style wash stand Cellar tables Mirror Antique spool bed Bedstead and spring mat tress Glass lop for cupboard Square top stand table Wooden tubs Leather cased travelling bags Large rocking chair Cellar cabinet Baking cabinet table Kitchen chairs Drop Leaf kitchen table TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING SEALED tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon MONDAY NOV FOR the following snow remov ing equipment Area No All Township roads west of highway No 27 A live ton truck equipped with a type plow and levelling 2 Area No All township in the Holland Marsh Road reas A five ton truck with type plow and veiling wing by time will be allowed or each machine engaged while same is not working OR full particulars and tender please contact the under lined OWEST or any tender not nec- ssarily accepted Chalmer Black Road Supt Township of King TOWNSHIP OF KING ENDERS FOR FURNACE OIL tenders plainly mark- as to contents will be by the undersigned up till clock noon MONDAY NOV or supply and delivering 3000 gallons of Oil to the Township ce during the winter of 1957 HE lowest or any tender will lot necessarily be accepted H Rose Clerk Ontario west of Sunderland 25 head of Holstein cattle milk cows mostly springers some fresh brood sows chunks and wean ed pigs Cockshutt tractor man ure spreader on rubber nearly new Ferguson cultivator Full line of machinery Farm sold Terms cash Sale at 130 pm Bob Weir clerk Reg Johnson auctioneer SATURDAY OCT 26 Import ant auction sale of 18 head of and grade cattle including fresh cows and spring ers milkers 3 bull calves 2 Surge milking units at west half of lot con Vaughan township at Glen Helen Farm 1 14 mile south of Richmond Hill west of St between Bathursl and Duffcrin St Cattle are bred to Maple Sires all under Dairy Herd Improvement Assoc iation and vaccinated The above are a nice herd No reserve Giving up milk business due to conversion Sale at 2 pm Terms cash Lloyd Turner clerk S Farmer auctioneer phone 5311 WEDNESDAY OCT Auction sale of dairy herd con sisting of fresh cows calves by Clothes horse cabinet or chest toilet sets Largo hand school bell Odd prints and painted picture Brass pots and stands Odd china dishes ironware glassware jars sealers crocks kitchen and cooking utensils etc Several quilts blankets rug and bedding Also numerous household effects etc Painted globe table lamp 3 Odd old table lamps Quantity of stove hard coal 2 Cans Of Cross cut saw Storage boxes Extension ladder Quantity of lumber and planks Several sets of single and driv ing harness some arc good Wheelbarrow odd garden and carpenter tools step ladder lawn roller Pile of scrap iron Along with several other articles too numerous to mention etc The real estate consists of a lot fif more or less nicely situ ated on No 11 St in the Town of Aurora blocks from towns business section On it is a very good room 2 storey brick dwelling with bathroom all conveniences with a newly side springers vaccinated and installed oil furnace a good tested new Surge milker metal clad building AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS DR C E VANDERV00RT DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone TW 56272 Dr J W Bartholomew DENTIST Corner of and Eagle St 56271 Newmarket can milk cooler the property of Albert Brown at lot 27 con 10 Markham township 1 12 miles south of Stouffville NOTE Bulk storage Is reason for sell ing at this time Sale pm Terms cash Faulkner and Woods clerks Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of Dairy herd 2 tractors ton pickua like new used only on the farm Hammer mill new power mower tractor spreader Cose bale elevator new rubber tired wagon new auto steering Case Heavy duty cultivator like new Case fertilizer drill new front end loader new 3 double disc blades like new 3F tractor plow on rubber new bulldozer blade new cir cular saw Surge milker 2000 bales hay bales straw fat pigs sows with litters cob com etc the property of Farm located at lot con Whitchurch township on Don Mills Road mile north of NOTE These imple ments are like new bought in the last years Farm renting No reserve Terms cash Sale pm Faulkner and Woods clerks Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer SATURDAY NOV 2 Auction sale of desirable house and lot household furniture new electric vacuum cleaner washing ma- chine antique articles dishes glassware utensils quilts rugs carpenter and garden tools lum ber etc at 11 Street in Aurora Property of Herbert Terms cash No re serve on household articles Property will be sold subject to reserve bid See sale bills for terms Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers TUESDAY NOV A consign ment sale of Hereford and Short horn cattle at Arena pm Bull premium policy applies on all bulls with four head being eligible for maximum premium up to 20000 For catalogues contact J Keith Department of Agriculture WEDNESDAY NOV Auction sale of household furniture sewing machine one duty bicycle and another bicycle electric paint sprayer Englishmade heavy dutyair rifles electric stove odd tools dishes etc at Prentices auction rooms Franklin House Ont property belong ing to the estate of the late Har vey Widcman estate of Mac- and property of John Sewcll Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers SATURDAY NOV Auction sale of valuable real estate apartment dwellings with store front all conveniences oil heat ing at Ontario on Ken- Rd also household furni ture new electric refrigerator near new television set good china dishes odd dishes glass ware garage tools and equip ment pots pans etc Real estate sold subject to reserve bid feet in rear of lot The buildings are in good state of repair This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid Terms per cent cash day of sale For further particulars apply to the auctioneers or James Drive Toronto phone Mohawk Sale at 130 pm sharp No re serve except on house and lot to be announced Property of fered at Nothing lo be removed until paid for Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers phone Ont Axminsier 3- TOWNSHIP OF KING TENDERS FOR SANDING tenders plainly d as to contents will be received the undersigned up to clock noon MONDAY NOV OR the following sanding equip ment for use on all roads west of No 27 dump truck equipped with a sand spreader TRACTOR equipped with hovel or frontend loader OR full particulars and tender forms please contact the under signed LOWEST or any lender not nec essarily accepted Black Road Supt Ont Township of King OF THANKS to take this I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors of and district for all the lovely cards letters fruit also telephone calls from you during my four weeks in Toronto General hospital When Dr Rose of Aurora read me the report letter from Dr Mc Clelland at his office it touched me deeply it was a great deal more than I expected With your cards coming everyday it sure made me feel better to have your help and Gods help along with a great specialist Dr Mc Clelland I was sure to win Also special thanks to Rev Clifford Hall and my two blood doners Roy Gibson and Doug Beckett Thanks again Beckett CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF A PRO POSED BYLAW TO CLOSE AND STOP UP AND TO PRO VIDE FOR THE SALE OF A PORTION OF THE LANE OR ROADWAY LYING IN THE REAR OF LOTS TO IN CLUSIVE PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET AND FOR SELLING AND CONVEY ING A PART OF THE FREE HOLD PART OF THE ROAD SO STOPPED UP TAKE NOTICE that at a meet ing of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket on Monday the fourth day of November 1957 at pm in the afternoon con sideration will be given by the Council to the passing of a pro posed bylaw providing to close and stop up and to provide for the sale of a portion of the lane or roadway lying in the rear of lots 10 to inclusive Plan for the Town of Newmarket and for the sale and conveyance of a portion thereof AND at the said meeting the Council will hear any person either personally or by counsel who claims that his land will prejudicially affected by the said proposed DATED at Newmarket this tenth day of October AD Wesley Brooks Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of William late of the Town of New market in the County of York Labourer who died on or about the day of August are required to send proof of same to the undersigned Executor on or before the 1st day of Novem ber 1957 after which date the assets of the estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice DATED at Bradford this day of September James Franklin Houghton 2 Beeton Executor by Evans and Evans Bradford Ontario his Solicitors CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs wish to express their gratitude to everyone for the kindness sym pathy and flowers received dur ing their recent bereavement of a loving mother THANKS I would to express my sin cere appreciation to relatives friends and neighbors for cards flowers etc during my recent stay in the hospital especially thanking Dr Edwards and staff of York County hospital Mrs Benton DEATHS STRAWBERRY Attend One 0 These CHURCHES SUNDAY OCT VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy Lawson am Sunday school am Pastors Bible class am Worship service Wed pm Prayer meeting A warm welcome awaits you IN preparation in starting of Fellowship of Evangelical Bap tist Church in Holland Landing We will be holding a meeting every Thursday afternoon at pm at the home of Mrs Bertha Dean to study the Bible on Signs of the Times All welcome SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps it Queen St pm Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting pm Cottage Meeting Captain and Mrs officers invite yoo to make the Army your home Suddenly at Stoncy Plains Alberta Lloyd Somnierville husband of Irene father of Joyce and Resting at An drews McLaughlin Funeral chapel ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Harry Lawrence Quirt North Ray announce the engagement of their daughter Beth Ethel to Mr James Peter son of Mr and Mrs Clif ford Raymond Newmar ket The marriage will take place on Saturday Nov at oclock in ProCathedral of the Assumption North Bay Ont ario CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE MAIN AT QUEEN Pastoi Rev a Co cm at Organist Miss June Haines Evangelistic Campaign with Evangelist Jimmy of Alliance Ohio Soloist Mrs Marjorie Decks October IB Nightly at pm Sundays am and pm CHURCH TOP THE NAZARENE Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday school pm Frank Clark Supl pm Evangelistic service Rev Earl Whit more min ister YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY GREETING CARDS the best in Christian liter ature books plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of all kinds etc come and sec at the Evangelical Book and Gift Howard Newmar ket William R Hall authorized agent phone TW 54469 New market CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec am Morning Worship pm Sunday school pm Evening service All Welcome MAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Mount Albert 81 McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW 54862 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST ANDREWS Minister Rev Stuart Johnston BD B Educ 11 am Nursery and beginners am Public Worship Dr Joseph Wasson HOLT FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev J Slack Minister am Sunday School am Morning worship pm Evening service Tuesday pm Prayer service Thursday pm Friday pm TABERNACLE Dr South of Shopping Centre You are welcome to all services Sunday am Sunday school am Morning worship pm Evangelistic service Tuesday8 pm Bible study Running Pastor UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister am Broadcast Kc am Worship am Sunday 12 noon Worship Bethesda pm Evening service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White BD Music Director Leon II Nash am Senior Sunday School It am The Creche am Primary and Junior Congregation am Morning worship Commissioning of Canvas sers Building Fund Can vass Be prepared to wel come canvassers and to make your pledge or dona tion to the Building Fund pm Evening Service Report of Canvass All Are Welcome At Trinity FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket am Meeting for Worship Come and worship with us All welcome The change from a convention al Christian to a dedicated Christian is the biggest step a man can take D Elton blood FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald am Sunday school 1 1 am Divine Worship pm Evangelistic service Revival Servces With Miss Muriel Darling of Perth Road Every evening except Saturday pm You are welcome ST PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH St Newmarket Rector Canon J T Rhodes am Holy Communion am Senior Sunday school am Junior Sunday school and kindergarten am Morning Prayer and sermon 7 pm Evening Prayer and ser mon GRACE CHURCH Street Pastor Rev A R Yielding Sunday Oct at am Family Day with boys and girls of the Bible school tak ing part at the It am ser vice All parents invited 7 pm The Pastor speaking on Mothers Fathers and Child ren Wednesday Bible Study Always a Welcome at Grace

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