I July FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE PRIVATE modern bun galow oil heat just south of Richmond Hill yards off St located on acre of beautiful landscaped ground in cluding extra building lot over trees including fruit trees on property Available in one week Mr Martin phone for information or AV crlv27 DOWN Two bedroom clapboard bungalow east side of town Oil furnace Full p Easy terms Phone Newmarket HOUSE storey and one- half brick bungalow good loca tion oil heating bedrooms at tached garage Phone PA Aurora c3w25 VILLAGE brick home newly dec orated inside and out diningroom den large kitchen with modern sink and cupboards 3 spacious bedrooms 3piece bathroom hot and cold water on pressure glassedin sunroom basement oil furnace all on large landscaped lot Full price with down payment or offer Balance one mortgage For information phone BRICK house with spacious liv ing room large diningroom and kitchen four bedrooms Lot ap proximately 70 200 Open for inspection Friday July and Wednesday July pm Located at Bolton Ave Newmarket phone Lindsay 42148 MANUFACTURING BUILDING AND SHOWROOM IN the village of Jacksons Point ft on two floors and a 30 glass fronted showroom plus 4 officers overhead doors for vehicle entrances Mortgagee sale forces the sale of these prem ises at price Town water be ing installed now Taxes and la bor reasonable Within miles of Toronto Exclusive listings Dorothy Horsley H LENHARDT BROKER Phone or Lennox 56033 Toronto C2w27 SPACE FOR AT Queen Street a lovely room Would suit for a storage or workshop Apply Mr Dan Riddel Newmarket M FOR SALE OR RENT A I BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow years old 3 bed rooms kitchen living and dining- room decorated immacu late Owner transferred to Ham ilton Will sell with low down payment with terms to suit pur chaser Located Cresc or phone TV New market COTTAGE FOR RENT WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS couple teacher no children require for August 24 selfcontained is he d apartment Newmarket vicinity Will consider furnished Reply to Balsam Avenue To ronto SMALL house or apartment 2 bedrooms required for couple and child Immediately Phone or apply College St New 3 OR 4ROOMED unfurnished apartment with private bath room 2 adults Write Era and Express box 2BEDROOM cottage Lake all conveniences Avail able Aug Sept Phone Newmarket REAL ESTATE CHARLES BOYD LTD NEWMARKET VALUE lis story home lot about years old Main floor has huge kitchen one bedroom Upstairs has two large bedrooms and a modern bathroom Full base ment with a finished recreation room House is nicely decorated and the grounds are fully land scaped First time offered owner transferred See it now Full asking price Easy terms brick ranch style bungalow huge with a dinette modern kitchen three huge bedrooms and a fourpiece tiled bathroom oak floor throughout Full base ment with an oil furnace and laundry tubs This home is ex ceptionally good value Full price Low down pay ment Balance on one mortgage payable 61 per month mortgage 1 storey home locat ed within one block of main street Main floor has living- room modern kitch en and one bedroom Upstairs has two bedrooms and bathroom See this home now it is an ex cellent home for a retired couple price Low down pay- DOWN rooms plus un finished upstairs Main floor has modern kitchen and two bedrooms plus bathroom Upstairs will make two extra bedrooms garage This is on the edge of Newmarket Taxes Good and plenty of shade trees Full price DONT FORGET the subdivision Newmarkets most area now sold and number of brand new bungalows are being built A wooded park area ser viced with sewers water and a hard surfaced road WE HAVE the largest selection f reasonable priced homes in the Newmarket area ST0UTT REAL ESTATE DOWN balance on one mortgage for this 2bedroom bungalow just off highway Handy to school and shopping Some finishing needed Full price 12500 REDUCED for quick sale unbeatable value in this NHA 3bedroom bungalow Features modernistic appoint ments throughout Located on a nicely landscaped lot will handle balance for 61 a month SOLID brick NHA beauty located in a nicely devel oped district with trees 4piece tiled hath oil heating sewers taxes Low down payment WE HAVE several other homes with terms and conveni ent down payments ST0UTT REAL ESTATE Main St Newmarket Just south of Davis Dr Phone TW or TW anytime ALEX LIMITED REALTOR NEWMARKET VERY clean and in excellent condition bedroom brick home has large living and diningrooms familysize kitchen oil heating nice ft lot frontage definitely priced to sell Terms BEDROOM bungalow 2I 14 dining area spacious tiled kitchen nice 3piece bath room full basement furnace can be bought for Terms RESALES available no sal ary requirements reasonable down payments and carrying charges KESWICK VERY attractive cosy and com pact 2bedroom with every convenience including bathroom large and kitchen Very well kept home and ideal for retired couple be ing close to lake and highway Priced to sell AURORA FOR lovely brick bunga low in new section of town two very nice bedrooms 4piece bath room very attractive livingroom and spacious modern kitchen Terms WE HAVE a very nice selection of homes in the Aurora area NEWMARKET AREA LOVELY storey and half com prising 4 nice rooms down and 2 up full attractive and familysize kit chen 3 nice bedrooms full base ment hot water heater and furn ace lot well landscaped with Some fruit trees in