two Continued from Page Michael Grainger Jacqueline Greer Donna Hare Heacock Gloria Hopper John Janes Sheila King La a t Keith Kenneth Lewis Bryan McBride Graeme Juliana Mount Lowell Maureen Pollock Brock Scott Robert Struthers Jane S g e o Gordon Wayne Walker Patsy Watson Wayne Wilde Stephen Wyatt Janice KING GEORGE SCHOOL Grade Teacher Miss Barnes Bales Susan Bell Teddy Da- vies Lou Ang us Dyson Ronald Greer Wayne Keffer Ronald McGuire Gor don McMullen Stephen Mary Mundy Marilyn Needier Linda Noble Linda Oakley Gail Peters Robert Rae Patricia Ritchie June Alexis Saunders Barbara Elaine Stevenson Allan Wil liams Lynda Wright Rose Mary KING GEORGE SCHOOL Grade 5 Teacher Miss Balsdon Douglas Bond Don ald Brady Robert Byers Cathy Chappell Heather Paul Barbara Giles Patri cia Herbert Hands Teddy Murray Koleshov Myra Lepard Elaine McGuire WcHfulIen William Mount Wayne Mundy Ronald Roy Needier Gloria Noble Ger ald Noble Judy Pollock Bar bara Pollock Betty Prins Billy Linda Wrightman Marta ALEXANDER SCHOOL Grade Teacher Miss Haines Allen Joyce Bishop Carol Col leen Brown Daniel Brown Ralph Brossoit Nancy Burn- ham Judy Christensen Soreri Edwards Brenda Deirdre Mary Ann Hansen Paul Jeffries Albert LeGresley Marion Pat ricia Little Kenneth Marshall Peter Morton Bruce Pearson Nancy Playter Wayne Ralph Roslyn Ruddock Terrance Rye Lean net Terry Widdifield Douglas ALEXANDER MUIR SCHOOL Grade Teacher Mrs MeNern Bassie Lenie Bishop Jackline Brown Jo Ann Campbell Na varre Clarke David Farmer Dawn Carol Flicker Linda Frape Jeremy Gee Michael Giles Alan Hamilton Neil Hansen Erik Hendy Linda Keen Catherine Kriatensen Lone Longfield Dale Mantzel Hartwig McMul Rodney Ruddock Gary Ruddock Wayne Judith Ann ALEXANDER SCHOOL Grade 3 Teacher Miss Morfatt Allen ARott Charles Bishop Kathleen Bishop Ken neth Blight Larry Boag Terry Lynda Cameron Craig Ferguson Linda Flicker Rose mary Linda Gibson Todd Gilkes Donovan Hilton Joy Krlstensen LaPlante David LeGresley Bob by David Marshall Barbara Pearson Terry Penrose Kathleen Preston John Van- Mieke VanBrederode Hel en Vaughan Joan Watt Betty Westerby Geoffrey ALEXANDER MUIR SCHOOL Grade Teacher Mrs Cornelius Bassie Michael Brown Joyce Ann Clark Brian Cecilia Erik Peter Flicker David Flicker Victoria Foster Richard Garrett Deborah Gibson David Giles Clifford Gow Kevin Hilton Paul Jeffries Linda LeDrew Mary Longfield Blake Macnab Joan Mantzel McClymont Gerald Morris Patricia Glenn Preston Cather ine Rose Mary Lou Sanders Lynn Smith Robert Stephens Judith Stuart Donna Taylor Karen Widdifield Lome ALEXANDER MUIR SCHOOL Grade 5 Teacher Miss Nelly Allen Bonnie Allen Judy Ann Bishop Pauline Richard Brown Edward Doug- Page The Era aad Thnnday Am las Brown Edward Cane Doug las Devantier Jan Dingeman Edward Edgar Noel Ferguson Mary Christopher Robert Kathleen Hansen Carl Hare Eileen Hart Jefferson John Ladkin Barry LeDrew John LeGresley John Morris Janet err in Elaine Robert Rose Lynda Se- Brenda Simmerson Rose Marie Smith Robert Sproule Susan Stephens Joan Tayles Sandra Philip ALEXANDER SCHOOL Grade Teacher Mr MacLennan Allan Bill Blizzard Jack Brennand Tom Brodie Susan Brown Barry Dillman Paul wards Wayne Fines Donna Flicker Fry Paul Garrett John Gi bons Davis Gibson Glenn Donald Gordgn John Hill Kenneth King Mario Keen Bert Kmet Josephin Kmet Leona Kyle Joyce Kyi Marilyn Legge Randy Lloy Barry Sandra Macmi Ian Harold Mantzel Ma riott Sandra McClymont Dian McGirl Melton Pedersen Freda Jii Gordon Simmon Byron Bob Stuar Rosemary VanBeek Mary Warner Wavn Watson John John BACK TO SCHOOL All Public High Schools re open Tues SEPTEMBER 3 Arrangements have been made with the Roxy Theatre for two special matinees featuring Tom Browns School Days on the afternoon of Friday August 30 at 100 pm and 300 pm FREE tickets will be given to every Public School pupil pur chasing their supplies at our store Requirements for Pupils attending the Newmarket Public Schools GRADE Think and Do for The New We Look and See We Work and Play and We Come and Go FOR THE PUPILS OF ALL SCHOOLS Up the number ladder Print Script Books Beginners or Primer Print Pencils 1 Box of crayons any make Ruler 2 Erasers GRADE 2 Think and Do for the Old Friends and Neighbours King George and Stuart Scott Schools Think and Do for the New Friends and Neighbours Al exander Prince Charles and JLR Bell Up the number Ladder book Print Script Books Primer Print Pencil Pencils Ruler Erasers Box of Crayons any make Ruled Exercise Books 10c value GRADE 3 Think and Do Workbook for the Old Streets and Roads King George Alexander Prince Charles