mm- I Television Channel 3 Television 6 JULY The Christophers Peppermint Prince Childrens Internation al Mighty Moose Kingdom of the Sea Coming Events 05 Western Theatre Farm Market Report Movie News and Weather News Sports Tabloid Sheena Queen of Jangle T6p Plays of Theatre On Trial JO Club OConnor 3 Dorchester Theatre Country 3 Cavalcade of Sports Jim Coleman Show News News In Sports 3 Today In Sports Community News Famous Films Late Movie SATURDAY JULY Bowling Cartoon Capers News Briefs 50063 Five Star Comedy Wild Bill Oh Susanna Mr FixIt Weather CBC News 3 To be announced Country Calendar Holiday Ranch Julius La Rosa Show Great Movies CBC News Wrestling SUNDAY JULY 28 Davis Cup Tennis if game Is crucial This is the Life 43063 The Living Sea 50063 Summer Magazine 60063 Burns and Alien Father Knows Best December Bride Ed Sullivan Show AH Star Theatre Showtime Fighting Words 3 My Little Margie Lolly Too 3 Highway Patrol News This Week Movie Camera ThreeCBS MONDAY JULY 4453 Man To Man 50063 Summer Camping The Buccaneers Western Theatre So This Is Hollywood 3 Coming Events Channel 3 Salute Farm Market Report Page 3 Tely News and Weather News Sports Tabloid 3 Ford Theatre JO Frontier My Hero The Millionaire On Camera 90063 I Love Luey 93063 Front Page Challenge 100063 Championship Fight 104563 Jim Coleman Show News News In Sports 3 Today in Sports Community News The Tapp Room TUESDAY JULY 4453 The Christophers 50063 The Things We See His Honor Homer Bell 3 Western Damon Ruayan Theatre 3 Coming Events Western Theatre Farm Market Report 630 6 Adventure Album 3 News and Weather News Sports 7006 Tabloid 3 Life of Riley 7406 Robin Hood 3 Country Junction Big Town Great Plays Dragnet BBC Presents Profile 1040 The Four Corners News 1115 Today In Sports News In Sports Community News I Spy WEDNESDAY JULY 31 Christian Science Swing Your Partner 54063 Rin Tin Tin The Old House 3 Coming Events Western Theatre 3 Farm Market Report Time In For Sports 3 Tely News and Weather News 3 Sports 7006 Tabloid 3 I Married Joan Disneyland Moonlight Bay Kraft Theatre Here and There Pacific News 11153 Today in Sports News In Spot Is 3 Community News 11406 Boxing 3 Wrestling THUR8DAY AUG 4453 Salvation Army 50063 Ed and Ross Show The Lone Ranger Trouble With Father 3 Coming Events Western Theatre Farm Market Report Life With Elizabeth 3 Tely News and Weather News Borrow confidently where 2 generations have borrowed When you need extra cash Irorrow where two genera tions solve their money problems ho satisfactorily HFC is Canadas largest ami most recommended consumer finance company It offers you a modern money service backed by yearn experience At Household you receive prompt attention friendly businesslike service and understanding counsel So if you want up to in one day go to HFC where you may borrow with complete confidence that you are receiving the quality service recommended by two generations of Canadians Canadas Loading Consumer Finance Company few TABU JO mtnlAi 300 5356 3001 1 HOUSEHOLD F I Lewi Manager Street floor phone 3006 3 10306 I Sports Tabloid Public Defender Bob Cummlngs Question Meet McGraw Climax 3 Summertime Serenade For Strings Mark Saber Lets Sing Grand News Today in Sports News In Sports Community News Alfred Hitchcock Film Impact Mystery Movie WEDDINGS ThighughtsY By Mary Ann Friday at pm the top play to be The Poachers On Dorchest er Theatre at pm is a suspense drama written by Robert Cha- Life Insurance Saturday On the Julius show replacement a variety snow with the singing La- Rosa will have as guests comed ian vocalists Gorme and Steve Lawrence and The Three Hours acrobats Great Movies presents Talk of the Town starring Cary Grant In the afternoon from pm to pm the Davis Cup finals will be televised from Montreal Israel will play the winner of the pre vious weeks matches between Canada and Brazil If the winner is not resolved the games on Sun day will also be carried from pm to pm Sunday from pm to 4 pm the Davis Cup finals if game is not final Pianist Roger William will he one of the guests on the Ed Sullivan Show as will vocalist Tony At pm follow ing the News This Week presents vorld headlines of the past week Monday On Camera appears on the network at pm This weeks offering Is a suspense drama Wait For Me The World Champion ship will be fought for at pm Floyd Patterson versus Tommy Hurricane Jackson Tuesday Plays at pm offers viewers Tiger At Noon Profile at pm has an thropologist Margaret Mead be ing interviewed by Dr Roy Dan iels of the University of British Columbia Knglish department Dr Mead is best known In nonpro fessional circles for her very pop ular series of studies Sex and Temperament Male and Female Coming of Age in Samoa and Growing Up in New Guinea One point made by Dr Mead both in her books and in the in terview is that as primitive soc ieties tome more and more under the sway of Western civilization one of the naturally sub for the physicists labor atory a number of societies sim ple enough for the scientist to take all the variables into account is being test Only