very nice location Pull price only Terms ALEX D0AK LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite Newmarket Phone TW YOUNG requires house or bungalow in Newmarket or Don Mills area Phone TW 56552 Newmarket clw27 APARTMENT FOR RENT 3ROOM suite Parttime em ployment available Suit couple Alex Ltd phone Newmarket 3ROOM modern selfcontained Laundry room and storage in basement Adults monthly Phone TV Newmarket 2BEDROOM apartments mod ern heated over Chain way Store Newmarket Bros Real Estate phone 52721 Newmarket c2w26 ROOMS FOR RENT ATTRACTIVELY furnished bed- sitting room centrally located gentleman preferred Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket TWO completely furnished rooms bedroom and kitchen with gas stove sink and builtin cupboards possession July Ap ply Andrew St Newmarket LARGE bedsitting room with kitchenette comfortably furnish ed electric refrigerator on bed room floor central Phone Newmarket ROOM AND BOARD WANTED ROOM with board or kitchen privileges for young single pro fessional woman Elizabeth Boyle TV 52318 Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAVER BARGAINS CEMENT SI 15 a bag 3 PLYWOOD SHEETING Waterproof glue 379 per 8 sheet PLYWOOD Waterproof glue good one side 398 per x 8 sheet QuickBilt SCREEN MOULD 8c per foot BEAVER LUMBER Davis Drive Phone NEWMARKET ELECTRIC train Phone 52666 Newmarket DININGROOM suite coal and wood stove floor lamps desk hall table kitchen cab inet bunk beds chairs and dresser oil paintings Phone PA 75563 or apply St Aurora MOFFAT deluxe gas stove Phone TW Newmarket crlw27 CHESTERFIELD suite good wine and grey trim lat est style Phone PA 75395 Au rora FACTORY SPACE FOR SALE I Approximately M feet for sale No High way Frame building concrete floor loading platform about acre phone 382 VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mate and installations Phone or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket INCH water Monarch pump with good Wisconsin motor prac tically new Phone Roches Point between and pm evening STEEL ho won cabinet complete vith fittings new Quebec heat er burns coal or wood complete with pipes etc Phone TW Newmarket after pm MASON RISCII piano in con dition lovely tone Phone Newmarket between 430 and pm UPRIGHT Berlin piano suitable for beginners halls or schools Reasonable Phone 54830 Newmarket COMPLETE irrigator ft pipe nozzle used very little cash Phone Mount Albert FOR SALE OR RENT CEMENT mixer with electric motor Phone New market ANTED TO BUY COUPLE Starting up home re quire secondhand furniture and household effects Phone Newmarket BABY stroller leatherette in good condition Phone 52988 Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE OILBURNER service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone Newmarket NATURAL gas heating by your local dealer Newmarket Services Company 54181 Newmar ket tf27 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WE INSTALL complete septic tank and weeping beds at re duced rates All workmanship guaranteed We also appreciate custom trenching depths up to feet Murray Baker phone 54151 Newmarket DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL TORONTO instructor Phone Frank Dillon Valley View Lunch or residence Mount Albert Cars dual controlled fully insured free pickup SERVICES AVAILABLE NOW is the time to have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Skilled Can adian workmanship All work guaranteed Call TW Newmarket for information and pickup service OIL burner and space heater ser vice chimney and clean out Al so repairs steam and hot- water insulating Fred Den Hiden Mary St phone Newmarket RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved holler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Prop FLATS FOR RENT On 3 rooms partly furnished leasant surroundings all con veniences Business or middle- aged couple preferred Phone Newmarket ARE a member of the York and District CoOp List property with Coop Listings are in over brokers tend CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Main Street ttU I Jd FARM FOR SALE ACRE wood lot spring creek crosses property near Newmar ket Write Era and Express box OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight office In new building on Main St locate near for light manufact uring or showrooms Will divide rent Phone or BOARDERS WANTED boarder wanted Phone TW Newmarket Ap ply Hansen Second St Newmarket YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY MONARCH ice box Childs commode chair large play pen felt underlay Phone TW Newmar ket crlw27 NEW and used freezers guaran teed excellent shape and up Phone Newmar ket ANTIQUE oval cherry dining table with leaves large kettle fancy white iron bedstead wry reasonable Phone New 15FOOT motor boat 25 Johnson motor lank Tw Newmarket KITCHEN cupboard compact sturdily constructed ample stor age pace with pullout hake- hoard Five ft three shelf open bookcase Phone Newmarket CROSLEV refrigera tor CU ft like new Phone TV Newmarket 2w27 ENGLISH high pram very good condition Also playpen and babywalker complete Phone Tw Newmarket USED building and plumbing materials Metro Wrecking Cedar Ave Richmond Hill phone AVenue tractor and all acces sories Reasonable Apply i Hamilton St or phone Newmarket LAST chance for good heavy duty electric stoves white en amel apartment size each Apply days or evenings 508 St Newm SCREEN door 7 also three extension window screens Phone fi2002 