ft The New Era and Express Thursday Aug Former Laskay Girl To Marry In Spanish Cathedral Sept A wedding in an old Spanish Cathedral Our Lady of Pilar on Thursday September will be of Interest to the King City dis trict Miss Jacqueline Reg Dolly of Pav ilion Presbyterian Medical Cen tre New York City formerly of King township will be come the bride Angel head resident doctor of Kings County Hospital Brook lyn NY where he is specializing in dermifology Of Spanish parents Dr chan was educated at where he in medicine Miss McFarland met the young doctor while she was in her last year of her nurses training cour se at St Josephs hospital Dr was interning there the same year The 21year old bride elect sail ed from New York August and was meeting nurse friends from New York who were touring Spain and other parts of Europe She will meet Dr parents for the first time and will be introduced to the customs of an old world wedding in Spain She can speak enough Spanish to get by on she hopes Preparations for the wedding will involve choice of material and design of her white wedding gown Four seamstresses were awaiting her arrival in so they could start on the hand made costume which a Cathedral ceremony calls for Then there would be rehearsals where many little flower girls and page boys plan an important part Dr family are pro duce merchants at where they Agricultural farms and tracts of olive groves Miss spent her childhood at attending Strange elementary school She then went to Notre Dame Acad emy NY which she graduated four years later Miss McFarland then entered St Jos ephs hospital training school graduating in Following a honeymoon on the Island of Majorca and a tour of Italy Dr and his bride will return to the US in October In June 1958 when he has com pleted his specialist course at Kings County hospital the couple plan to move to Tor onto where Dr Trinchan will continue his profession DeputyReeve Says New Walks Heeded For Macheil Ave Aurora Sidewalk on Ave should be replaced the streets committee recommenced to council A report brought in by DeputyReeve Victor Jones said that 300 feet of walk at an estimated cost of should be replaced on the west side of Mac- chell Jones explained that the walk could not be blacktopped be cause it was necessary to raise it in spots from four to 10 inches Councillor Alf Child asked if it would be necessary to con struct steps where the level of the sidewalk would be raised private walks There were not many of those the deputyreeve replied and people concerned had been con tacted and had agreed to fix their own walks Proposed Kmgsmill Manor Subdivision Would Have 205 Lots Acres For Plants KING LIBRARY HOURS King Memorial library will be open to the public from three six pm starting the first Fri day in September The Wednes day afternoon 3 to and evening 7 to hours will continue as us ual The childrens story hour will be decided later The an nouncement comes from Mrs A Jarvis head librarian DIAL 1300 for THE FARM AND HOME SHOW Andy brings you the latest farm news and market reports to 120 Monday through Saturday MAURINO Auto Wreckers Parts I 52132 BRADFORD Location near new Community Centre All Types of Rebuilt Transmissions Rear Ends Generators Starters For all types of cars and trucks All parts fully guaranteed Wrecking all types of late model cars and trucks from 1946 and up every week HEREFORD FARMS WHOLESALE RETAIL MEATS LTD HUDSON FRONT of rut to order 3fl lb PORK lean and meaty 4f lb BONELESS TURKEY LOAVES for roasting verv delirious 3 lb loaf ea LEGS of LAMB or LAMB CHOPS lb BABY CALVES LIVER sliced VEAL CUTLETS tenderlicd lb PORK CHOPS lb LAMB CUTLETS or LAMB CHOPS loin lb FRESH PORK HAM 59 lb STEAK ROAST or STEAKS Sirloin Tbone ROUND PORTERHOUSE or WING baby beef 65 lb QUARTERS OP BEEF cut and wrapped In steaks and roasts lb HIND QUARTERS of PORK no charge for cutting or lb YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS fresh killed 49 lb FROZEN PEAS fresh young pack lb j KOSHER STYLE CORNED BEEF thick and lean 65 lb PORK BEEF VEAL or LAMB CUBED STEAKS 59 lb MINCED BEEF extra lean 29 lb A new taste treat CHICKEN and PORK SAUSAGE SLICES for frying lb SMALL SIDES of YOUNG VEAL cut and wrapped no stew cuts lb TURKEYS Hereford Farm lender grown fresh killed lbs average lb All orders over delivered FREE Any meats may bo purchased at todays price and left in our cold storage plant until required Plenty of locker space available per month Open Wednesday and Friday evenings until pm All day Saturday Money back guarantee on all meats sold at our plant BAYVIEW AVE AT MILLWOOD ROAD HUDSON 1666 Evenings KING COUNCIL BRIEFS ROM BUSY SESSION Norman and three other ratepayers of Ridge Road inquir ed about having their half mile roadway gravelled and put into At a King township council meeting August 20 The road has not been taken over by the township since it was aband oned by an early subdivider Reeve Hodgson said the depart ment of highways engineer would inspect the road and advise on a plan Either the department would concede to conferring it a municipal road or ratepayers