and Stuart Scott Schools Think and Do Workbook for the New Streets Roads for Bell School or more pencils 1 Ruler Erasers I Box of crayons Ruled Exercise books value Bottle of mucilage GRADE Work and Study Book for Over the I Box of crayons 1 Box of pencil crayons Or more pencils Ruler Eraser Ruled Exercise books value 5 Ruled Exercise books 15c value Hymns for schools I School dictionary Collins Oxford High roads Winstons Phonic Skilltext book I GRADE Work and study book for under the North Star I Box crayons 1 Box pencil crayons 2 pencils or more I Ruler Pencil eraser Ink eraser Ruled exercise book 15c value 2 Ruled exercise books 25c value Art pad Art portfolio I Hymns for schools J School dictionary Winstons Highroads Collins or Oxford Fountain pen 1 Pen holder and extra nibs Bottle of washable Blue ink blotters GRADE Work and study book for My World and 1 Box crayons Box pencil crayons pencils or more Pencil eraser ink eraser Ruled exercise books 15c value Ruled exercise books 25c value Art pad 1 Art port folio I Hymns for schools I School dictionary Winstons High or Collins or Oxford Fountain pen I Pen holder and extra nibs I Bottle of washable Blue ink Pkg blotters GRADE Practice book for Beckoning Trails pencils or more I Ruler 1 Pencil eraser I ink eraser 1 Box pencil crayons Ruled exercise books 10c or 25c value 1 Smooth exercise book value 2 loose leaf note books I Extra refills I Art pad 1 Art portfolio Hymns for schools I School dictionary Wtastons Highroads Collins or Oxford 1 Penholder and extra nibs I Fountain pen Bottle of washable Blue ink I Pkg blotters Sot of mathematical instruments GRADE 8 Practice book for Life and Adventure I IB pencils or more I 12 ruler with English and Metric scales I Pencil eraser ink eraser Box pencil crayons Ruled exercise books 10c or 25c value 1 Smooth exercise book 15c value taring loose leaf note books Extra refills I Art pad I Art portfolio Hymns for schools School dictionary Winstons Highroads Collins or Oxford Pen holder and extra nibs I Fountain pen 1 Bottle of washable Blue ink I blotters 1 Set of mathematical instruments Requirements for Students attending Newmarket High School GRADE All purpose looseleaf binder to Extra refills ruled 25c or 50c each Set of filing folders Coloured dividers 2 sets required 15c per set Index strips for indexing binder plain linen 05c Per strip celluloid 25c per or linen tabs 30c per box Box of gummed reinforcements 10c Bottle of ink English Twelfth Night 70c Old Poems and New verse A Book of Myths Collins Etymological dictionary History Canada and the Americas Geography 3subjcct spiral note book pen 10c or 35c box of pencil crayons 43c 60c 90c or Mathematics Set of mathematical instruments 75c or 125 Unlined refills 25c each Unlined book refills 15c each or 5 for Science ruler steel edge with English and Metric scales 15c French Grades B C Premieres Annees dc 250 Business Practice and Essentials of Business Practice 180 GRADE 10 General English Night Old Poems and New Verse Short Story Magic Great Expectations Idylls of the Kiiik- Story and Geography Canada and the World Coil Rotary note book 25c or 39c Mathematics Set of Mathematical Instruments Science Intermediate Science book Latin Living Latin Bookkeeping Essentials of Business practice Music Music dictation book GRADE 10 Commercial English The Wooden Horse Our Town Old Poems and New Verse Short Story Magic History and Geography Canada and the World Coil Rotary note book Shorthand Basic course in Pitman Shorthand Short hand note books with centre line Shorthand Dict ionary and Phrase book Esterbrook fountain pen with Shorthand nib Record Keeping Essentials of Business Practice Work book for Essential of Business Practice Penmanship Ontario Writing Course book Ruled Penmanship pad Art and Music Music dictation book GRADE 11 General English Pygmalion Julius Caesar Quo Vadis Heading for Today Prose book 1 Poetry for You and the Echoing Green Learning to Write History World history from Ancient Times to Mathematics A new Algebra for High Schools re vised Science Modern Physics for Secondary Schools French Coins Moyen part revised Contes Anecdotes Latin Living Latin General Shopwork GRADE Commercial English Pygmalion Reach for the Sky Reading for Today Prose Reading for Today Poetry book History Outlines of Economic History Arithmetic Senior Commercial Arithmetic Shorthand Basic course in Pitman shorthand Short hand Dictionary and Phrase book Shorthand note books with centre line fountain pen with Shorthand nib Bookkeeping Working papers for Century Book keeping