Newmarket WINDOW cleaning MacDonald Window Cleaning Service phone Newmarket At INVISIULE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Rurns moth- holes tears your troubles also your alterations Phone 2601 Newmarket cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone Newmarket SOI loam landscaping trees Phone Mount Albert 20417 for free estimate HAULAGE STONE sand and gravel right from the pit Phone TW Newmarket Repairs IW Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can he arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK St Newmarket phone NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTING paperhanging and plastering repairs G phone 56246 Newmarket HELP WANTED SALESMAN To sell and stone facings home and commercial In dis trict High If you are interested In your own with no call Toronto Life and Stone Co ADVERTISER would pleased to discuss with high school gra duates the prospects ami fo ment for who with to ap prentice for the of bar tered accountant For appoint ment telephone Leonard ft Rosenberg PA 74512 Aurora TEAC HER WANTED BY JERSEY SCHOOL PARTTIME for Grade two or three days weekly APPLY giving inspectors name to J A Thorns No North Gwillimbury wick cars FOltD with license No Alto homemade trailer If the alove not day they will be sold for of storage Mills ltd CUSTOM hay baling wanted M Cedar Valley con south of Holt phone 20103 Mount Albert BESTWAY FLOOR SERVICE cleaned waxed and polished Walls washed Free estimates R Hill phone Mount Albert 20005 4w25 CUSTOM baling W Sharon phone 22602 Mount Al bert CHESTERFIELDS chairs and nigs cleaned Modern machine Phone TW 56376 Newmarket SED0RE SANITARY CONTRACTOR SEPTIC tanks pump Drains cleaned and repaired 24hour service Anywhere called Phone Roches Point CALL TJOKLKER FOR your pointing and decorat ing Phone Newmar ket Free estimates MADELINE and dressmak ing 467 Timothy St Newmarket formerly Mildreds Dressmaking MERCHANDISE For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P Newmarket HELP WANTED RECRUITS WANTED ALL candidates seeking appoint ment must be British subjects between 21 and years of age Ni less than in height in stocking feet not less than pounds and not more than pounds in weight medically mentally and physically fit EDUCATION qualifications equi valent to two years high school of rood moral character and ha- bits MUST possess Ontario Chauf feurs or Operators license MUST be willing to serve any where in the Province APPLY Ontario Police College Shcrbournc Street Toronto Ontario 2 TEACHERS REQUIRED ONE experienced male or fe male Also junior teacher New- modern school miles east of Newmarket State experi ence and salary expected Write A C Bolton SecTreas Cedar Valley phone 21407 Mount Al bert STENOGRAPHERTYPIST for Newmarket office shorthand es sential good starting salary All replies strictly confidential Write Box 145 Era and Express Newmarket c3w26 MAN or woman to take over established route in Newmarket for nationally advertised Watkins Products No money to invest No experience needed as we train you Minimum earnings weekly Address your applica tion to Granger 3S0 St Roch Montreal Que c4w27 GROCERY clerk male or female must be accurate on figures and State age and wages ex pected and experience if any Write Era and Express box LADIES earn additional income by representing Avon Products at your place of business Good commissions write for details Miss M Towers Apt 306 Wilson Avenue Toronto REFINED companionable lady middleaged preferred to live in summer country home with two elderly ladies in good health References exchanged Suitable remuneration Write Era and Express box clw27 CLERK for financial institution in Newmarket in modem air- conditioned office hospitaliza tion pension plan etc Please re ply to Era and Express box Riving phone number SALESMAN UNLIMITED opportunities for earnings If you are young am bitious aggressive and know far ming This is a job with a big future Agricultural education helpful hut not essential Phone TW Newmarket TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS ji passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Beat The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone TRANSPORTATION WANTED ARRIVING am re turning pm Phone Newmarket clw27 TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket am King St Toronto pm Phone New market LEAVING Newmarket am to subway or Keele and Dundas St Leaving subway pm Phone Newmarket FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SPRAYERS MEYERS tractormounted weed- sprayers with piston type pumps Orchard sprayers potato spray ers Sprayers for any purpose Also a full line of ma terials Phone Crone Bros 25flw4 Mount Albert OFFICE help preferably with ability to take dictation and type Phone TW Newmarket WORK WANTED WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phono Newmarket tf27 MOTHERS HELP IN TORONTO modern bungalow live in own room bathroom light duties char help kept older girl or woman L J Lake Newmarket NURSE wantedfor girls camp on Snake Island July to Aug ust Director Camp Centennial Island Grove PO Lake Ontario MAN experienced in retail store work for local business capable of taking full responsibility all group benefits good working conditions Write Era and Ml Classified Advertising Rales Three rents a word minimum of 75 rents for each advertise ment price when advertisement Is repeated on weeks Ten percent discount If advertisement Is paid within week