in this way is it possible to find which facets of human behaviour are universal and which are environmentally determined The Four Corners which foll ows Profile introduces the tele vision audience to Japan by lett ing the Montreal writer talks about it suffers from a wanderlust which throe years ago took him to Japan for a quick visit that eventually last ed a year During this time he lived lives as distinct and different from one another as the Zen mon astery is from the modern Tokyo factory for to the sensitive out sider there is not one Japan hut two There is the land of sophisti cated traditions changeless feu dal custom and a sense of beauty and courtesy the Japan of thea tres shrines and ceremonies the four crowded little is lands there are 100000000 mouths which can only lie fed by huge modern industrial plants and a vast merchant navy trading with the world will try to con vey these opposing feelings with the help of films and still pictures as well as sketches Wednesday Disneyland is Ren and Me the Liberty Story Kraft Theatre at pm has Kent Smith Ann Rutherford and Ever ett Sloano in the story of a high- level executive who faces ridicule when he is forced to take a low- level job Success Here and There which follows presents a documentary film The combines the old with the new presenting a striking con trast The film shows men who went to the Yukon in and have only been out once since then and another who went there in They are seen in their gold mines taking their gold to the hank and having a drink in the saloon with its moosehead and pinup girls on the wall It shows the bank where Rob ert Service poet of the Yukon once worked and takes viewers on the mail delivery with post man Fred Cook who is also city alderman undertaker taxi and driver Thursday Climax at pm has an hourlong suspense drama The Giant Killer starring Dane Clark and newcomer Stev ens Alfred Is Night mare in Goodnight kiddies Radio Note For the radio list- It only fair to let them Mount Albert News rye Keswick United church was the setting for the double ring ceremony recently when Elizabeth Rye youngest daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Bernard Rye Keswick was united in marriage to Allan Herbert Betts son of tor and Mrs H Betts Rev McLean The bride entering the church on the arm of her- father was lovely in a gown of white Calais lace over taffeta with chapel train Her fingertip veil of silk illusion was held by a coronet of pearls and sequins She earned a cascade bouquet of pink roses white carnations and gladioli Mrs Claude only sister of the bride was matron of honor in floor length gown of white nlyon net over rose taffeta with picture hat and mittens to match She carried a cascade bouquet of pink and white carnations- Miss Linda niece of the bride was flower girl in an identical gown of white nylon net over rose taffeta with matching poke bonnet and she carried a basket of mixed flowers Mrs Frank Dillon sister of the groom and Miss Doris Mitchell both of Toronto wore identical gowns of white net over tur quoise and yellow taffeta They carried cascade bouquets of mix ed flowers Master Dillon nephew of the groom was ring bearer He carried the rings on a heart- shaped cushion of white lace and taffeta and was attired in a cream flannel jacket and navy blue trousers as were alt the men of the wedding party Less Oshawa was best man The ushers were Claude Yorke brotherinlaw of the bride and Edgar Betts bro ther of the groom Mrs James Bell Lillian was soloist Mrs Ethan Morion Sutton was organist A reception was held at Lodge Orchard Beach Lake Simcoe The brides mother re ceived the guests in a dress of rosewood nylon sheer over taf feta with white accessories Her corsage was pink roses and white carnations She was assisted by the grooms mother in a dress of dawn blue lace over taffeta with pink accessories Her corsage was pink and white carnations For travelling the bride chang ed to all white ensemble with white picture hat Her cor sage was roses shaded from pale pink to a deep American beauty shade to match the flowers on her hat On their return from their honeymoon they will live in ST ANGER On Saturday July 20 Charles III became the husband of Mary Lou Toronto in a ceremony performed by Rev R Harrison Wilfred The mar riage took place in the United church Island Ontario The groom is the son of former Island Chief Charles Lorenzo whose father before him was also the chief of the Georgina Island hand Present were Mrs Kenneth and her son Philip of California and aunts of the groom from New York and Montreal The whole island populace was invited to attend the reception and the warm summer day saw the wedding supper take place in the shade of trees on the lawns of the home Thorah DeputyReeve New Beaverton Reeve John McCrorie retired farmer and d t yreeve of township was named reeve of last week to fill the va cancy caused by last months death of M Avery nomination was the only one received Denis Whelati service station proprietor and Hector a for mer police chief were nominated to fill McCrories va cancy An election will be held July 20 know the young ones in particu lar that Through the Glass is to be presented starting Saturday July at pm on the TransCanada network As ev ery child knows after Alice in Wonderland comes Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there This BBC radio dramatization of the Lewis Carroll book will continue through August for five weekly episodes The first of the five parts is called Lookingglass House and tells how Alice stepp ed through the Looking Glass in the first place Later episodes in clude Alices talk with the Red Queen and meeting with Tweed ledee and the White Queen Music from Stratford on the will feature Benjamin Brit ten the English Opera Group and concerts by the Symphony Orchestra The first is to he broadcast from to pm on Wednesday July 31 with the Symphony Orchestra con ducted by Heinz with sop rano Lois Marshall Will keep you posted on broadcasts front the Stratford Ontario Music Festival The United church Sunday school will be closed the last Sun day in July and all of August It will reopen on Sunday Sept AH parents and children are asked to keep this in mind A Sunday school picnic will be held in the Community park on Wed nesday Aug 28 There will be a picnic supper followed by games in the evening The carnival held in the park on Wednesday evening was fair ly well attended The ball game between the Toronto and Lake Simcoe League All Stars resulted in a win for the One of the highlights of the ev ening was the dunking received by most members of the fire de partment A dance to the music of the Sod Busters was held in the tennis court Members of the Canadian Legion supervised the bingo The annual flower show of the Mount Albert horticultural soc iety will be held in the commun ity hall on Thursday evening Aug 22 Mount Albert firemen were called to a fire at the J Ranch house on highway early Fri day morning Damage was not serious and they are carrying on business as usual Congratulations are extended to Mrs Charlotte Jordan who celebrated her birthday on Saturday About 60 members of the family held a birthday party in her honor in the community park on Sunday Her som Herbert Jordan and Mrs Jordan came from Rochest er to be present at the ev ent Others attended from Tor onto Sutton Uxbridge and other points Mrs Jordan despite her years is in fairly good health and enjoyed the party thorough ly Mr and Mrs Art Kelt and Mr and Mrs Harold Riscbrough spent Sunday in Miss Myrtle Draper Toronto spent the past week with her bro ther Walt Draper and Mrs Drap er The family held a pic nic at the cottage of Misses Gladys and Florence Brooks point on Sunday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Bone in the arrival of a baby girl in Toronto hospital Mr and Mrs Ernest spent the weekend in the district Mr and Mrs Gordon are the proud parents of a baby boy Miss Lorna Thompson is spend ing several weeks attending camp at Bark Lake Mr and Mrs Lome and girls spent several days last week holidaying in North Bay Mr and Mrs Isaac Pegg left Tuesday to spend the next few weeks travelling in the Canad ian west and Northern USA Mr and Mrs Roy Carr return ed on Monday evening July from a four day visit to their cousins Mr and Mrs James key and family at Sault Ste Marie Michigan Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert and Jackie were Mr and Mrs Ralph and Mrs Pyke Sr Mr and Mrs William Moss Billie and Bonnie of Toronto Miss Joan Scott Aurora was a weekend visitor with Mr and Mrs Ralph Harrison Mrs Saimi Kirjovoiven and June Mrs of Kettleby and Miss Lynne Toronto attended the presentation of Hamlet at Stratford on Saturday night Miss M Dike Toronto spent the weekend at her homo here Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs M Mellon were their dau ghters Mrs Hughes and family Mr and Mrs John Mellon and baby Mr Wesley Mellon and friend Misses Alexander and Mrs Brewer all of Toronto Hie Best Drug Store Is now Airconditioned for convenience Come In and cool off BRING YOUR COUNTRY COUSIN CAUSE THE RAFTERS WILL BE BUZZIN AT THE DOMINION JAMBOREE MONSTER CAR in PRIZES pm Thursday August 1 BARRBE ARENA 1 New 1957 3 150 Club Sedan CAR Games Special Games door prizes Electric Deep Fryers ADMISSION SI BENEFIT LIONS CLUB 5 Reasons to Seo Your Dealer Today Torf l Wo I MVMMWrlbfy tilt I If you own an earlier than our product youre probably reluctant to part with it and who can blame you After all regardless of year or model theres nothing like a to set you a cut above the ordinary run or mortals make you feel in inter of all you survey Hut listen As wonderful as your present is we can name at least five good reasons why you should look into a Five good reasons why you should try this dream car to drivi today n friri MMuMMUnlMmlMll WMilNr Ml7 in lift Read em tut Ilea tiuiik It i standard on and optional at 1 lo3MP it nil in CM In Up to MM IKMB Ifftoon oik ft PS Ilk I 11 II mMUVHMUU Vint by at lt ad A MOTORS VAlUI Big Thrills I CKNTORV 70 M27S7 WHIN UKK THEM SLESS0R Newmarket Ltd 361 Eagle St Newmarket Phone TW 52351