JACK KINGSTON IN PERSON on DOMINION JAMBOREE SEPTEMBER MAIL SLOTS AND BOXES Good Assortment of Styles Sizes Expert Installation LOW PHONE TW 54642 MR CANE Installed By MICHAEL A BUTT NEWMARKET We are nappy announce our appointment as for it ACORN FIREPLACE practical new fireplace offer I Mm to pm am pm Sat am pm Dr aast of Main Newmarket Phone First prize for the most impres sive beard in the Era and Shaver centen nial beard growing contest went to Art Timothy St He received a shaver a lighter a cheque for and a years sub scription to the Era and Express In picture above he is being con gratulated by editor Jack Second prize was won by Cal vin rear New market and third went to Steventon left Andrew St They received Oft shav ers The prize for the most comi cal beard went to John picture at left standing at the left of his brother Bill who won second prize Judges were Doug Case Councillor Child and Mayor Jim Murray of Aurora Photo by Ivan Burke and Terry Gibney were the only men left standing when the log rolled over the contest at the Fairy lajte regatta Saturday afternoon regatta was the first held in New market since Syd Steventon has his left arm around the log in Ivan Had dock holds on with his right arm at the far end Mm to onto log in front of Gibney Basher Groves in the background and Snotte settlor to keep their heads above water after falling off the log Water From Sewers Damaging Property Council Promises Aid Aurora A request to remove or repair a storm sew er was promised consideration by council on Monday A letter from Mrs J Irwin Ave said that water flooding from the sewer was causing dam age on her property flooding the basement and causing an unsan itary condition An appeal for repairs last year had brought no action the letter stated She now requested the town of Aurora to remove the sewer within days and repair the damage Councillors felt that the town could not be ordered to remove the sewer as long as it held an easement Questioned about lia bility insurance Clerk George Wilkinson councillors that they had insurance for any mat ter in which the town was proved negligent Deputy Reeve Victor Jones said that the sewer was unsatis factory only in cases of big storms Councillor Child suggested if the main sewers were satis factory then a larger pipe from the catch basin would relieve the I pressure and stop the water from bubbling out of the ground Council instructed the clerk to notify Mrs that the town would do its best to relieve the situation A popular feature of the Centennial program was the reception and ten at the home of Mrs Davis drive and Main street Between pm and pm on Saturday Mis opened her large home and spacious grounds to provide present and former residents with an op portunity to meet and talk over old times Newmarket District H Grade 13 Exam Results PRESENT JACKETS TO HOCKEY TEAM Aurora at the arena the minor hockey team will be presented with the jackets which were purchased by the town in recognition of their win Authorities have also planned a do for the youngsters at the same time 28PAGE CENTENNIAL lirHI COPIES NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS 3 CENTS PER COPT 2 For 5 Cents At The Era and Express Office CHARLES ST Make Yon Ha A Era For Your Scrap The following are the results of the Grade examinations written by the students last June Sinclair was top student with five firsts throe seconds and a third in nine papers written The symbols after the subjects in dicate the following standing I 75100 inclusive 6674 in clusive Ill inclusive C 5059 inclusive Donna Ball English Composition English Literature III Alge bra Geometry Trigonom etry III Physics I French Au thors French Composition lit Marilyn Bone C m p Lit Zoology HI Philip Lit III Ill Chemistry Lit III III Trig Physics Chora I III Helen Comp Kng- Lit Karl C Lit I Hist I HI I Latin Auth III Latin Comp Comp III John III Anna Morton Comp Lit Hist Latin HI Latin III Auth Nancy Lit Kathleen 1 C Kng Lit I I Trig Ill Hot I Physics June III Lit I Alg Physics Robert Burgess Lit C Alg David Pinfold Xpol C Physics 111 Peter Lit Lit Glenn Poulton Lit Phy sics John Galbralth I Larry Proctor Lit Trig Physics HI Chem III Gem III Latin Barbara Hopkins Ill Lit Ill History C I Chem Latin HI III C Latin David Purcell I Geom I Trig I Physics I Donald Jackson Geom Ruth Rutlcdsr- Trig Botany C III Auth C David Jefferson Trig Robert Kerr Lit Alg Physics I Chem Thomas Kurtz Lit C Geom I Trig I Dot HI Physics Chem I Auth Comp Donald Lewis Lit Alg Dot C Physics III Auth C C Francis Lewis Lit III Alg III 11 Trig Physics III Auth HI Comp C John Lit Alg I Geom I Trig Phys ics I Chem I Ronald Madill En Comp Edna Lit in HI Latin Latin Sinclair III Lit I I Latin Auth Latin Comp Auth I Comp I Mary Stevens Comp I Lit I III Chem Comp Watson Sweetie Blake Alg Ill I Trig Physics III Auth 111 Comp III Barry Warwick Paul Alp 111 Geom III Trig Physics Auth C Wayne Lt Trig C C HI Auth C T CLEAN SAFE A First In Newmarket Offer 50 Tradein Allowance Trade that old furnace in on a new gas fired furnace or complete safety and perfect operation Due to volume furnace installations we are prepared to quote a tradein allowance on your old furnace A full 10000 tradein allowance on your old oil burner Enjoy the convenience safety and comfort of clean com- pletelv automatic gas heating by Gurney COLEMAN GAS FIRED UNIT CONSUMERS GAS APPROVED SAFETY FEATURES Heating Element is seam welded Gas supply automatically turned off if burner or pilot goes mil Undergone extensive lests in re search Approved by Assoc AS LITTLE AS PER MONTH OX YOUR BILL- NO DOWN PAYMENT NO ASHES NO DIRT NO SMELLS ENGINEERING CO HEATING AND COOLING Main St Newmarket 56501 Henry Mr