STREET FROLIC Friday July 26th MONSTER BINGO good prizes Games for young and old CONCERT Commencing at pm Entertainment for whole Family Dancing in Community Hall Admission to Dance Lucky for all Expense Trip for Two to New York for Four Days Adults Children Free House Mill aid Around Corner Mate Sooth JEANS 3032 to SHORTS to 149 up Ij Open All Day Wednesdays I TOUR INCOME TAX AND LIFE INSURANCE Tour Individual pension plan can now provide you with a definite Income Tax savin To learn how life insurance can provide you with the greate tax relief TODAY and the best protection for the FUTURE consult your local SUN LIFE Agent A J District Supervisor SUN LIFE OF CANADA Mam St Tel No HOLY COW MAKE A DATE NOW FOR THE DOMINION JAMBOREE i A Plan of Life Insurance designed for you offering the pro tection you need at a price you can afford Example A young man age 35 married wife age 35 a son and a daughter 5 There exists a mortgage amortized on a 25year Basis In the event of death Funds to pay your mortgage home left clear Then monthly income to your wife of until your son is then S150 until your daughter Is then until your wife is then lump sum payment total initial amount of insurance needed to provide a- funds THE COST Annually Interested Ill be glad show ynu how this could apply to your family Gene Rose Occidental Life Insurance Co filoor St Toronto Phone WAInul or Aurora BEGoodrich RICK YOUR TIRE- POGtl YOUR I DEFIANCE 60016 mat A I JtJOI nihil TIM I fill YOU SAVI 1830 a n Jliilt on fit tail m iint CM fc Mil U Mai HAROLD GORDON 534 Davis Dr Newmarket OML Towing Service Phone Good nth Appoint Cfvk Officers In King The resignation of Harvey Mai colni secretary of King City village and secretarytreasurer of waterworks was accepted with re gret by the trustee board In of fice for almost three years Mr Malcolm is succeeded by George Heritage Park for the remainder of this year as vil lage secretary receiving an hon orarium of The appointment of trustee Ron Bolton as secretarvrtreasurer of waterworks for the remainder of this year has been given by trus tees granting an honorarium of as si months salary King City trustees authorized trustee M to reword certain paragraphs and phrases in the King City area zoning bylaw as they affect the area These will be brought before the trus tees and King township council before signatures are added The amendments will be pre sented to the Ontario municipal board for approval at the same time as Schombergs zoning by law goes to the board Easement documents for Heri tage Park were completed last week for signatures by Miss Hobbs and P Robertson in connection with Valentine Con struction They required ease ments for drainage purposes of ten feet on either side of the di viding line between the two pro perties An error in measure ments had necessitated redraft ing of the agreements Well Level Drops But New Water Source Found For King City System Young People Not Satisfied With Church Teaching Says Missionary Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday July King City and District Mrs Laura Rolling Correspondent Phone King Young people in Formosa are at the crossroads between the old and the new the east and the west They want something mean ingful in their lives but they see the religion of their forefathers is not helping them They there fore ask what can Christianity give us This thought was expressed by Mrs Leone How Toronto a nat iveborn who is a grad uate of Knox College Deaconess Training school when she add ressed ladies from mission groups of local churches at Evcr Presbyterian church under the auspicies of the local The attractive and capable young woman is the wife of Rev Stephen How of the Presbyterian ministry who is taking a post gra duate course at Knox college Judgement On Church A former teacher in a Christian girls school be fore coming to Canada over four years ago Mrs How is concerned in the furtherance of Christianity in her country Christianity she said has so far not satisfied that countrys young folk This she said is a judgment on the Christ ian church as a whole which is weak In its witness and under standing Should we send more mission aries to Formosa when churches in Canada and England are need ing help the speaker asked The answer she felt can be found in the need for trained leaders for young peoples work and the need for more women to teach organ izational responsibilities and give spiritual leadership to women Mrs How is engaged currently in the organization department of the Presbyterian headquart ers Toronto and her experience in field work her see the need of this development in For mosa Island Is Crowded Queens Scout Barry Wallace Flies To The Jubilee Jamboree I can hardly wait to get on the Jack Parsons has been badge plane exclaimed Barry Wallace last Thursday as he prepared to leave for the World Jubilee Scout Jamboree at Sutton Park England Thursday evening he received his Queens Scout badge from Cubmaster George Harvey It was an important day for A new source of water will pro- 1 Barry troop leader of First King duce a minimum of gallons Scouts which he represents as the per minute for King City water works system which is four times the present output of gallons from the original well J Bol ton village waterworks commis sion has reported to the trustee board Coming through pure gravel with little sign of rust the new water has a softer