would have to finance it 5050 with the township Old subdivision roads left un finished are the bane of council who are trying to convince the department of the feasibility of conversion the Reeve pointed out Building inspector Ross was authorized to issue a build ing permit to the Sterling Drug Company to construct a plant on land in King Township to be an nexed by Aurora on October The building is estimated to cost two million dollars The resolut ion stipulated that Aurora re ceive percent of the permit value A resolution accepted the prices quoted by Eric King town ship taxpayers to prepare and plant inside and outside ever greens and shrubbery at the new municipal building to cost Mr is a landscape garden er who came from Denmark His greenery is on the sixth of King A resolution approved the ten der of Payne and son as accepted by for the rection of a deep well pump to operate the municipal waterworks system Lowest tender of four plus a verbal quotation was by Payne The sys tem will be in operation by Oct ober trustees anticipate They also expect a public meeting on the Nobleton zoning bylaw soon A resolution empowered V G township engineer to order necessary material for con struction of the North bridge subject to prices being the same as originally submitted The tender of tree experts was to the highways department approval The new bridge will replace the bailey used since October at the time of hurricane haz el Council will expend to furnish a room for office duties of constable Harold Russell the welfare and weed inspector Mr Russell will be placed on a year ly salary basis next January Mil eage is to remain a separate item Reeve Hodgson commended Mr Russell for his efficiency A claim of was awarded to John Ellison Eighth concess ion to reimburse him for the de struction of his newly planted Chinese Elm hedge destroyed by township roadside spraying Reservations were accepted at Inn Muskoka for Reeve and Mrs Hodgson Councillor and Mrs Jennings to attend the On tario Municipal association con vention Aug to Dr Arnold owner of Kingshill Manor a proposed sub division on the former specht farm of acres beyond King Citys easterly limits discussed the possibility of acquiring water from King City with village tru stees last week The 205 lot housing scheme divided in the rural urban cate gory with foot frontages and feet depth has 20 acres along the CNR track allocated to light industrial development At and King there is a commercial site according to the draft plan Already Toronto people are asking about potential industrial sites said Morris Dr partner There will be water for your project advised trustee Ronad Bolton The village requires per lot for water and is seeking sub- dividers contribution in advance to finance the contract of fitting the- new well with pump pump house and mains trustee M said Special rates are required from out of town customers Subdivid- install their water mains Kingshill Manor would supply sixinch mains to connect with King and Fisher Sts to the water tower If the plan is accepted the sub- divider is willing to have drill tests made on their property and have the village operate a well Dr was advised by trustee to consider hav ing acres annexed to the east erly side of the village He ex plained the process of having 63 percent of the ratepayers tenants involved giving approv al to annexation The county council has jurisdiction over the signatures OBITUARY Thomas Blackburn Funeral service for Thomas M Blackburn 84 of was held at the United church on August 26 Burial was made in Kettleby cemetery Rev Robert Graham offici ated A lifelong King township re sident Mr Blackburn passed away at his home on the previous Saturday from coronary of King City King City At Womens Institute rooms hall the mission cir cle of Second King Baptist church held a bake sale and bazaar in connection with the annual fall show of Schomberg horticultural society Saturday Aug 24 Proceeds were 7 Mrs Hugh Hamilton was main convener of the sale She is also president of the horticul tural society Mrs Dorothy Pressley New Scotland entertained Sunday on her birthday The guests were Mr and Mrs Harold June and Douglas her son Douglas Ross Bryan Al bert and Clifford Douglas for whom Mrs Pressley is housekeeper Mr and Mrs B Hall Heri tage Park their three children Donna and Martin Mr and Mrs Bob Cane and two daughters spent vacation at a camping site at Lake of Two Rivers Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Victor Doner and two children spent a weekend with them Mr and Mrs Norman Wade Linda and Sandra enjoyed a camping trip to Barrys Bay and were joined by Mr and Mrs John of form- Wades OBITUARY Wray Funeral service for Erwood retired farmer of Schomberg was held in the Un ited church on Sunday August 24 conducted by Rev W M Lee In terment was in Schomberg Un ion cemetery One of the earliest farmers to engage in the turkey growing in dustry on a large scale in the Schomberg district Mr died very suddenly of a heart seizure Thursday He had retired from farming in in Richhill township- He was born near Tot