Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 25 Jul 1957, p. 1

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Classifieds On Pages 4 and 5 EDITORIALS ON PAGE TWO A 1I5TH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 25 1957 NO 30 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH s Prepare For Cooks Bay Swim Assessment Reduced Albert who is cosponsoring the Cooks Bay swim Joe Price of VitaKrlsp potato chips chats with three youths red in Sundays three mile competition From left are Schel- Ken Wilson Don Wilson and John Phoenix finished second In last years race Diane left is entering the swim for the second time and Sinclair is making her initial try Photos by Mike Girl s Swim Fifteen swimmer will dive off the dock at Belle 3 pm to begin the second an nual swim to Or chard Beach Although it Is billed as a cross- swim the distance to be cov ered three mile The Era and Express will pro vide ils readers with top cover age of the swim Reporter Ed Stephens and photographer Mike will be on the offi cial swim launch to record the swim in words and pictures Last years winner Frances Point is entered and time trophy ill for eompelition she won two trophies one for win ning the swim and one for the fastest time If nobody better she will keep the trophy for another year Sponsors Albert Sohelstraeie proprietor of Sunset said Joe of potato ahead of Don Wilson Almost as many spectators crowded onto the government dock at Belle to ire the swimmers set out used ropes to keep them back Others entered in the race are Ken Wilson Norma Lin da a s all of Orchard Beach Patsy Keswick Richard Robertson Pint Beach Sinclair Glenwood Elaine Jaeques Snake Island and OConnor Jacksons Point are required to have their boats at the Lodge by am and must report to by one oclock While the swimmers are mak ing their way across the lake short distance races will be held in front of Sunset Lodge for dren up to years Conn Smythe president of Ma ple Leaf Gardens has donated the trophy for the first girl to finish and Allan Lamport chair man has donated the winning boys trophy After t race all swimmers and the press will be treated to a dinner by Sh ows No Changes Public Appeal For Funds To Aid StormHit Farms In Lake Simcoe District i Five townships North A Gathers suggested the Reach Brock and which were hit hard by a tornado three weeks will appeal to residents for Wrrghtman Threatens Arrest Needs Glasses Says Clerk townships to carry out a cam paign even if it didnt prove suc cessful and that a collection cen tre be established in each town- money and volunteer labor in ship restoring damaged barns Last week all but town ship had decided to unite and try to obtain interest free loans from the Ontario government Hon Doctor Matthew Diamond and A A- McKenzie MLAs for Ontario and York ridings attend ed Tuesday nights meeting in Hall along with A Cathers MP for York North Keith agricultural rep resentative for Simcoe county and reeves of the five townships The meeting was told that On tario legislation did not provide for lowinterest or interestfree loans To obtain loans would re quire a special act of the legis lature told the reeve that in 1956 when a storm hit Bruce Said North town ship reeve Roy Pollock There is a clear path to follow if we are to Rive help voluntary sub scriptions by the public a grant from the township and hope that the county will match it The meeting resolved to carry out any campaigns on each town ships own initiative COUNCIL WAIVES PERMIT Council agreed on Monday night to waive the regular build ing permit fee on the York Coun ty Administration building The A brief verbal battle which started at council on July be tween the reeve and clerk con tinued on Tuesday morning when the reeve visited the town office and threatened to lay charges against Clerk Wesley Brooks Ac cording to the clerk Mr Wright- man did not name the specific charges The trouble started when Mr asked Why was the assessment of Office Specialty re duced from to The clerk was asked by the mayor if he could answer Mr question and the clerk told council it had not been changed but remained at When I checked the roll all I could find was T000 replied the reeve All can say is Mr needs glasses That not cor rect answered the clerk Mr Wrightman asked the 136000 building is being const ructed south of the present offices I or if he would be in the town Second St the following morning as he Reeve Wrightman introduced planned to call and check the roll the resolution It was seconded once more The mayor aid he Councillor Mr Wright- would be there man explained that the act It has been reduced charged county that residents were asked j courtesy would cost the town less the reeve to contribute to a fund The provincial government It is said will give percent of any money raised voluntarily to than APPROVE PAYMENT Town council approved the fund That for every dollar ment of to Mrs John It has not been reduced at all replied the clerk T e Office Specialty is still assessed Whv is it not entered in the collectors rott asked the reave It is entered- was Mrs Brooks reply If he checked the roH and couldnt see the entry he must need glasses As reeve of this municipality I wont put up with this sarcasm I have kept my tongue for too long answered the clerk whm he was interrupted by the reeve saying When I ask tht clerk something I wont be abused The mayor hailed the argu ment The reeve continued it in the town office the following morn ing when he questioned the clerk regarding entries of land assess ments for Office Specialty Manu facturing Co Ltd Me said that only one figure that of was entered in the roll when he checked it week A representative of the and inspected the roil rater in the morning and saw three amounts listed for land for the Office Specialty Co They were and opposite entries and and totalled an other column