Eta Thursday Mar I m FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE DOWN Two bedroom board bungalow cast side of Oil furnace Full price Easy terms Phone TW Newmarket cr4wl9 instil bric 20 panelled bed- is 3piece bath kitchen room recreation room and cold water large garage for cash Phone c4w21 brick bungalow or low down payment hone TW Newmarket clw22 HIGHEST CASH DOWN ROOM brick bungalow oil Diced air large treed lot sewers Apply Second St lw22 HOUSE FOR RENT BEDROOM house in Keswick a month 3 months rent advance Write Era and box clw22 BUILDINGS FOB RENT MONEY WANTED 7000 FIRST mortgage money anted by private party on bun- low situated in Newmarket est security Phone 54 CHOICE lots in Sutton and vi cinity single or in blocks of 5 and 6 Suit builder Geo Lamont Broker pr Sutton TERRIFIC VALUES CASH Brand new 5 needs some as owner is being moved to an other location located close to Sutton near paved highway 4300 5ROOM bungalow town new needs a few finishing touches will sell for down balance 50 per month on one mortgage 12900 BEVERLY HILLS large bedrooms tiled kitchen 4piece tiled bathroom 32xl4 with wall to wall attached garage oil heating This is a custombuilt home for the pres ent owner Terms balance on one mortgage NEWMARKET 2STOREY brick house rooms and a separate 3roomed apartment garage located near center of town low down pay ment to a responsible buyer I Dont miss this opportunity for an income home BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE J R LEANEY Realtor High Street Phone Sutton clw22 SHOP garage or storage sauare feet cement floor central reasonable Phone 56729 Newmarket PROPERTY FOR SALE BOARDERS WANTED 2i ACRES gardenland and house in tourist area acre in raspberries some fruit trees and strawberries house all modern conveniences attached garage Gardentractor and tools can be taken over Letters to this office Write de Ont FARM FOR SALE GENTLEMAN boarder Apply Queen St or phone 56464 Newmarket BOARDERS wanted men pre ferred in Newmarket Apply St Newmarket ROOMS FOR RENT ATTRACTIVELY furnished bed- sitting room centrally located gentleman preferred Phone 56119 or apply 112 Joseph St Newmarket room twin MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE ALEX LIMITED REALTOR 3BEDROOM bungalow bath modern kitchen large bright floors Terms hardwood RIVATE investor has funds vailable for first or second All inquiries confi- ential Write Era and Express REAL ESTATE Martin Real Estate KESWICK ARE happy to announce the of Robert Smith as ur Newmarket and District in real estate Dave Irvine of Keswick our representative for ick and Lake Simcoc District CONTACT Bob in Newmarket hone TW 52570 or Dave in phone Roches Point 360 or 348 for real service in real slate clw22 JOSEPH QUll REALTOR 2 BEDROOM stucco hardwood floors urnacc 3piece bath closedin immaculate nicely land- aped lot picturesque Terms 3 BEDROOM brick a famous Shady Acres hardwood floors bright large livingroom bath tiled forced oil heat ing beautiful landscaped lot evidential mortgage for 71 a month Only 2500 down bungalow garage basement apartment hardwood floors bright kitchen modern cupboards spacious livingroom bedrooms 4piece forced hotair oil heating tastefully landscaped Terms modern kitchen two in I bedrooms and bathroom home 10room brick pIeteIy redecorated and and tile floors fire- throughout full basement place chestnut trim forced not our nil heating 4picce bath down bath and apartment up attached 2car garage singe large lot nicely residential Good value 19500 Terms BEDROOMS 3piece bath large kitchen fam ilysized glassedin porch 2car garage aluminum storms and screens Located on lot 220 north of town Terms SOLID brick bungalow contain ing 3 bedrooms tiled bath diningroom modern kitchen oil heat steel beam Low cash down 4500 SHORT distance from town insulated permanent home large bright kitchen two bedrooms water pressure good lot Small cash down Terms 5250 NORTH of town on pav ed highway lot x two bedrooms kitchen large living- room good home good value small amount down Terms ALEX LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite Loblaws Newmarket Phone 523856 CHARLES BOYD LTOT NEWMARKET ti storey home cen tral lot 84 x 220 Owner must sell Main floor has four rooms and bathroom Second floor has two large bedrooms full base ment with furnace Sec it now Asking price FULL price 2 com plete apartments each having HIGHWAY farm 80 acres level and gently rolling soil medium clay loam 7roomed brick house bath full cellar furnace oil heating heavy duty hydro excellent water sup ply Bank barn 56 35 steel roof implement shed double gar age Location Queensville Ask ing Terms J and J Anderson Brokers 35 Blvd Toronto phone 96776 gw22 PICTURESQUE PROPERTY which must be seen to be appreciated ACRES of land 80 clear and workable balance bush with a fiveroomed bungalow with bath and good barn 38 56 double garage good fences The build ings are in good shape situated on Highway 38 miles from To ronto Comer farm with road frontage bus service to To ronto close to school property rolling with a pleasant view and good drainage An ideal spot to raise horses or beef cattle Full price with terms Contact F STEWART Mount Albert Phone J A WILLOUGHBY SONS Limited Realtors Ave Toronto LARGE bedsitting beds double clothes closets ELECTRIC suitable for 2 girls Phone 52029 or TW Newmar ket ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANO Mason and Phone 54269 Newmarket PORTABLE heavyduty saw like new will sell reasonable Phone TW 52509 Newmarket 2P1ECE chesterfield suite ma roon Good condition Phone Newmarket after pm clw22 P I A N0S SEVERAL apartmentsize com pletely reconditioned very rea sonably priced for quick sale Fully guaranteed Also new pianos priced from 425 Ken 650 Grace St phone TW 56311 Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE SOD loam landscaping trees Phono Mount Albert for free estimate PAINTERS and decorators in terior and exterior Reasonable Ward Bros phone 325 Bradford SOD loam and rototilling Holt and McLean phone PA Aurora HELP WANTED 2 UNFURNISHED rooms Apply 404 Ontario St Newmarket BRIGHT cheerful furnished room with cooking privileges Rent reasonable Apply 425 Mil lard Ave near Main St or phone Newmarket 2 LARGE rooms unfurnished Phone TW 56775 Newmarket clw22 ARTICLES FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Craddock 353 Ontario St Newmarket tf4 FESS oil burner medium size thoroughly reconditioned Geo Mitchell phone 5J c3w20 motors hp and Apply Douglas Sheridan Parkview Crescent phone TW 56664 Newmarket 350 NEW 4inch cinder blocks each Phone PA Au rora clw22 refrigerator model very clean and rea sonable Phone 54125 New market clw22 ELECTRIC washing machine 12 Phone Tw 52139 Newmar ket Saturday SERVICING on all makes of typewriters adding machines calculators both electric and manual by experienced service men Rental machines also avail able York Office Equipment authorized distributors for Rem ington Rand Limited Yonge Street South Aurora Telephone c4w20 NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTING and plastering repairs G McBride phone TW 56246 Newmarket MERCHANDISE WANTED TO BUY PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE for rent Phone clw22 King City BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TYPEWRITERS adding mach ines calculators ribbons tapes carbons Electric and manual models New and used York Office Equipment authorized dis tributors for Remington Rand Limited 21 Yonge Street South Aurora phone Aurora PArkview Rental machines avail able WHITE enamel rang- in good condition Reason able Apply 649 Gorham St Newmarket FULL OR SPARE TIME GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY RELIABLE man or woman with car or light truck for delivery and collection contract No selling involved Age education or past experi ence is not important Enquiries invited from sincere persons with 120000 cash available for starting inventory Up to a week to start Investment security Write CONTRACTING DIVISION 30 Walton St Toronto Ont OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ELECTRIC cooker Phone 56552 Newmar REFRIGERATOR excellent con dition new unit yr guarantee Phone 54405 Newmarket after 6 pm TWO medium size bicycles Phone Newmarket TW 56034 SERVICES AVAILABLE OIL burner and space heater ser vice chimney and clean out Al so boiler repairs steam and hot- water insulating Fred Den Ouden Mary St phone TW 54770 Newmarket NOW is the time to have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Skilled Can adian workmanship All work guaranteed Call TW 52636 Newmarket for information and pickup service RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW 54001 NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Riddell Prop BOYS bicycle 3spced in condition Phone Aurora after pm 4BURNER range in good condition Also steel ladder brackets Apply Wesley St Newmarket FRANCIS motor cycle model Phone TW 56436 Newmarket after clw22 BUILDING LOTS HAVE a few choice town building lots 1500 and up CONTACT KEN GROVES hone TW 54591 Newmarket JOSEPH Realtor Open till pm ST0UTT RlArESTATF QUEENSVILLE stucco home full basement good urnacc excellent value Terms suit purchaser EAST side of town mod ern 2bcdroom bungalow hard wood floors oil heating Liberal terms BLOCKS west of fain older style home on quiet street oil heat good basement Terms to suit SHADY ACRES just north of Davis Dr bunga low on lovely treed lot 3 bed rooms tiled bath large dream kitchen oil heat sewers Carries for 75 a month See this auty today ONE block to Main St modern home situated a magnificent secluded- lot cd bath separate dining room heat 2car garage Excellent terms with a new oil furnace Lot with a double garage Surely someone would want to live rent free Immediate pos session Low down payment YES A fourbedroom home for only 13900 Just a low down payment Main floor has living- room diningroom modern kit chen and Second floor has four bedrooms and bathroom Large lot x with a double garage Immediate possession Owner anxious to sell WE still have over Resale ranchstyle brick bunga lows for sale Down payments up Some with mort gages LOTS are now being sold in SUBDIVISION An exclusive wooded area at the end of Park Ave Lot sizes 60 frontage up to 165 Fully ser viced with water sewers hard surfaced roads and gas Plan of subdivision may be seen at jour office WE HAVE the largest selection of homes to choose from in the Newmarket Area Deal with Newmarkets oldest established real estate MODERN daylight offices in new building on Main St located near Ideal for light manufact uring or showrooms Approxim ately square feet Will divide Reasonable rent Phone TW 52721 or tfl4 DUNCAN table walnut 15 Phone TW New market CAGES for laying hens All Phone after 6 pm 52234 Newmarket 2 ROCKING chairs and 3 wooden kitchen chairs 4 ches terfield chair 10 chesterfield in very good condition 40 Phone TW 59132 Newmarket At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Burns moth- holes tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone 52691 Newmarket crlw48 WINDOW cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone 54181 Newmar HAULAGE STONE sand and gravel right from the pit Phone TW Newmarket For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone 54112 NOW NASH Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors For Home Demonstration and Accurate Estimate BILL BROOKES Phone TW 56651 Newmarket BUDGET TERMS NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon terry lene exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P O Newmarket PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES USE Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor For sale at NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP tf6 APPLICATIONS for the position of supervisor for the kct Cooperative Nursery School will be received by the Nursery School committee Please state references APPLICATIONS must be in by Thursday June Write Era and Express box YOUNG man and young lady for clerical position should have two years or more high school Apply Imperial Bank of Canada Au rora REGISTERED nurses and certi fied nursing assistants required for York County hospital Apply to director of nursing c3w22 SECONDCLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER REQUIRED for medium sized plant Subsidiary of large organiza tion 42Hour week Usual benefits Write Box Aurora Ont WOMAN for half day a week for housework Phone TW Newmarket FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SPRAYERS MEYERS tractormounted weed- sprayers with piston type pumps Orchard sprayers potato spray ers Sprayers for any purpose Also a full line of spray ma terials Phone Crone Bros 256w4 M Albert McCORMICKDccring combine 5 ft in good condition Reasonable for cash Phone New market YOUR annual New Holland baler owner school will be held Mon day June 3 pm at your local dealers shop Evervone welcome to sec the new Hav ener in action The baler that is preferred by most farmers Come and get the facts Ask for a demonstration See our dis play of rebuilt used balers side rakes power mowers and eleva tors all ready to go See us for all your haying requirements WORK WANTED WANT your radio repaired in a hurry guaranteed Phone Newmarket UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occasion al chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Sargents Muriel Ave Newmarket tf 14 WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART Radio and Appliances Phone 52393 Newmarket SIGNS CREATIVE sign painting fast service Phone TW 52547 New market ANY type of manual work Barnett Wesley St or write PO box Newmarket GRAIN spraying oats and corn Phone TW 54455 Newmarket HARRY RAWLUK NEW HOLLAND Sales Service Newmarket phone TW 54121 OLIVER tractor slightly used in Marsh wheel weights fluid in tires live lower takeoff Reason for selling too M R 2 Newmar ket City phone Empire 84162 or see Steven Newmarket FARM ITEMS OFF Ford tractors and parts 295 gal paint for sale for house or barn Farm gas per gallons plus tax Moffat Mo tors Zephyr Albert 21010 TWO hundred 30 ft and 35 ft poles Phone Queens ville REUPHOLSTERING Repairs ReModeling By Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK Gorham St Newmarket phone 52152 AT Mark all your clothing linens etc with Ins- leys woven names Cliff Insley makes identification positive AT Boys navy trench coats Sizes 46x years Buv now Reg Sale price HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENING Estab lished Watkins Route available in Newmarket 1000 customers No experience necessary No in vestment earnings handicap Write to Granger 350 St Montreal Quebec LANDSCAPING flagstone ter races and walks Hansen Second St from Dixon Pencil Co Ltd Newmarket PERSONAL OLD at 50 60 Man Youre crazy Thousands peppy at Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bo dies lacking iron For rundown feeling many men women call old New getacquainted size only 60c All druggists USED CARS HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL models cars and trucks wanted for wrecking ALSO used parts tires etc for pale Auto Parts TU Hi mile north of No LOT FOR SALE LOT CO 250 on Main St Newmarket Phone TW Newmarket PRIVATE sale lot Newmarket 58 frontage 318 deep 111 rear treed town water school four blocks down town block stream through lot for swimming trout Phone Newmarket 54156 HAND good condi tion Pair of 28 ft extension ladders Apply Lane Newmarket McCLARY highboy oven electric stove excellent condition Phone Newmarket SHOWCASE NATURAL gas heating by your WINDOW cleaning MacDonald Window Cleaning Service phone 54172 Newmarket OILBURNER service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone TW 54181 Newmarket WANTED TO RENT CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Newmarket Main Street Phone Open till pm 34 BEDROOM house with small acreage all modern conveniences in radius of 20 miles of Newmar ket Mount Albert area preferred Lease considered Would con sider same or up to 100acre farm Phone TW New market ACCOMMODATION WANTED high sliding doors top and bot tom automatic coffee machine brand new chrome suite table and chairs 2door bookcase china cabinet wicker ferneries occasional chairs console and mantel ra dios bedroom chairs walnut gateleg table electric washers army bunk beds and springs bod chesterfield piece dinette suite refrigerator red maple Welsh dressers chests beds fireplace sundries chrome chairs Boston rockers and others back chairs Lyre back chairs chicken house china dishes books crocks seal ers and other articles too numer ous to mention Fred Hirst phone 11J16 FOUR tires and tubes good condition Apply Queen St or phone TW New market local dealer Newmarket Services Company TW Newmar ket SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WE INSTALL complete septic tank and weeping beds at re duced rates All workmanship guaranteed We also appreciate custom trenching depths up to 7 feet Murray Baker phone Newmarket 14 LADIES earn additional income representing Avon Cosmetics Pleasant and profitable work near your own home Write Miss Marian Towers Apt 306 161 Wilson Avenue Toronto DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal 200 service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket phone 56112 or Toron to EM 33636 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED USED milking machine stainless steel late model mag netic unit sterling unit Late model Uni versal 25 Woods 25 Rite- way Chore Boy Stain less steel pails only Used milker pump from to converters 15 genera tors 10 pumps to Surge pumps W Wool ley Son Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges phone Pros pect Oak Ridges c8wl5 POULTRY manure for sale per lb bag excellent for lawns and garden Mills Ltd phone TW 52366 Newmar ket DRY poultry manure for sale 50c per bag Applv Newmarket Hatchery POULTRY WANTED LIVE poultry Any quantity Bring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid S Appleton Oak Ridges or phone TUrner SECRETARYTREASURER o r school State salary expected Apply A C Bolton Cedar Valley CLASS A mechanic experienced on tuneup and General Motors cars See Ken Morton or Norm Pickering at Newmarket Motors St phone 52371 Newmarket WAITRESS Full time or part- lime Apply in person Topaz Coffee Bar phone TW Newmarket DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL TORONTO instructor Phone Frank Dillon Valley View Lunch TW or residence Mount Albert Cars dual controlled fully insured free pick-up- GARDENS plowed Discing and cultivating Joe Banks phone Newmarket WE will be Hill to details T LISTINGS Your listing Main US SOMETHING CLOSE AND HANDY ACRES of high and dry with small spring creek and a small insulated cottage with acres that could be worked A road on two sides of property close to a small town Thirtysix from Richmond miles from Toronto Ideal spot For further for weekends or live all the year round Full price with terms or cash Contact ROY STEWART Mount Albert Phone J A WILLOUGHBY SONS ELDERLY lady wants warm comfortable room and board in a clw22 bungalow and whenever neces sary tray service and bed care Will pay per month Write to Mrs A Green Betty Ann Drive Willowdale 2w21 office REAL ESTATE ket anytime or Limited Realtors APARTMENT FOR RENT Ave E- Toronto clw22 modern basement apartment private bath with shower builtin cupboards Ap ply Queen St or phone TW Newmarket crlw22 AURORA Brand new apartment stove refrigerator free TV outlet and parking laundry and locker room Phone- PA 75769 Aurora Classified Advertising Rates Three cents a word minimum of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount If advertisement Is paid within week of publication Coming Events cost three cents a word minimum cents Sale Registers for the first week cents for each successive week Card of ThanHs Wedding and Engagement announcements for each announcement less cents If paid within week ot publication In for each Insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents If paid within week of publication Classified advertisements may be phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Charles St Newmarket phono TW 52331 The Misses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs L E Roll ing phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall only where name and address of send Is clearly Indicated Your advertisement gels into over homes North York APPLICATIONS for the position of assistant supervisor for the Newmarket Cooperative Nurs ery School will be received by the Nursery School committee Please state references APPLICATIONS must be in by Thursday June Write Era and Express box GAS and electric welder with metal working experience Apply Co Ltd Spruce St at Stop 22A St COUPLE middle aged wanted for small country bungalow on Yonge Street Newmarket vicin ity for two adults Husband as handyman gardener able to drive car preferred wife as cook- general Home new and fully equipped with all electrical ap pliances Couple must be capable and trustworthy References re quired Write Box Newmar ket Era and Express Ltd WAITRESS WANTED TRANSPORTATION provided Phone Hilltop Lunch TW Newmarket clvv23 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS HILLTOP LUNCH requires and summer help Phone TW Newmarket Transput- n provided bridge FORD 4door maroon radio whitcwalls signals 395 Apply 2 doors north of Post Of fice Holland Landin FORD Mainline blue in condition Phone 21212 TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines etc Our information and service is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone TW TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket 645 to downtown Toronto Returning pm Phone Newmarket TW 56796 clw22 TO and Dundas leaving Newmarket am returning 5 pm Phone New market LEAVING Newmarket 640 am to and area returning pm Phone Newmarket TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO and from Toronto with per son in grocery chain store Ar riving am returning 615 Phone TW clw22 FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone TW 56782 New market LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS eight weeks old Apply Fred Walker Zephyr Phone Mount Albert HERES your chance to get Land race blood into your herd Landrace Yorkshire gilts bred to Landrace Your choice each Farm R 3 Newmarket phone PRODUCE FOR SALE POTATOES Good eating pota toes Frank Raven- shoe Delivery if desired EATING potatoes Irish Cobbler Mrs A Edwards phone ville 20129 No KATAHD1N potatoes Phone Queensville clw22 PETS FOR SALE TWO forage Harvester boxes with false front unloading sys tem in Al International potato digger Melbourne Smith Sand ford phone TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Tropical Acquar- Apply 294 Cawthra Blvd phone TW Newmarket SMALL pet and watch dog for sale Also German Shepherd pup Apply Keswick phone Roches PUPPIES Cheap Apply St or phone Newmarket PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS MANY varieties Hundreds which to choose pot ting soil Clarkes Violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket phono TW