I Business Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS MUG STORE NOTI FOR PRESCRIPTIONS AND EMERGENCY NEEDS Sunday July Phone Harvey Lanes Pharmacy of Harvey Lane Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Will be open next week VETERINARIAN i JULY JULY Until pm DR H Eagle St Phone DR A WILLITTS Veterinarian Mount Albert Phone 155 ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr Carl Heder Kinn SI Kin City New Phone Kin LEGAL NORTH TURNER MOWERS SMALL ENGINES SALES Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped Hour Service RICHMOND HIM TURNER INSURANCE Builders Contractors or Farmers No and No Hemlock Spruce ami Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truck Lumber Co Write for prices Tort Ontario NORMAN W GREENSIDES Insurance Agencies Ltd LIFE FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCE AND LOW COST AUTO FINANCING Timothy St Newmarket TW 54221 JOS P N AURORA PA Mutual Life of Canada INSURANCE JARVIS Confederation fIfe Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket PHONE MOUNT FLOYD CORNER Barrister Solicitor and Notary Aurora Ontario Telephone Aurora PA 75052 Res PA A BA Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA St Stiver Vale Peppiatt and Errington BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES K Sliver Joseph Vale J William A MAIN ST 54571 Newmarket Out ITS A Womans World By CAROLINE ION Are you nervous about getting up in front of people to speak Perhaps you are uncertain about the correct way to conduct a busi ness meeting One that is not bothered by such details is Mrs Black classroom at the Stuart Scott school Despite the fact that these youngsters are only grade six stu dents they are veterans at pub lic speaking They conduct at the Friends church Botsford St by the Newmarket and District Association for Re tarded Children The annual dis play of work and crafts by the pupils was open to the public on June 27 The classroom was decorated attractively with the art and craft work of the children attend- ing the school Mrs Blanche Nurses Reunion A pleasant evening was spent when graduates and supervis ors of York County hospital met recently They had dinner at Country Acres and then made a tour of the modernized York County hospital and Home for the aged which was enjoyed and appreciated by ev eryone Fa The Newmarket Era and Thursday July RETARDED CHILDREN DISPLAY ART WORK A display of art work and crafts by pupils of the Retarded I Childrens school Botsford St was held at the school on June 27 Visitors were welcomed by Mrs Jack Malcolm wife of the president LIBRARY GRANT Council authorized the pay of to the Library board on account for grant at its last meeting ton who has been the teacher for ness sessions calmly efficiently the past two seasons was present and correctly On Thursday of last week I was a guest speaker at their closing Junior Red Cross meeting The A M MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Main St Newmarket PHONE 52941 VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone Newmarket executive had planned the meet ing as it had the others through- Out the year and had decided that Water Safety would be an appro priate topic Mary King president called the meeting to order and asked Barbara Hewitt to read the min utes The treasurer Elizabeth gave her report The rul es of order and procedure were followed in an easy relaxed man ner A reading was given by Bonnie Saunders The guest speaker was introduced by the president and following her talk a vote of thanks was moved by Bonnie Next on the program was a puppet wrestling match complete with commercials Red explain the years projects as was her assistant Mrs Moore and members of the as- invitation to attend social ion your reunion party for which I The display included simple l wonder- leather such as key be remembered through the comb and stamp cases and napkin years long past and am pleas- rings Brightly colored Donald Ducks marched around the walls Following this they returned to the home of Mrs Stuart Parks The teacher Mrs Blanche where they partook ton and her assistant Mrs of coffee and cake while remin- Moore were present to explain iscing of their training days Dur- the years projects Also present ing the evening a letter was read members of the Newmarket from Miss Dulmage who with District association for RetovJed a number of others were unable Children the sponsors of the to be present school which Is operated a the The letter is as follows My Friends church dear graduates I have received and paper lanterns were hung as decorations Scrap books decorated pine cones abstracts and finger wall plaques and decorated jars which held silvered branch es all spoke of the patient lov ing care and instruction provided at this school by the teachers Small pandas and penguins ap pealed to the youngsters visiting the display They had been made from moulds which the school children had filled with plaster of Paris After the animals had taken shape they were painted beyond measure thai you as a body in the early days of the hospital take your place as interesting display craft and art work media Paper cutouts and point ed wall plaques of plaster of paris decorated the room Thar were landscapes in ab stracts in crayons and finger paintings ScrapbooJw posed Blue Bobo but frequently j black and white it was the referee that came out Youngsters in attendance at the worst Richard Graham and Rillie school range in age from eight to Mason had almost as much fun with their ad libbing and puppet ry as did the audience It was a much better show than- some we have watched on tele- vision At least this one showed imagination and humor A story was read by ma Bennett It told of a Red Cross hospital in Switzerland for tuber- cillar children years They include local boys and girls who are unable to at tend the regular elementary schools because of mental retard ation Some are retarded because of birth injuries Others suffered brain damage following a serious illness or accident but for all of them the school opens the door on a new brighter world At the school they are learning uates of York County hospital Of this you well be proud ant The Board of Directors and lhe display Staff are to be congratulated up- on their efforts and Newmarket WATER new modern building I am happy may well be proud of their fine The temperature of water to remember some of the happiest at the Newmarket poo limes of my life were spent has varied between and 2 market Only advancing this week years was the deciding point of retiring Never shall I forget the kindness of the townspeople and the countryside at every side I Now as much as I should Jove to join and see you all 1 am not well enough to be at your party In closing I should like to pay tribute with you to the departed nurses I wish you many blessings and I want vou to have a really happy party With best of good wishes I remain Elizabeth mage money cash from Citizens hr it I DRAPERY CUSTOM MADE Billie Mason and Cameron to get along with others They are presented another original becoming self sufficient They are comedy routine It was a TV com- MR LEON B NASH ARCT RMX Organist Trinity United Church Studio of Music NEWMARKET TUITION FOR VOCAL PIANO AND ORGAN Dial Newmarket INSURANCE Endowment Pensions Family Income and Mortgage Ufa Insurance Bill Timothy PHONE AURORA PA ACCOUNTANT A A 2S2A Mam St Chartered Accountant Mathews Dinsdale and Clark Barristers tors Hay St Toronto Norman I Mathews Hem in- K Mathews Stanley Allan J Clark TELEPHONE CLARE C GREEN ba Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Ontario Telephone Roches Point for a breakfast food A group of girls headed by Bev erley Abbott Connie Lorraine and Norma Bennett enacted several jokes and Dale Haskell told riddles The program was concluded Treat whs provided by the tea cher Mrs Black Retarded Children Earlier on the same we visited the special afternoon school quiring simple skill and doping correct habits which will enable them to lend more normal lives This school represents a big forward in the interest of j mentally retarded children of Newmarket and district Its spun- and its teachers deserve much praise sympathy and en couragement One way in which everyone can share in this work is by aiding financially DENTAL I ft FOR RENT POWER TOOLS AND VUHHt SANDEItS AND Fred Penrose Phone TW or Newmarket Cossar Harper Co ACCOUNTANTS J IACKRON Resident Partner no Grace Street Newmarket Telephone 56601 OR DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office Office Residence TW 4fi Home And School Purpose Explained By Mrs Jaques Mrs Orville outlined I standing of the broader aspects the of Home and School of Home and School parents and meeting of he Prime Charles teachers should mingle with she addressed the annual gioups Home and School as- Home and School association social ions should send Jaques is a member of the stives to council meetings the leaching staff of Holland Land- convention Krister and Home school She if vice president and School camp in June for YorkSi Home and At the convention this year School council Home and School was asked to It is a little difficult to put help in the job of civil defense into wuids purpose of Home Some groups have been respon the speed John Moore OLS ONTARIO SURVEYOR Lane Ontario Phone LEONARD ROSENBERG Com CHAiitien ACCOUNIAHI oi nova scon lino I DR KELLY DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone DR C VANDERV00RT NT 1ST 208A Main St Newmarket Phone and School the very name gives us a starling point It is a connecting link between the home and tin- school Parents and teachers have one common bond children As par ents you are anxious to ive your own child the best education Unit la possible Yon also want in system ASSOCIATES OrffAllO lAMO CONSUITAHIS rlAHNifcS MjHiCfAL AM Mill 10ROU1O DIAL TW 52331 TOR CLASSIFIEDS W A HURST and H TANAKA OPTOMETRIST lift Main St Newmarket CHANGE OF LIFI HOT FLUSHES Why suffer hot flushes weal of jiietile Ilrun IttU thn of Women reliefs I New Tablets or Moil likely you will helped loo So DAYS TMATMINT If you not helped JustgctPiaLhaina hum your Store Take for to at the of If too do not relief send tint lor cheerful refund of your mmiry have of on file from mere icm today Try our tale plan Get our formula with pound with HI ONTARIO Irs ud Immediate Opening lor experienced CASHIERS GROCERY CLERKS AND MEAT WRAPPERS MUST BE OVER YEARS OF AGE FULLTIME ONLY HOUR WEEK Excellent Wages APPLY KIN6 GEORGE HOTEL WEDNESDAY JULY 10 130 to PM MR WOLFE iUble for the speed limit in school a ions One Home ami School council ii working on tin problem of fire cracker and sales It advises taking firecrackers out of tin- hands of children placing them under control of ser vice clubs Any work that benefits chil dren work Home and School Neither parents nor can appreciate the work of dominion- Wide if tiny html their knowledge to their own association Mrs read the Home und School creed the aims and ob ject of the association and a par ents code of ethics She sold Home and School is highly re garded by many people especial ly by Phi mister superin tendent of Toronto public in which Mi praised Home School It has been said that active participation in a Home and School group is probably the most lling contribution the parent con make to Mi said elusion GRADUATION PARTY HELD AT SCHOOL A graduation party for the sen ior class grade five of the King George and their parent was held on Tuesday June by the King George Home and School association Coconveners were Mis Atkinson and Miss Eva Barnes principal President John the guests Graduation pins were presented to the stu- dents of Miss Hazel class Miss Barnes who spoke briefly An Interesting program was presented by the boys and girls It included piano solos by Betty Carol Wass Peggy Young and Christina Moor by Mrs George Black We II provid ed the accompaniment for I the evenings singing Assistant accompanist was Miss it hies Three Vesper Hymn Running Brook and A Folk Dance were sting by a chorus from grade five Other Items on Die program were a reading by Sheilagh Ser vice Champagne Dance by Lorr aine Shropshire a vocal solo by Nancy White and a citizenship pageant The prise of the evening was a spelling bee with four parents opposing four students Samuel Jefferson principal of the Stuart Scott school was in charge Champions of the spelling bee Lynn Kvans Chris Moor by Lynn McBrlde and John King Refreshments were served by the Home and School executive and a social lime was enjoyed by Hie patents teachers and child ren who I go to mi ea of Am se I tot I a o ii I fcrtif on r I for it To ran too with in Drop in or us a call the next time want monc At loam ore soa iWl m SATISFACTION LI MAIN ST PHONE TW COMPANY LIMITED til is OK Leon L A St Open Icm hi ARE TOO TIRED PREPARE SUPPER OR iS IT TOO HOT IS THE We can help you with your problems when you w nod see our cold meat sausages chickens plus hip of tinned delicacies Salads are fresh dairy tor every occasion Open every day front fi including NEWMARKET DELICATESSEN Around And ion- dei Un as il is today You know when yon begin to help Johnny or Mai y with arith metic and linn- bog down be cause thats not the way the tea cher does it you become frantic or frustrated A Home and School program remedy this situ ation The Ontario federation of Home and School has set up a new department tailed school education Its purpose is to make educational system under stood It is not difficult to under stand hut parents have been a- way from school for years and the system has changed just as everything else has Your child spends a good pari of each day under direction Of someone the teacher whom some parents could pass on the street without knowing Home and School you have the oppor tunity in meet your childs teach er and you should meet her She is your coworker in the job of preparing your child fur the fut ure What belter place is there Mary Fox Buffalo to begin ibis cooperation pro- on May in Hi than at Home and School She was horn in In order to gain an under- the daughter of the late Godfrey and Rebecca and for many years had resided in the past la years she made her home there with her bro ther Frank The funeral look place on Mav with interment in Buffalo NY Miss Fox leaves her Km ma of Toronto and three broth era Frank of Fred Si and Locke of To ronto The Fox family will he remembered by the older citi zens of Newmarket Walter and Collins are nephews of the Miss Fox Mary Fox Anna Belugin Prizes Awarded At Pickering The Anna Memorial prises Pickering college have been awarded this year to Gary a grade student from Bolton Ontario ami Larry mann a grade student from Forgan Saskatchewan This is the second year Mr has granted this memorial in memory of his wife to students who have excelled in thoughtful scholarship Headmaster Harry M an nounced the awards this week ami explained that the prizes are in the form of hooks commemor ating the standing interest in matters of both Mr and Mrs Yog a Ha Newmarket Furniture Electric Main St Mrs James Fort Pierce Florida was in Newmarket last week and called in at the Km and Express office Formerly Kat ie Sum It she lived in Newmark et until 1892 Her father was William Wye Smith minuter at Con a re lational church which whs then It and Church The last time Mrs Pierce vtsited New- was during the Old Roys Reunion in toe proud of NEW ENLARGED Greeting Cord Disploy Come in see it soon we looking for you MARIGOLD GIFT SHOPPE for ail occasions Main Si Phone ANOTHER JOSEPH HAIR STYLIST Opening at THURSDAY MY I it hip for First Time In The Amazing Color Bath Cocktail Shampoo Not A Rinse a Dye Try it were sere love FOR PHONE TW A e wbea elM or a War you and a prayer youve someone Ma A is youve to friend or a moment memory still I bright ami A Greeting Card a Kint a do for a and real be M Gift Shoppe FOR AM OCCASIONS Main St Newmarket Ph -rr-