Era and Jnly WILD CARROT PLAYS HOST TO RUST FLY MENACE One of the most persistent and fattest spreading weeds in Wild Carrot or as it is alio called Queen Annes Lace or Birds Nest reports the field crops branch of the Ontario de- of agriculture J Wild Carrot is a biennial with a deep strong tap root a bristly item fine lacy leaves similar to those of the cultivated carrot and clusters of white flowers which go to seed in the autumn break off and scatter their seeds as they are blown about by the wind The weed not only robs crops of plant nutrients and mois ture but it plays host to the Car- Fly which attacks culti- parsnips celery parsley Carrot can be controlled cultivation and short crop ro tations if no seed is permitted in the sod crop Where control consists of mowing per- is necessary as Will occur right up until the first frost Sheep are useful in check ing the growth as they will keep it grazed down close to the preventing it from flow ering and producing seed Control of Wild Carrot with chemical weed killers has met with varying success and in some areas the weed has become re sistant to 24D sprays The latest experimental work indicates that the brush killing known as 5T or mixtures contain ing and are more effective than 24D It has been found that of active ingredient or of a mixture of 24 5T and 24D active ingredient per acre had more effect than 32 of acre alone The chemicals should be ap plied in sufficient water to soak all parts of trie plant thorough lyThe water required to do this will varyfrorn 50 to gallons per acre depending on the density of weed and gross growth It is also necessary to use heavier ap plications of water when the weeds have passed the active growing stage or when drought conditions prevail For best results on roadside spraying should tie done early in the growing season preferably a- bout two weeks after the seedl ings emerge Late fall is a good time to spray meadows because the grass is usually short at this time with the result that the small Wild Carrot seedlings will be exposed to the spray To Meet Growing Needs Of Town FOR EXTRA INCOME keep CHINCHILLA The small animal with the exquisite fur For Information And Top Quality Breeding Stock Contact E J TURNER 291 Ellen St NEWMARKET PHONE 52720 SPECIAL OFFER THROUGH JULY north Newmarket on county road between Sharon and Holland Landing Phone Newmarket 52662 FRIDAY SATURDAY ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW GYPSY COLT Ward Bond Donna Corcoran IN CINEMASCOPE THE LAST WAGON Richard Felicia Parr JULY MONDAY TUESDAY ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW- AWAY ALL BOATS Jeff Chandler Julie Adams NAKED HILLS David Wayne Keenan JULY 30 JULY AUGUST WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IN CINEMASCOPE THE PURPLE MASK Technicolor Tony Curtis Miller KEYSTONE Abbott Costello Always a Color Cartoon Children under years free A report on Newmarkets trunk sewerage problems and sugges tions on remedies for the system have boen m a e by Cock- burn of Herbert Coons and As sociates Ltd Newmarkets con sulting engineers Lack of a disposal plant and problems in the sewerage system limit Newmarkets expansion Aside from the sewage disposal plant the present sewerage sys tem is inadequate for industrial and residential growth The engineers report was pre pared to outline the problems in line with discussions in town council recently regarding the possible trunk sewer from the north limits of Newmarket through the centre of the town to the south limits Consideration of such a trunk sewer was suggested by the en- prior to finalizing a deci sion on the method of installation of sanitary sewers for the Cotter St College St Oak St and Se cond St areas Existing Trunks Trunk sewers in Newmarket di vide into three sections I The central trunk sewer from the Da vis Leather Company southerly along the railway arid by Main St to the Eagle St area The trunk sewer from Queen St serving a portion of the east ern area of the The western branch of the trunk ers system servicing the newer subdivisions on the west side of town The first two mentioned trunk sewers have been in operation for a number of years and as the po pulation densities have increased trouble spots have arisen because of overloading The western branch trunk sewer however is adequate for the foreseeable fu ture Trouble Locations There are several trouble spots in the sewage system as it exists at the present time One of these has recently been removed by the installation of a bypass sewer on Queen St to relieve an overload ing condition on the Main St sew er This will result in a shifting in the overload onto the trunk sewer where property damage is not likely to occur as a result of such overloading At the intersection of Charles St and Queen St the sanitary sewer is extremely shallow The discharge of the sewage pumping station is introduced to the sewage system at this point During storms the amount of in filtration and roof waters intro duced into the sewage system ov erloads the sanitary sewer to the extent that the manhole top at the CharlesQueen St intersection is frequently lifted from its position by the force of the sewage back ing up in the sewers At William and Eagle a si milar surcharge condition exists doe to the inadequacy of the sani tary sewer on Eagle St A problem exists on Davis Drive at the crossing of the Hol land River where some remedial action must be taken Another serious problem exists in the Cotter St area where no economically practical outlet pre sently exists to service a number of residential properties Plans of subdivision Have previ ously been filed on lands south of Andrew St for residential and in dustrial development which can not be drained into the existing sanitary sewage system In the Veterans Land Act area a number of properties have in the past few years been subdivid ed and it is likely that more will be subdivided over the next few years as permitted in the mortg age arrangements with VLA Most of these properties are ser viced by septic tanks which have in the past few years been giving difficulties Subdivision plans have also been filed for the area immedi ately east of this development and it is the recommendation of both the Medical Officer of Health and the engineer that sew age facilities should be provided to service this land General Proposal available for the outlet for this eastern trunk sewer A sewage pumping station could be con structed at Davis Drive to carry the sewage westerly to the cen tral trunk sewer or alternatively the eastern trunk sewer could be extended northerly through lands presently in the township of East Gwillimbury to the proposed sew age treatment plant site This se cond alternative would represent a higher initial cost but would open up a large acreage north of Davis Drive for future industrial and residential development Planning Comments In setting up these proposals and the preliminary estimated costs the engineer was accepting certain planning assumptions to be acceptable following detailed consideration That