payment of taxes was recorded it bed been entered that taxes on land assessments had been paid on June by the Of fice Specialty Co raised by subscription the pro- vroee will kick in fifty cents Fifty percent is certainly wor th working for Dr Diamond said Opinion of reeves was that a canvas might not prove successful because residents may have forgotten about the storm and Ha toll whella on July This is balance of the which the town paid her for writing New- markets official history The original literary work The History of Newmarket has been copyrighted in Mrs name But author has agreed that royalties will be payable to the town She will Time is of the essence said I not receive any from the sale of the book Introduce Resolution To Organize Town ByLaws Councillor George and Make it apply to Bylaw tie and George Knapton recommended a Ill support it the reeve I complete reorganisation Here and There Around Town By Observer Monday August was pro claimed a civic holiday by Mayor when council met on July Because the next regu lar council meeting would fall on that nigh t it has been moved ahead to Monday July Refuse Second Request For Eagle St Station The request of the Shell Oil Co for permission to build a service station on the northeast corner Eagle and Scott was refused by council on July Council overruled a recommendation of the town planning board Ratepayers Protest Commercial Development In Eagle St Area A protest was received by said Edward by bylaw but the proj Reeve council on Monday I was the only one posed service station faMs outside pposcd them because of J Council Replies While the Office Specialty I said the board considered the site building on Manufacturing Co i closed for unsuitable for residential devel with dismay not can be done J that council has decided to per- ehips hope to keep the number of entries to to ensure against accidents Eleven are entered to date Each swimmer is required to supply a manned to accompany across the bay Again has taken every safety precaution The OP holiday the Davis Leather Co Eagle St widens out cruiser from will patrol whistle will be used as a fire the swim to keep curious boaters way from the swimmers The family at Roches Point has again loaned their launch with a ship to shore phone to patrol the swim and keep spectators at the informed of the swimmers progress Last year over people lined the banks at Orchard Beach to watch the exciting finish Fran- finished seconds ahead of John Phoenix Phoenix was on- no action be taken on the nighl District j on council at hoards recommendation in view Ratepayers association These and I oppose of the fact that Councillor Ridker Property owners object- bylaw The resolution we absent from the meeting Mr I commercial development on at the meeting accept is a member of the board w lender of the Liquor Con- and chairman of the planning and In a letter from A Weaver board for the Eagle St site committee Ion behalf of the group they en- contravenes bylaw Councillor Kent disagreed He the provisions bylaw 616 does not apply argued thai the oil company in bylaw which zones Eagle St then none of should have a prompt answer and St as well as other areas of the towns bylaws effect the new said the question should dec Id- town for residential purposes of town said Mr that night They asked If the bylaw is is still in effect Mayor had attended valid what action does council j Councillor John the planning board meeting at j plan to lake concerning the com- WVM appealed which the decision to recommend rncrcird but the service station was made He violate the by of towns bylaws They introduced a resolution that Bylaw 616 be amended to include the new sect ions of town It was supported by all but two members of council Councillors Kent and Bylaw names certain streets Eagle St is one of them as residential areas The bylaw was passed when the western lim its of the town only extended to Cawthra Blvd and the town sol icitor advised council at a recent meeting that Bylaw 616 did not govern the balance of Eagle St to St of that could take no action to pre- The association wants a re- the building i ply said Mr Knapton who there he told them Mr Knapton and Mr that all the A resolution will have absolut ely no bearing on the bylaws as a whole said have to be brought in separately for amendment Councillors and amended their resolution so that it applied only to Bylaw instead of all bylaws It carried that time that did and is not under its control Councillor Kent CasHc About Ratepayers Letter A letter from the chaired the council meeting the reading of correspondence recommended What do we tell them towns be amended to Id reply and tell them to mind their own business an swered Mr Kent This is their business replied Mr His view was sup- It members IdmgrwWchMesenl- doubtful what action can be I It has been recommended by taken regarding the commercial the planning hoard that we sections of Newmarket in corporated into the town the bylaws were passed You put enforced in i these new areas said Councillor Kent otherwise your ions is no good The time has tome for a re- organization of the towns laws said Mr Something must be don- to and warehouse District Ratepayers association drew some remarks from Councillor Bert Kent on Mon day night before it was referred to the roads and bridges commit tee Id like to give those people five years free said Mr Kent following the reading of the letter it is the only way to sat isfy them to keep their mouths shut whistle will be used as a fire that section and it is farther from alarm for the town the school than a site at Office Specialty notified toon- land turned down there would he no steam avail- by council when another oil corn- able to operate the town firelpanv applied tn a service Continued on Page fi I station I COMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY AUG King