tenham and at one time had farm ed near He was a former trustee of 3 He belonged to Schomberg United church His widow the former Olive Snyder survives and nine chil dren The sons are Fred and Jack the daughters Jean Mrs Thomas Jackson Schom Mrs Stover South America Mrs Blanche Thompson Vancouver Mrs J Jones and Mrs G Stewart Bolton Mrs T Conway Hazel Sarnia Pallbearers at the funeral ser vice were Herb Soulcs Elgin Hastings Wray Stacey Mervin Dale Edmund Wood and Alex Tighten the Coupling Miss Toronto 1955 Sheila Billing shows you how easy and profitable it is to use Vitrified Clay Plain End Pipe Fittings and Couplings CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED Salts Please send a free copy of Pipe cud fittings NAME COMPANY ADDRESS CITY CAUSED THIS FATAL ACCIDENT l bosis He had a heart malady for have some time and early in August sustained a fractured hip Mr Blackburn had retired from farming near Kettleby years ago Born on the fifth line of King son of George Blackburn he was extremely interested in a motor boat which gives them added pleasure They went to Portage Fort Quebec returning home via Smiths Falls Mr and Mrs Dan Parker Keele St and children and Billy are on a two weeks A 1- J various lines of agriculture and camping trip staying at sites widely known as a sheep Toronto Ottawa and raiser Montreal They are to visit Mrs Mr Blackburn belonged to the Parkers sister Mrs John Kim- York North Liberal association Montreal and a sister Miss and on numerous occasions Margaret Like many other families the Parkers find an official to both federal and provincial nomination conven tions He wax proud of having cast his vote for the candidature of three federal premiers Sir Wil fred Hon Macken zie King and St Laurent outdoor camping a splendid way for the freedom of a family va cation Miss Clark Los Angeles California with her brother J ft For 37 years he was a trustee Toronto visited her cous ins Miss Kay Clark and Mrs Rolling last week A former resident of Miss Clark will spent three months in Can ada and secretary of the old Black burn school when it was in S 1 He was honorary president of agricultural society where he had been a director in charge of sheep exhibits for over years Surviving arc his widow the former Davis who became his bride years ago an only son David Blackburn on the Kt- farm and a daughter who is Mrs Allan Kllcrby of Wes ton There are also five grand children Pallbearers were Keith Brent Jack Keith and neighbor and school trustee Blackburn Karl Cook a former ciate and Claire Colborne ANN SHOWS BANK OK DISPLAY A picture of Miss Ann appeared in Saturdays Toronto Star in connection with the new Bank of Nova Scotia where she is an employee Formerly of King City Ann was shown displaying the banks first ledger LOCATION No el Hampton pm ROAD Ml This car was travelling south at a speed far too high for the road surface condition The ear ahead signalled a lefthand turn and pumped his brakes to give additional warning because he had to wait for an oncoming car before making his turn The driver of the high speed car jammed on his brakes and the car went into a violent skid It shot off the road clipped a tree then smashed headon into another tree Both the driver and his passenger were killed instantly Before you travel too fast for the road surface con dition remember this picture It could happen to you DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORT I f PROPERTY CHANGES IN KINO CITY ARK A Jack Dew St King City reports the sale of three home in Heritage Park recently The George house has been sold to Mr and Mrs Church who have three girls two in school and one at home They are mov ing from the Gormlcy Mr and Mrs Fred Haines have turned their house over to Mr and Mrs Harper Mai- ton who have two boys in high school and a young daughter Mr and Mrs John Vineham have sold their home to Lloyd Boyle who will marry Violet of King City in September The Vineham family has moved to Weston Mr and Mrs James Henry King sideroad east of St have sold to Mr and Mrs Al- Toronto Mr and Mrs Al- ridge have two sons who will at tend school NOW is the time to invest in HOME HEATIN with W I News Union Street branrh will hold its regular meeting Sept at the home of Mrs Stanley Shanks starting at 8 pm Motto Theres no better way to strengthening the muscles of the heart than by bending down to raise others up Reply A real community need Programme committee Mrs Swanson and Mrs A Yokes on Public Relations and Comm unity Activities Hostesses Mrs Greenwood Mrs Salmon and Mrs J All- FREE SERVICE carefree comfort this winter Forget coal shovelling and ash carrying banish furnace dust and dirt Convert your furnace whatever its typo whatever its fuel to natural gas the clean silent dependable and economical fuel There are also Design furnaces for Natural Gas efficient compact and so low cost investigate invest and enjoy DO IT NOW BEFORE COLD WEATHER I EASY PAYMENTS for quick action for quality installation contact your local heating contractor phone OVER 5 Y A S Consumers on monthly gas bills Street Newmarket 54577