Classifieds On Pages and 5 EDITORIALS ON PAGE TWO YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 1957 NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EAC1 Propose Eagle LCBO Site Counci The proposed location of a liquor store in Newmarket is on Eagle St east of the Bell Tele phone building An option agree ment between the town and the Liquor Control board of Ontario was apprqved by council on Monday night for the purchase of this property from the town for The option expires on August 10 This property was offered for sale by tender and two were re ceived by the property commit tee Councillor Bert Kent said Prank Bondis tender called for a final sale price of In a letter from the Liquor Control board the proposed plans for the property were outlined A building costing between and will be erected No municipal taxes are paid by the board on its stores But a grant is made in lieu of taxes and it usually equals the amount the taxes for general purposes would be No grant is made on taxes for school purposes There were other offers said Councillor George There was one from Harold Len- Eagle St Residential Bylaw Reason For Opposition To Site for No replied Mr Kent Coun cil had a letter from Mr stating that he thought he had a client who would be will ing to pay as much as 510000 for f r that property Later a telegram I Of was received with the same infor- mation but adding that the client was out of town Nothing more was heard from Mr Lenhardt he added Mr in his letter stated Three offers were received that his apartments would be one MescWno behalf of Frank and twobedroom ones for the town owned young couples with no children on Bc Thousands of local children have flocked to the Newmarket pool since it opened almost two weeks ago Adults too hare of the modern swim facilities but it is the children who have been waiting for a chance to beat the heat and some cool recreation At all times the children are under the surveillance of three guards In the above picture guard Wayne of Newmarket keeps a watchful eye on the youthful swimm ers Wth a hop skip and a jump one avid diver flies into the water from the top diving board in the inset at top Photos by Mike ere and There round Town By Local Observer On mother brought her young children to the community swim ming pool on its opening day planned to stay with them Until they were ready to return home After awhile she made prepar ations to leave The children re mained In the water Your pool is so well organ ized the mother told Manager Alan Smith that I can go home and prepare dinner knowing they Will be safe Many other patents have com mented on the excellent disci pline maintained at the pool There Is no running pushing or other forms of dangerous horse piny Youngsters and adults alike have cooperated with the lifeguards and when pool inspec tion lime arrives everyone leaves the pool quickly Angry Residents Want Action Menace To Children A delegation of angry street residents were promised action by council in relieving what they termed the disgrace ful conditions which have existed since the street was opened for the new water main The dele gation complained not only of ruined lawns and a general mess but also of the menace to child ren on the street in leaving holes three feet deep Reeve Clarence Davis told them that council had asked the same questions at a previous meeting and had been told by the that street would be fixed in a week as soon as the pros sure on the lines had been tested If you are looking for work perhaps you might be interested In this position advertised in a Toronto paper Under the help wanted column an ad asked for new and used car salesmen The improvements at the court and Lions park wash room are being done at cost prices Swimming Pool Chairman Peter Gorman told council on Monday night Various firms were checked and the price quot ed by Warren Paving Co for the tennis courts was considered to a nonprofit offer Similarly the for the swimming pool has offered to renovate the washroom facilities at cost Mr Gorman The courts will be paired In green asphalt Mr Gorman was congratulated by Councillor for his work in the interests of recrea tion for the town He said the Improvements were worthwhile additions Reeve suggested that the area in front of the swimming pool be paved He said be would bring in a definite recommendation at a later meet ing Councillor Paynter agreed with Me that pavement in front of the swimming pool would eliminate much dirt for children He praised Mr work regarding the In R Stevens Second street Newmarket has been ap pointed assistant general man ager for The Bell Telephone Co of Canadas Toronto area it was announced this week Born in Winnipeg Mr Stevens joined the Hell company in in London Ont Since that time he has held various managerial posi tions in Ontario He relinquishes the position of commercial man ager for the companys western area which he has held since and a report had come back from the department of health Its quite a and I can ap preciate your feelings he said adding that the town would take whatever temporary measures it could until the street was filled In Frank Robertson told council that the adults werent worried about themselves but were con cerned with the safety of the small children on the There are several holes some of them three feet deep and filled with water They should be pumped out The town knows of the conditions and if anything happens you will be responsible he added He reported that one young boy on the street had gone up to his waist in one of the holes When we lose one of our children maybe the town will do something about it said Mrs James Thompson but councillors protested that action would be taken before that occurred If one of you lived on the street something would be done said Mrs Clarence They dug those holes two weeks ago pile up the dirt on the lawns and left it The lawns were ruined and somebody prob ably the town would get a bill for resodding she added Council is aware of your prob lem Mayor James