nature than water from the existing well International Water Supply in stalling the new well has pumped to gallons per minute without reducing the level more than an inch Trustee Bolton was surprised to learn from the engineer that the water level in the present well is so low that the pump is breaking suction causing oil se diment The water is just not there he said If an autumn drought came in we would have had it and the present supply would be jeopar dised he said The pump is in good shape which is something to be thankful for said Mr Bol ton In order to save the original well it is intended to hook up the new well to handle the whole sy stem This will entail some extra expenditure trustees say Total cost of the new well and pump and lines will be The second step is taking 12000 first local Queen Scout and the first scout ever to go overseas to a World Jamboree On Monday night July 22 he boarded a midnight train at Tor onto Union station for Montreal The following day he left Dorval for the greatest adventure in his life examiner To qualify for a Queens Scout there are four special badges to earn The Pathfinders is a test of general knowledge of old site and the history of the locale In this respect Barry excelled be fore examiner Parsons His rescuers badge was won at Crawfords Lake sixth line of King when Michael Coles was rescued He also acquired the am bulance mans badge in practical knowledge in rudiments of first aid and treating injured before an ambulance arrives Queens Scout Wallace has earned extra money by carpentry work in Estates mow ing lawns being a general handy man for a property owner and other pieces of labor Along with his high school work the young troop leader has made the best use of his capabili ties and time He has received encouragement from his father who belongs to the group from scoutmaster Stan Roots and the group committee Harry started in cubbing seven years ago becoming troop leader wilh First King Scouts In Sep tember he will enter third form at Aurora district high school When his five years ore complet ed he plans to enter the Canadian under the Plan The Island of Formosa is so crowded with people living on square miles that they are into one an other as a mission band kiddie expressed it The longest port of island is miles and the widest is Twothirds of the country are mountains and the remainder is fertile plain per cent culti vated cant get over the size of Ontario farms she said in flawless English Two acres of land in Formosa Is considered a large farm With such a large population in so small a space and more and more people migrating from the Chinese mainland to Formosa the economic problems are tremend ous One Percent Christian The Christian population of represents one per cent of the total And yet the church is progressing Presbyterians have their General Assembly which is now women elders Women have been ordained into the ministry for years Christ ianity was introduced from Eng land and from Canada years ago by Dr George Leslje Mac- Kay the first missionary Mrs How traced the history of Formosa and described the other religions As members of the Christian faith she believes we cannot afford to ignore the prob lems in other parts of the world She believes nations must share and solve their problems togeth er Only by daily witness for Christ can we hope to achieve good and lasting results she stressed Welcomed By President Mrs Fred Curtis wel comed those from Aurora Snow ball TemperanceviHe Strange and King City Mrs W Ferguson read the Scripture Prayers were given by Mrs Farren and Rev J C Sheph erd Mrs John Larkin gave the courtesies These were replied to by visiting leaders On the recept ion at the door were Mrs Curtis Miss J and Mrs Williams Ruth Beynon TemperanceviHe played a piano solo Mrs Art Storey and Mrs Norman Teas- dale of Snowball sang a duet ac companied by Mrs William Dav ison In appreciation of her twoyear membership in and Mrs Shepherd was pre sented with cups and saucers Mrs Curtis read the address and Anderson WA president made the presentation The She pherd leave the local iRtry for Presbyterian church Toronto this month Temperature on Schombergs Main Street was degrees Sat urday afternoon at 330 pm Mer chants and garage operators said they were glad business would be closed for Sunday to get some relief from the extreme heat There were present at the of the congregation of United church at Cedar Beach Park Mussulmans Lake last week Nobleton Womens In stitute recorded members and friends attending Oklahoma at the Tivoli Theatre Toronto the previous week The same show was taken in by United church choir later the same week Mr and Mrs- Mac New York City are visiting his bro ther Jim and sisters Mrs Eliza beth and Mrs Brid- geman at their home Mr and Mrs Tawse will spend the greater part of the season with relatives until they go to Florida where they spend the winter months Mrs Harry and son Stephen have returned to King City after visiting her mother Mrs Ida Tremblay Toronto Diocese before coming to the local parish in May Dr and Mrs Jennings will be permanent ly settled in the rectory King City early in September Allan assistant secre tary of King Township federation of Agriculture attended the first organized church service under York County Agriculture dat Pioneer Park Sharon on Sunday July Over attended the Sunday school and congregational picnic of