the town will not be permitted to expand to the west side of Highway No Prevention Better Than Cure For Insects In Stored Grain Before harvest when granary I of approximately percent If stocks are low is the best time to I the wettable powder mixtures do The engineer propose for con- That the major portion of a system of trunk sew- development will take place ma ers which can provide relief for central eastern the overloaded areas noted above and at the same time provide ser vice to those areas not presently served by sanitary sewers These facilities would be provided by two branch systems a trunk- sewer and an trunk sewer The central trunk sewer would run southerly from Davis Drive more or less along the alignment of the original Concession Road to Concession St where it would pick up by gravity the sewage which is presently pumped into the existing trunk sewers This sewer would also intercept the trunk presently servicing the eastern portion of the town thereby relieving the overload on the trunk sewer north of Queen St The central trunk sewer would extend southerly in all probabili ty along the east side of the Hol land River to a point south of An drew St where sufficient capaci ty would be provided to service not less than the natural drainage northerly direction since future sewer construction and drainage works together with connections to future water supply will be more economical in that direction That the area from the eas tern town i t to Don Mills Road between Gorharh St and Davis Drive in the foreseeable future will be annexed and de veloped as a part of the town That the annexation to the south will not extend beyond the road allowance between Lots 90 and but that such annexation towards the south will take place in the foreseeable future in order to provide suitable industrial land for proper integrated develop ment That population densities in areas now development will not increase That separate sewers will be constructed as required so that no storm water drainage is car ried in the sanitary sewers in any portion of new developments Estimated Costs The estimated cost of these prevent serious infestation of new grain by granary weevils and other stored grain insects M Cockburn Agricultural Representative for York states that all granaries should be thoroughly cleaned and sprayed with recommended insecticides before new grain is stored Stored grain insects live over in granaries and particularly In small amounts of old grain which has been infested When the new crop is stored the insects infest it and multiply rapidly Grain which is tough and high in moisture is particularly subject to attack Before harvest old grain which has been infested should be moved to another storage or fumigated and empty bins floors walls and ceilings sprayed to the point runoff with one of the following materials One gallon of spray will cover approximate ly ft of surface percent lindane powder 2 lbs in 5 gals of water percent methoXychlor powder lb in gals of water- percent DDT wettable powder lb in 5 gals of water percent emulsion qt gals of water not go through the nozzle of the sprayer easily apply with a large whitewash brush If the emul sion form of these Insecticides is available it may be diluted with water to percent Nozzle clog ging will not occur with the em ulsion type Do not apply any of these materials directly to the grain Coal oil or fuel and coal oil mixed are satisfactory for bins If these materials are used take proper precautions concerning fire and do not use on bins where grain for milling will be stored because the grain may be tainted by the oil New materials called wheat protectorants are also available which when mixed with grain will prevent infestation Further information on preven tion and also fumigation of infest ed grain is contained in Circular No 229 Stored Grain Insects available at the office of the Ag ricultural Representative in New market CTC TESTRUN GENERATOR EXCHANGE rebuilt ran rebuilt All or art The Best Drug Store Is now Airconditioned for your convenience Come in and cool off Main SL NEWMARKET The rates given make a spray Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results area southerly to the road allow- sewers will depend to a large ance between lots 90 and 91 This tent upon the ultimate area to be would make available for sewage service a large acreage of land which could also be serviced by railroad siding A branch would then be con structed from this central trunk sewer to intercept the Andrew St sewer and Eagle St at William St thereby relieving the over load condition on Eagle St sewer by providing adequate out let capacity served The engineer is aware that the Newmarket Planning board is giving some serious thought at the present time to this particular problem The proposed central trunk would cost It would serve 200 acres of undeveloped land south of Andrew St Cotter College and Oak as outlet I provide relief overflow on Eagle and Andrew and on the Queen St The Cotter College Oak and trunk and eliminate the Charles Second St areas could readily be connected to new trunk sew er St pumping station This sewer could be designed to serve additional lands to the south but with increased costs the ion The proposed eastern trunk sewer would follow the lowlying The area to the I land south of Davis Drive west railway and the second of Road to might considered Ave hence along Bogart Ave and Newton St to a point south of Srigley St This sewer would service all of the presently with the gravity outlet sewered portions of St plant 108000 the Marsh subdivision together It would serve most of the LA with those presently subdivision he Soko subdivision lands between St and and the Whitchurch township Davis Drive west of the Don area between Davis Drive and The proposed eastern trunk with Drive pumping station u d cost and IttiUfc it to Road Two obvious alternatives arc St west of the third con cession This sewer would also be able to serve a small area south of Gorham St If the gravity outlet is provided a large area in East Gwillimbury township could be served Of the six Great Lakes Lake Huron has the largest area square miles on the Canad- 1 side of the international Manager Of BELLS CORNER RESTAURANT I am plcaScd to inform yon that ire are now daily freshly cooked READY PREPARED MEALS At the Mime time I am inviting yon try new addition of French and Hungarian Specialties prepared to unit the Canadian taste The following art soms of our specialties nerved throughout the week Filet with Mushrooms Continental Cabbage Rolls with Sow Cream Hungarian Chicken Paprikas with Rice Curried Shrimps with Rice Pickerel Saute on Butter with Almonds Hungarian Goulash Stuffed Green Peppers with Tomato Sauce Curried Chicken with Rke Filet of Sole Breaded with Mayonnaise Baby Beef with Paprika Sauce Chicken Liver Hungarian Style Debreceni Sausage with Sauerkraut And for Desert a Choice of French Pastry We look forward to serving you Alex Schemer When you really need help State Farm is always near P S LEGGE SONS NEWMARKET PHONE TW