City Lions boat draw tonight in King City Memorial park start ing pm with senior ladies ball game Newmarket vs King- Vsughan- Whitchurch allstars 30 am to Jack Chapman band Bingo other chance Miss Outdoor SP Davis will draw win ning ticket Admission Pub- Re school children free AUG Sutton Fair and Horse she- in the Fair Grounds year AUGUST An exhibit of small antiques of local interest is being arranged for the celebrations by the Friends Of the Library Citizens having suitable articles for display in the pleas contact Miss I every Saturday night ftt Park Norm and his Kinesmen Modern I M old Fred Case floor you a drinking problem of Aurors Group Anonymous every fht at in Hall Victoria Newmarket Manufacturer Wins Battle With Customs A year bailie with Ameri- to Mr it has always can customs has ended in favor been a oneway traffic with Can- of a Newmarket manufacturer A tanners importing Belugin owner of Bobby finishes To the best of his Finishes snd Dyes won a fight knowledge he was the first one against what he considered to be to attempt to reverse this an arbitrary and unjust duty im- cedure posed the US Customs on According to tin American his leather finishes Bureau of Customs there is no The struggle began at the of- provision in the US tariff of the Appraiser at lure for a specific rate of duty on Peace Bridge involved the leather finishes so the bureau American ambassador in Ottawa used the most suitable paragraph and finally took Mr to When Mr began shipping the Canadian Embassy in Wash- small quantities to the US in ington The chief of the fall of duty was set division of the ius- I per cent But in January finally ruled that the as shipping increased con- per cent and per cent duly Canadian finishes the two main products of reclassified and a prohibitive Newmarket firm be reduced to advisory duty was imposed 111 per cent and per cent Canadian duty on correspond ing American finishes is per cent Attempting to introduce Cana dian finishes in the United Mr gives full credit States was like carrying coats to Newcastle said Mr There are 10 large leather finish houses in the US with vest resources research fee the two main items The recent re ducing the duly is final and the decision is being circulated to all customs officers for ihe success to C Smith commercial minister at the Can adian Embassy in Washington whose untiring efforts over the mil the Liquor Control Board of Ontario to build a store on and is also considering the application of an oil company to locate a service station at the corner of Eagle and Scott Mr Weaver wrote the opinion of our associa tion these both will constitute a serious traffic problem and hazard to our children continu ed the letter All our members are opposed to the location of liquor store and service station as mentioned above The association In ils asked the clerk to bung these views to the attention of council and to remind council of by law One paragraph of that lettei is absolutely wrong commented Councillor Bert Kent I know one man in that subdivision who approves of the liquor store That bylaw does not con cern them it only applies to Eagle St as far as Cawthra Blvd I disagree said CounesUor Haskell I feel that by law applies right out to i St Maybe by law dos not cover the newer section of Eagle St but it certainly concerns the members of ihat ratepayers association what happens on Eagle St said Councillor We had the ruling of our solicitor four weeks ago that the bylaw only applied on Eagle St as far is Cawthra not argued Mr Kent ByLaw Contravention I The property owners when top soil would be delivered St I feel prove the service station added to their subdivision so that work about them ve I not approve that to on the boulevards could be but we can prevent further oca on Eagle St date They said that Inventions of the bylaw As Mr Choppin recommended that agreed Mr Knaplon Perhaps it two months ago the town Mr Haskell has pointed out all the solicitor write to the he necessary to deal with started work on clearing the dit- bylaws passed before the new era explaining the situation in each individually But if ii iajchea and supplying top soil for areas were incorporated into thej The only way to get around it necessary start at Bylaw one the boulevards for the roads in town do not apply there is to appeal the bylaw suggest- the work should be done the subdivision Mr said the liquor j the reeve You should make your The work ceased presumably store within the area gov i Continued on Page ion apply to one specific bylaw due to the laying of natural gat lines by the Gas com- we advite on New County Building At Newmarkef party and when this will recommence The letter continued You will predate that our members are anxious to have work com- I pleted The reeve asked that matter be referred to his committee Mr Kent repeated his ion putting it in the form of a motion that it would be necesa- to the ratepayers free taxes for five yean if council were to satisfy them presume the second resolut ion was not put seriously com mented Councillor George Knap We shall consider only one There are two motions before the chair argued Mr Kent Council considered the reeves motion and agreed to refer the letter to the roads and bridge committee CHANGE The Newmarket fire signal III be changed 1 1 It The regaler whittle Is lo cated at the Specially plant Acwt It the De vi Leather whistle wwl be I Construction will start immediately on the new County of York administration building at the opposed the bowling alley north end of Newmarket The new building will located on the county property next to the DENTIST The denial well Hewitt be i i 1 lit trr well nvii and the Bell Telephone seat administration which was the old Davis family residence en Second St The new county build- closed until were a as m A cost

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