St Andrews Presbyterian church Strange at the home of Mr and Mrs Don McAlpine Sev enth Line King last Thursday Games bathing in the creek and supper on the lawn the pro gram under the of Mrs W J Janet Mary Finch Mrs and Mrs W Finch Rev J Shepherd his wife and family are moving to Park- lawn Presbyterian church Tor onto after July so will be remembered by them as a pleasant gathering Master Bill Shepherd of the Presbyterian Manse King City attending a boys camp at Stayn- Rev Dr Jennings rector of All Saints and Stephens Anglican parish King and announced last Sunday that his induction will take place on Thursday Sept The Bishop of Algoma will preform the rites Dr Jennings was Dean of the own home- thanks to a Citizens loan Thi boys was wanted The price was right but was one We didnt enough cash for the down payment a s about Finance anil bow theyll lead Dp to At a nearby office dis cussed problem the Loan Before long arranged got the money we needed and fixed up a repayment plan that w Ate Bole just one of many people benefited from a Finance loem Yost Still too Drop In or a the next tins yon want mono ore act ITIZEN5 Some new in dustries have been established in Manitoba during YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY COMPANY LIMITED to soy- toon Georo Lcnovtll St Phone TW pwt Sat too I Seven Children Bantized n Presbyterian Church Children of families living in or near Eversley community were baptized by Rev J C Sheph erd in Presbyterian church on Sunday morning July 21 The youngest child was Crystal- Anne Ball three months daught er of Mr and Mrs Fred Ball Her cousin Dorothy Ruth eight months daughter of Mr and Ball was also baptized The children arc grandchildren of Mr and Mrs James Ball and CrystalAnnes grandparents arc Mr and Mrs Harrison Heath Toronto Stand ing as god parents for Crystal- Anne were Kurt and an aunt Heath Children of parents who have come from Scotland to the Puc cini Farms TemperanceviHe were John Robert Broil mon ths son of Mr and Mrs David Broil Alistair James Oag three years and sister Linda Margaret the children of Mr and Mrs Hugh the children of Mr and Mrs Wells Pauline Blanche four and Glen Mirton seven The Wells children are the fourth generation of this pioneer family in the congregat ion Their grandfather is Mr Lis- lie Wells Barry Wallace King City a Queens Stout is attending the World Jamboree for in England I am very proud in represent First King scouting organization and will do best to warrant the faith vested in me by the Scout Group Community and the community at large said the young troop leader The committee raised the ne cessary 100 to take him on his journey receiving support of se veral interested persons The committee presented Barry with a movie camera and six rolls of colored film When he returns he intends to show the pictures in the community and relate hap penings at the Jamboree One feature he aims to cover is the visit to the camp of Queen Eliza beth The son of Mr and Mrs Em erson Wallace Barry has a good home life and has earned his badges through diligent applica tion and hard work Group mem- ON CLOTHING TO Counle King Receive Gifts At Party Mr and Mrs George Billings were recipients of a pair of lamps from nearly neighbors and friends at a presentationdance in WI hall prior to moving to Aurora Mr Billings who has been on the public school staff for five years will assume the principalship of the new George Street school They have sold their home In subdivision to Mr and Mrs John Tanner Weston Fourteen years ago George Billings married Betty Walker daughter of Mr and Mrs Ross Walker King City They have four children the two eldest in school They have been members of the Anglican church Mrs Billings has been active in group work The presentation parly was ar ranged by Johnny Cliff Coutts and J Crow Mr pioaainWd to Brothers Sport Casts On Identical Fractures Two King City brothers Ron and Carl Archibald and years old arc both wearing casts on right wrists fractured in ex actly the same place On July Ronald cracked his arm while fix ing a car Four days later young Carl got his fracture when he fell from a motor bike that hit a stone on the MacLennan farm Eversley They are now on their vacation with their mother Mrs Clarke Archi bald at the Trent canal Beaver- ton The casts were beginning to look like directories with names of friends inscribed and they would add a few more at the sum mer resort LADIES WEAR 2 PC SUITS PYJAMAS ALL STYLES NYLONS ALL SHADES SLIPS LARGE SELECTION SKIRTS LARGE ASSORTMENT HOUSE DRESSES DRESSES LATEST STYLES 2 PC PEDAL PUSHERS BATHING SUITS 25 OFF MENS WEAR CASUAL COATS WOOL WORSTED SUITS SPORT SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS PLAY SHORTS BATHING SUITS WOOL FLANNEL PANTS SWEAT SHIRTS SUMMER CAPS TSHIRTS WHITE FOR CHILDREN WEAR WI Mews Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs A Vokes Thursday Aug at pm Mot to For great and low theres but one test that each man shall do his best Reply Mrs Thomas Swanson Roll call If you had to lose your citizenship to what country would you go Topic Citizen ship Program committee Mrs J and Mrs Leonard Salmon Hostesses Mrs Graves Mm and Mrs Roy BOYS DRESSING GOWNS BOYS ELASTIC BACK SHORTS yra BOYS COTTON SPORT SHIRTS BOYS SUITS Cotton Ribbed 34 BOYS COTTON TSHIRTS BOYS BATHING SUITS INFANTS SLEEPERS GIRLS DRESSES NEWMARKET DEPARTMENT STORE MAIN ST PHTW 52571