Murray re plied I spoke to the engineer he- fore I left and was promised ac tion came back to find the street in this disgraceful condi tion Mrs Thompson added that a neighbor had had no water for over two weeks except from a hose from the house next door I spoke to the workers on the job and asked why those four foot holes werent pumped out that we were worried about the child ren said Mr Robertson I was told to keep the kids away They practically told me to mind own business he stated Page 3 Col 3 OFFICIAL OPENING J OF FOOL ON AUG The Newmarket swimming pools official opening will be held on August having been postponed from July The Newmarket Chamber of Commerce is taking responsibil ity for chairmanship of the open ing at pm There will be demonstrations in diving life sav ing and a talk will be given By a representative of the Red Cross Life Saving department RADIO NEWS SUMMARY EACH WEDNESDAY A review of news and features of local interest from the Era and Express is broadcast each Wed nesday on radio CJRH The re view was read yesterday after noon on the Richmond Hill sta tion dial by the editor Jack Struthers At the same day Dorothy Barker editor of the Aurora Banner reviews the news in that paper The reviews are stories which appear in the weekly papers the next day Thursday Three councillors opposed the sale of Eagle St property by the town to the Liquor Control board of Ontario because Bylaw designates Eagle St as a resi dential zone They contended that the sale violated the existing by law From the start I have said that for the merchants to benefit from the liquor vote the liquor store would have to be located so as to draw the traffic into town said Councillor George Knapt- agree the Eagle St site will do this but I cant support this when a bylaw states that Eagle St is residential How can council plan more commercial building on Eagle St asked Councillor George Haskett The bylaw states Eagle St residential The store there will help the merchants replied Cou ncillor Bert Kent Isnt that the site the Cham ber of Commerce recommended asked DeputyReeve MacNaught- on No replied Mr Kent They it for the brewers warehouse Im agreed that that location will be an asset tohe merchants said But last week we turned dawn an application for a service station on Eagle St and one reason given was the nearness to the school The liquor store will cause added traffic The explosive qualities of the gasoline was the reason mention ed in connection with the school children replied Mr Kent When have you heard of a ser vice station explosion asked Mr The proposed site for the liqu or store is a good quarter of a or older ones whose families were grown would live there a has had this prop erty twice added Mr Kent He says there will be no children How does he know It would mean more water used and extra sewers if an apartment building were built there A store would help Main St It would mile from the school said the draw traffic into town mayor It is more like 300 yards arg ued Mr Will there be much extra traf fic someone asked Nobody here drinks quipped Mr Kent Wobody has a cold Was this site within the town limits when the bylaw was pass ed asked councillor John Chop- pin Yes replied the reeve The town limits extended to Cawthra St Why cant the same thing be done as was done when the Bell Telephone building was approved for Eagle St There was sell the land Telephone building None accepted by council when it met on Monday night The town had entered into agreement with Mr Bondi this land on two previous occa sions First the property has 213 feet frontage was sold Mr Bondi on condition that ru Page Col Plan Work To Correct Drainage Problems In Island Grove Area Action to solve drainage prob lems at Island Grove Lake Sim- bylaw passed to Boll owns council meeting clerk explained That that was done was at Belhaven Monday night The special meeting received a I At the conclusion of his brief Mr Hisey said he was open to al ternative suggestions and thai even if parts of the plan taken a good deal of the prob lem could be solved He stress- That bylaw making Eagle St report from Mr of the con- the fact that it was necesjar a residential one was out of mind j engineering firm start immediately to folio and Richmond Hill the plan or part of the plan You A survey had been made of the looking after Island Grove section where there and forgotten at the time the Boll Telephone building was approv ed said the mayor It was not until the time that the has been a threat to the drainage Course will rectify percent o Will Pave Tennis Courts To Extend Season Length The recreational facilities of Newmarket which have been in creased and improved jo lv this month through the open ing of the swimming pool are to receive further improvements Council on Monday night approv ed the spending of for the paving of the tennis courts and remodelling of the washrooms at the Lions park These funds arose during the room facilities are so Mr Choppin war Finance Chairman John explained They were set aside for post war reconstruc tion work and it is recommended The paved courts will be usable from early May to the end of September regardless of weather conditions and the maintenance costs will be less than percent of the upkeep of clay courts The town will receive the deed for the courts It is held in trust by the tennis club The town holds the deed for the Lions park It is too bad that the wash bad con- It is a rather pretty park in fad I would go so far as to say a beauti ful one With the improvement that the improvements be made the tennis courts and the wash- J Miss Jaycee case you are Interested in Millard Ave will be open ed it will be another two weeks Councillor Knapton raised the question at the July meet- of council that he had asked on June 24 and June He re ceived the same reply that it would be ready in two weeks Reeve Wrightman told council Approximately loads of fill have been put in at the Millard Ave extension to date Another two weeks and well have buses there he added Everyone makes mistakes at some time but for an announcer at the Lindsay station Saturday was a bad day He was repeat a health notice for cottage owners In the district had been given by the Health Officer from these surplus funds Mr Choppin said that clay Wl courts are easily damaged by rain and are expensive to keep in good condition They require expen sive shoes If the tennis courts are going to be a community project It is not fair to ask citizens to pay seven to for shoes ho added of Timothy Street Newmarket high Wicked Mot of was M rooms it will make a recreation al center there that will be avail able for all the citizens of the town The Ontario department of municipal affairs must approve the use of the surplus funds for these projects It will cost ap proximately for the pav ing of the tennis courts and 1785 for the renovations of the wash l rooms Asks Approval For Development Plans for a Garden Court development were sub mitted to council on Monday night by Harold of Willow Ltd In a letter to council Mr recommended this type of for his Yonge St frontage north of Millard Ave section earmarked for light in- WEDNESDAY JULY in Mount Albert park All- plan calls for six large star game bingo games building Each would contain I Big outdoor and other at- CHANGES IN WARDS Tin- clerk told council on July ft that he will have a report ready on recommended changes in the towns ward At present Newmarket is divided into three wards St Andrews St Patricks and Si Georges wards COMING EVENTS ion was received for a system cent home on the corner of Lome and Park was received that the bylaw was dug up and it was found that Park Ave Quern St and Eagle St had been made re sidential ones TTie Liquor Control boards of fer was the best one received for the sand said Mr Kent in troduced the liquor vote question and I promised that if the vote carried I would try to have the building located where it would be most advantageous to the mer chants of the town I feel the Eag le St site is the best one am as much opposed as I was to liquor coming to Newmarket said Mrs MacNaughton when she seconded Mr Kents resolution But as property chairman I fee it is my duty to forget my per feelings and do what will be best for the town general Because of this I think the Kaph St location should be approved Councillor Paynter supporte the site for the Liquor Control Boards store He reminded that the bylaw had been viol ated many times before since there are other commercial build ings on Eagle St I am forced to agree with Mr Knapton said Mr If that bylaw is in effect we have no reason to break it The mere fact that it has been violated many limes doesnt alter the sit uation 1 must vote against the re solution Councillors Knapton and opposed the sale to the Liquor Controal board The majority of council carried the resolution Filled and diverted water courses have caused con siderable damage to properties particularly ones owned by sum mer residents A delegation of propertyown ers heard Mr tell of the overall plan to solve the problem at a cost of for the actual work to be done This your problem Water Damage Ritchie one of the property- owners in the overwet area I the deputation had come to thtl meeting with a serious problem on their hands and they wanted some relief He produced pari of what had been a good organ from a carton which he car- with him This was proof of the plan covers about 317 acres and J the cost would be borne by done by the excessive water propertyowners directly or in- which had invaded his home directly affected Page Col Council Clarifies Closing ByLaw Blame Chamber Law For Confusion A bylaw was passed by town laws commented the reeve council on Monday which No sir replied Mr Brooks will clarify the problem concern- Their bylaws said the stores store hours in the 1 would be closed on Mondays but On June three bylaws they didnt rescind the bylaw were approved which set new covering the Wednesday after hours for certain types of store noon closing in the town There has been general con fusion throughout the town re garding the closing hours of stores explained the clerk A bylaw authorizes the closing of stores at noon on Wednesday The new bylaws permitted certain ones to close on Monday hut they did nothing about the Wednesday afternoon closing Mr Brooks explained that the The new hours for the drug stores will he a closing hour of pm on all nights except Fri day when the drug stores will close at pm AH grocery and meal stores 1 3d wear dry goods sporting goods gift shops furniture child rens wear mens wear jewellers and paint and stores will remain open on Wednesday I bylaws presented to council on j afternoons and on Mondays I June had been prepared by the Grocery and meat stores Willi chamber of commerce close at pm on all davs except I hope you wont let the Friday and the other stores will chamber prepare any more by- close at pm Newmarket Concert Band On The Air Next Sunday eight separate living quarters Garage accommodation Is provid ed in the plan Council was asked by Mr if it wanted this type of development on St or ft prefer to keep the land for industry which may never come The letter and enclosed plans were referred to the planning board for study A report r pewed to tractions Admission Pub- he school children free every Saturday night at Park Norm Bur ling and his Modern and old Fred Case floor tf24 HAYS you a drinking problem Open meeting of Aurora Group of Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday night at pm in Parish Ha Victoria ft The Newmarket Concert Band will be heard on Sunday from until on the radio station CrOR During the hourlong broadcast there will be interviews with local including some of the centennial beard growers Mel Smith who organizes the Sunday School of Air broadcasts in is the master of ceremonies Above he is seen tape recording the band Mon day for the program Recordings will be taken each Monday evening the Lions Park Newmarket and residents are urged to attend these concerts The radio by Meter Era photo by