of publication Events three rents a word minimum cents Sale for the first cents for each Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements for earn announcement less cents It paid within week of publication In Mcmorlums fur each Insertion plus cents a line for verse less 25 rents If paid within week of publication advertisement be phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Charles St Newmarket phone The Misses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs Roll ing phone 8 King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall only where name and address of send er is clearly Indicated Your advertisement Into over homes In North UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occasion al chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Sargents Muriel Ave Newmarket repairs All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART Radio and Appliances Phone 52393 Newmarket LANDSCAPING flagstone ter races and walks K Hansen Second St from Dixon Pencil Co Ltd phone TW New market after pm DAILY housework Phone Newmarket MAN desires parttime work anything considered 1 per hour Phone TW Newmarket WILL take care of small child ren babies preferred during day while mothers work Phone Newmarket ENGLISHMAN years of age desires position years ex perience in practical administra tive printing trade buying esti mating order clerk works super visor Would accept anything within this range not necessarily printing- Adaptable Phone TW Newmarket PERSONAL SKINNY men women Gain lbs New pep too Try famous Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh new vigor also im proves poor appetite due to lack of Iron Getacquainted size only At all druggists USED CARS 9PASSENGER station wagon Mercury automatic radio FARM ITEMS PONY stallion at stud a time at service Return privi lege Mares kept at reasonable prices at owners risk Phono llr3l OFF Ford tractors and parts gal paint for sale for house or barn Farm gas per gallons plus tax Moffat Mo tors Zephyr Mount Albert 21010 DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal 200 service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket phone TW or Toron to EM 33636 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED DEAD STOCK DEAD and crippled animals horses cows and other fairsized animals picked up promptly no charge phone col lect 24hour ser vice 7 days a week ACRES of standing hay for sale permanent pasture mixture Also Clipper com bine ft motor driven with tank 2 miles east of Newmarket on Davis Dr and Don Mills MIXED baled hay for sale De livered Bernard Gibson Sharon phone Mount Albert STANDING hay for sale clean no mustard J Harper phone Newmarket ACRES mixed standing hay Phone Howard viHe after pm POULTRY WANTED LIVE poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid Oak Ridges or phone ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone TW New market If LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FRESH COWS Howard Draper Keswick con North Gwilhnv bury SHETLAND pontes one black one bay quiet tor children Phone PETS FOR SALE TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Tropical Apply 294 Cawthra Blvd phone TW Newmarket BOARD your pels with us A home away from home Indi vidual run Year round board ing Morris Kennels St S Aurora c8w25 WOOD FOR SALE excellent condition Terms and soft- Phone TW 54181 Newmarket I wood Phone Mount PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS MANY varieties Hundreds from which to choose Fertilizer Clarkes Violet Centre Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket phone LOST REWARD MANS wallet containing large sum of money car ownership and other papers i Newmarket arena area Phone collect Bronte Ont if you have any knowledge whatever of above MISCELLANEOUS THE BEST COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi- A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of tight or chesty and cold The Best Drug St Newmarket Trusees surgical elast ic hosiery for those who softer from various veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone 54091 Newmarket CONCRETE For Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS GORMLEY READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD Cormier For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone TW WELL and Immedi ate delivery Son concrete products Newmar ket phone AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Store phono Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the noee and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone 54091 New market SOD and loam for sale D Bate phone TW or TW Newmarket SALE REGISTER WEDNESDAY JULY Auc tion sale of farm stock and cattle calves and pig tractor and trac tor equipment a full line of farm implements and poultry at lot concession Whitchurch miles east of Vandorf the property of Robert No re serve up on account of ill health Terms cash Sale at Lloyd Turner clerk Farmer auctioneer- Phone c2w27 NOTICE MOUNT ALBERT CEMETERY DECORATION DAY THE ANNUAL Decoration Day service at the Mount Albert cemetery will be held on Sunday July at 7 oclock in evening ALL INVITED to the service Joseph Harrison President SecTreas McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flower All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW S486Z PERMITS Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St Newmarket Phone YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY