WRITE Selling East Gwillimbury Down The Holland In River a recent editorial in the Newmarket Era and Express one would think that we as taxpay ers had lost or given the south portion of our township to the town of Newmarket In the second sentence we read We are unable to see where the township has any choice in the matter Whether this means a Disposal plant or annexation you figure it out for yourself As one would read this editorial through it apparently is a cut and dried proposition without even approaching the council or the taxpayers It would be only right to point out to the people of the township that as long as sewers have been in Newmarket the raw sewage and I mean raw sewage call it what you like has run north in the Holland River through north Newmarket through the farms also Holland Landing Park and thus ending in Lake Simcoe with pollution all the way think a plant is long overdue but let us in East Gwil run our own show Mr Editor With the development going on in this new subdivision East Gwillimbury Heights we are to have a plant built for us large enough to handle the sewage from their subdivision and as many more homes as they are building In other words if they build 500 homes the plant will be large enough to carry a thousand homes This plant is to be put into operation and given over to the township ready to service that area for which it is built with no cost to the town ship When the residents living in that area serviced by the sewers wish to have their homes con nected the cost will be the con nection at their property line and any truck line that might have to be installed as the plant will be paid for We already know that there will be costs to operating a plant There is cost to any plant whether it is with one municipal ity or a joint plant we have some Industries come in let us have them in East Why annex good development area In Saturdays issue of the Globe and Mail Oct on page five column three we read where the town or city of has been refused the right to an nex a portion of Oro Vespera and townships by the Ontario Municipal Board with strong opposition being raised by the taxpayers Now Mr Editor lest we forget a word en debentures of both municipalities In East Gwillim bury there is a debenture debt Of with a population of people Let us compare it with Newmarkets debenture debt of and a population of people I cannot see the idea of saddling any of our tax payers with the debt of a sewage plant In speaking of the debenture debt our last debentures of 30- were sold at full face value before they were signed by the Municipal Board to taxpayers within our own municipality In closing if any of the resi dents in the south west corner of the township of East Gwillim bury have lost any sleep over annexation or the cost of a sew age disposal plant it is not true How about the farmer at Holt now Mr Editor Yours sincerely Sheldon Walker Councillor Of East It might be wise in the fut ure to send a correspondent to our meetings and keep up with the times and happenings in East Editors Note Weve tried that Well try again Township Reeve Answers Editorial Mr Editor I would like to know where you got- your information with reference to East Gwillimbury and the Sewage Disposal Plant This editorial is completely out of order one sided and smells bad to me and to the good people of our township We dont have to cater to any other Municipal ity with regard to building a Sewage Disposal Plant We have an agreement with the of East Heights to supply water and sewers and a sewage dis posal plant large enough to ser vice his subdivision plus the bal ance or all the other homes in the North End of Newmarket which lie in the township of East Gwillimbury free with no strings attached to the township Somebody seems to think that East is an all rural municipality the contrary over per cent of the popula tion of the township as of was urban So you see we are not green at handling urban de velopment and feel quite capable of handling it in the future As for the town of Newmar ket annexing a portion of East Gwillimbury township it would be wise to ask the ratepayers of that portion of the township their feeling after they examine the financial standing of the two municipalities East assessment debenture debt Newmarket assessment 252 debenture debt and remember the sewage plant is not built yet SPECiAL VITAMIN B COMPOUND RIlWi SAVE For ft 1 of well SPECIAL 249 NEWMARKET DRUGS PH DAVIS DR NEAR DELIVERY PROCLAMATION CHANGE TO STANDARD TIME AT OCLOCK AM SUNDAY OCTOBER WHEREAS by direction of the Council a proclamation WW issued requesting the citizens to observe a period of daylight saving from the day of April to the day of October are therefore to request all citizens to et back clocks and watches one hour AT OCLOCK AM ON SUNDAY THE 27th DAY OF OCTOBER All persons interested are respectfully requested to take notice of this proclamation and govern ac cordingly OCTOBER H M Mayor SAVE THE QUEEN These figures are taken from the Ontario towns and cities magazine printed by The Parkins Publishing Co Montreal Can ada and are 1956 figures District Unemployment Expected To Be Acute Whitchurch Twp Told According to a letter before Whitchurch township council on Thursday evening unemploy ment in the local area is expect ed to be acute this coming M Pegg Reeve of thejter While there are always Township of East Gw1llimj seasonal layoffs the Queen Street October 22 Dear Sir There can be no question that the proposed construction of the sewage treatment plant is long overdue and will be welcomed by everybody 1 would how ever suggest that some further thought should be given to the proposal before the town is final ly committed to the proposal published in your paper The development of East Gwil limbury Heights and Heights subdivisions will add some three thousand persons to the population immediately north of the town limits If this is any indication of the trend of natural development Main St North will be a very important road as an approach to the town Is a sewage treatment plant the best gateway we can provide for our town The proposed realignment of Main Street North will give the sewage treatment plant road frontage on all sides This is not only uneconomical from point of view of initial cost Main Street frontage would also normally develop with good tax paying buildings The land to the west of the proposed site rises rapidly and the new houses in Heights will overlook the works I won der who will buy houses in such a location and furthermore whether they will ever be able to sell them once they realize that they have made a bad bar gain Industry is normally a heavy water user and by the nature and volume of its effluents may create problems requiring the use of large diameter sanitary sewers or pipes having protec tive linings This increases the cost of industrial sewers over those serving purely residential areas of our town or must trade effluents pass through long lengths of trunk sewer My fears may well be un founded and I can only hope that they are Yours truly Peter ment Insurance Commission of fice in Newmarket states in a letter that it expects the layoffs will be 20 to 30 percent greater than last year To help to offset this expected situation a meeting has been called for the Newmarket office of the Commission on November 24 Invitations are being sent to municipal clerks boards of trade and chambers of commerce Would Open Slderoad Messrs Harry Fry and Ball appeared before council regard ing the opening of the south side- road running between the sec ond and third concessions Mr Fry who is contemplating the sale of property on the old road allowance asked for assurance that the road would be opened even though it might be a matter of three to five years Deputyreeve Richardson questioned whether or not the department of highways would approve a subsidy on a three- year program Road superinten dent Davis said that the other Mr Fry added other interested along the road- be interviewed that there are parties in land way Road superintendent Davis said that he would try and inter view the other property owners on Saturday Want Legal Advice Messrs Ross and Bruce Winter- stein of the Stouffvillc Sand and Gravel firm appeared before council seeking permission for unlicensed trucks to cross the town line from one part of the company properly to the other One of the companys trucks had been given a summons for using the road and Mr Winter- stein was seeking a letter of per mission similar to that given for moving buildings or large loads on the highway He told council that all the vehicles were amply insured and he had been assured by an in surance agent that the insurance company would take the full re sponsibility should one of the trucks be involved in an accident while crossing the road He further stated that he had appeared before Uxbridge coun cil and all members were agree able to such permission being granted Council members dis- property owners would have to cussed the matter at some length and while they were all pathetic to the request agreed that the advice of the township solicitor should be sought before any permission was given in writing Cherry St Speeding A request was received from the Vivian ratepayers to have a 30mile speed limit enforced on Cherry St which runs between the and concessions Deputyreeve Richardson stat- there was not sufficient builtup area and therefore the department of highways would not approve such a request The suggestion that signs be parted without a bylaw was not acted on and it was felt that every scattered hamlet in the township would then request these signs It would be confus ing to the police and could lead to involving the in case of accident Several members expressed the view that the fast drivers on Cherry St were resident who lived there and the request was rejected The general account passed for payment amounted to According to the interim report from the department of high ways Whitchurch has spent on roads this year up to August 31 The tenders for winter sand and snow plowing equipment will be opened at a special meeting which council is holding on Oct 24 Page The Newmarket they Era and Express Thursday Watch for AIRBORN B58 BUICK Coming OCTOBER at Slessor Motors NEWMARKET LIMITED Your CMC TRUCK DEALER Eagle St Phone TW ii History Geography To Be Emphasized In New Curricula History and geography will he given greater emphasis in Ont ario curricula Education Min ister William J announc ed in a recent speech at In recent years these two sub jects have been part of the called social studies which would also include study of gov ernment Dr said that these should preferably he taught separately that each would gain from being the object of a sep arate course He announced that new cours es will be developed for Grades to but emphasized that it would not involve any change in curricula Dr lop felt that the great majority of teachers would prefer to have separate courses on history geography and government in stead of grouping them all social studies THE PAINT DAUBERS PLAN PROGRAMS Weekly sessions have been ar ranged in the Newmarket Public Library lecture room for Thurs day at pm by the Paint On Oct the officers wore named An evening of sketching and painting is planned for tonight and next week Oct 31 there will be a lecture and demonstrator by William All begin ners in the field of art are wel comed to this new group Mr lias chosen for his theme A in Oils He has been an art instructor hi the night classes of Newmarket high school Mr has given lectures and demonstrations for the Art group and the Sutton Art club Those elected to office for are chairman Mrs Gould sec Mrs Gerald Mrs Frank Bramrner and publicity Mrs George TEA AND BAKE SALE BY HOSPITAL The home of Mr M Church SI will be the seem of this years autumn tea and of home baking sponsored by the York County Hospital Women- auxiliary Tea will be served from 3 to pm Everyone is invited to attend Proceeds will be used by the Hos pital for provision of patient comforts and other phases of it- m Weve made a special purchase from the manufacturer which allows us to give you this great saving fl SAVE s w SMOOTH TOP- BUTTON FREE SCJ REG Mil NOW I Guaianirtd by Good LIMITED TIME ONLY Matching Box Spring low price of ON ASSOCIATION PUBUCAHONS health No luffs no lumps no bumps no buttons just glorious comfort with firm flexibility coil construction deep layers of white sisal insulated pads and quilted crushproof border identifies y new posturvfir as extra value air conditioning ventilators and silk handles are additional features Available in Single ThreeQuarter Double 33 ekl in yourtllG MATTRESS A A W Say Goodbye to backaches caused by a soft sagging mat tress For now the Luxury brings you won derful relief with new CONTOURCONTROL tvit III DAY FREE TRIAL 11 MlfM rani on oar S3 Hut our Fit d J YEAR GUARANTEE pureed Kith box The Oldest Beauty and Health magi cian in the World it a good nights sleep are you gelling yours A DYERS FURNITURE Main St Newmarket Free Delivery Phone LTD