and Accounting GRADE General English Hamlet New Horizons Essays and Short Stones Vanity Fair The Skin of Our Teeth Learn ing to Write History The Modern Age Mathematics Deductive Geometry and an Introduction to Trigonometry Set of Mathematical Instruments Science Chemistry for Secondary Schools Experiments in Laboratory Chemistry French Cours Moyen Part revised Latin Living Latin Selected Latin Readings GRADE 12 Commercial English The Winslow Boy Vanity Fair Reading for Today Prose Book Reading for Today Poetry Book 2 Business Arithmetic Senior Commercial Arithmetic Bookkeeping Elementary Accounting in Theory and Practice Shorthand Pitmans Shorthand Dictation and Trans- Pitmans Advanced Dictation Course GRADE English Hamlet Longer Poems for Horizons Essays and Short Stories Abbey Pygmalion Handbook of Composition History North America and the Modem World Mathematics Algebra A Senior Course A new Analy tical Geometry Elements of Trigonometry and Statics Science Physics by McKay and lvey Senior Chemistry for Secondary Schools A Laboratory Manual of General Chemistry General Biology 2nd edition French Parlons Francais Book Havre Latin Latin Poetry Selections Latin Prose Selections Ipper School Latin Composition Requirements for Students attending Aurora District High School GRADE English Book of Myths Cue for Treason Invitation Poetry English Practice for Secondary Schools re vised Collins Etymological History Canada and the Americas Mathematics Intermediate Mathematics book Science General Science intermediate book French Parlons Part 1 revised Health Good Health Agriculture Latin and Business Practice will be announced the opening day of School GRADE 10 English The Golden Caravan The Merchant of Venice English Practice for Secondary Schools revised History Building The Canadian Nation Mathematics Mathematics for Canadians Grade 10 French Francais revised Part I Latin Gateway to Latin Book 2 for students taking Latin Science Intermediate Science Rook For COMMERCIAL STUDENTS Only Typewriting New course in Typewriting Shorthand Basic course in Pitman Shorthand Short hand Dictionary and Phrase book Bookkeeping Century Bookkeeping and Account ing Penmanship The Bailey Method of Penmanship GRADE Romeo and Juliet She Stoops to Conquer Poetry for Senior Students A Book of Better Stor ies Learning to Write History World History from Ancient Times to 1760 Mathematics A Modern Geometry for High Schools Science Modern Physics for Secondary Schools French ours Moyen de Part 1 revised Contes Latin Gateway to Latin Book For COMMERCIAL STUDENTS Only Business Arithmetic Senior Commercial Arithmetic History of Commerce Outlines of Economic History Typewriting and Office Practice Complete Course in Typewriting Shorthand Shorthand Dictation and Bookkeeping New Course Bookkeeping Penmanship Bailey Method of Penmanship Business Law Canadian Law Workbook in Canadian Law GRADE 12 English Learning to Write Julius Caesar The Cruel Sea Prose for Senior Students Grade and only New Horizons History The Modern Mathematics A New Algebra for High Schools Science Chemistry for Secondary Schools Experiments in Laboratory Chemistry French Moyen de Part revised do Lectures Latin Gateway to Latin Book For COMMERCIAL STUDENTS Only Office Practice Complete Course in Office Practice Practice in Office Work Shorthand Shorthand Dictation and Transcription Basic Course in Pitman Shorthand Special Com Students Only Bookkeeping New Course in Bookkeeping Business Arithmetic Senior Commercial Arithmetic Business Law Canadian Law Workbook for Canadian Law Typewriting Typewriting and Office Practice GRADE 13 English MacBeth Longer Poems for Upper School Prose for Senior Students Abbey Pygmalion New Horizons History North America and the Modern World Mathematics A New Analytical Geometry Algebra A Senior Course Plane Trigonometry and Statics by Miller and Chemistry Senior Chemistry for Secondary Schools Physics Physics A Senior Course Biology General Biology 2nd edition French Moyen de Francais revised Part de Havre Latin Latin Prose Selections Latin Poetry Selections Upper School Latin Composition We arc the largest supply centre in N o r Y o r for all Teacher and Classroom supplies from Kindergarten through all grades Pupils attending the Newmarket Public Schools are re quired to purchase their supplies prior to the first day of school Free time is provided all Newmarket High School Students to pur chase their supplies on the opening day of school FREE SHOPPING BAGS WITH ALL SCHOOL ORDERS Elman W Campbell STATIONERY BOOKS CHINA and GLASSWARE