Consider NorthSouth Trunk line For Cotter Oak College Sewers A delegation representing resi dents in the Cotter Oak and Col lege Sts area appeared before Newmarket council recently to request installation of sewers A decision was held in abeyance pending a meeting of town repre sentatives with the Ontario Wa ter Resources commission A resolution presented by the reeve to proceed immediately with the work was lost The de legation had agreed to a post ponement prior to s presenta tion and at the previous meeting of council Consulting Engineer had advised against the project at this time Mr Cockburn told council that the area was serviced with septic tanks A problem on four or five properties had given rise to a pe tition from the area which was signed by per cent of the resi- Sewer connections were requested for houses he said Mr explained that a trunk sewer would have to he constructed to connect a sewer on Cotter St with the existing main at Timothy St south of the are na This would bring the total cost of the project to 29500 but only one third could be charged to the benefiting property own ers under local improvement The balance of close would have to come from general taxes I feel it would be most unwise to proceed with this continued Mr Cockburn if the town can finance a northsouth trunk sew er through the Ontario Water Re sources commission The OWRC has indicated that such a sewer could come under an arrangement similar to the one under discussion for the sewage disposal plant said Councillor The town needs a big main down through the center of the town It would open up land to the south of for development and help to service other areas besides the one under discussion Delegation The following week the dele gation appeared before council Over taxpayers in the area signed a petition last year re questing sewers Morley spokesman for the delegation told council Sewers are need ed badly there and although we realize it will cost approximately we feel our request is a fair one It is unfortunate that a trunk sewer must be construct ed before sewers can be provided in our area but we feel other tax payers should help as the need for sewers is urgent Mr outlines the proposal to have a northsouth trunk sew- laid along the valley with the project financed under the On tario Water Resources commis sion He said a meeting will be held before the end of May to dis cuss the project The OWRC is prepared to put in trunk main sewers he added With the financing being done by the commission a lower inter est rate could be obtained and the cost would be spread over a long er period It is doubtful if bank ers would permit the town to consider such a development now on its own The people in that area are as sured they have the sympathy of council said Councillor Lome We should have defi nite word for them within a few weeks We dont want our request postponed indefinitely replied Mr But we want the work done in the best way to save the town money and keep our own taxes down We have spent a lot of peoples for the benefit of a few before If the delegation insists on the work I will not oppose it said Councillor George Knap- ton But the proposed trunk sewer down the valley wont go on our debenture debt It will make it easier for all if they can wait The idea shouldnt be given that it will not cost the people money to have the sewers if it is done under the said Reeve It only means that it will take longer to pay but it will be the taxpayers who do it Presents Resolution The reeve introduced a resolu tion calling for the construction of sewers in the Colter Oak and College Sts area under local im provement He said that although it was an expensive project the residents in that area had no im provements except for sidewalks during the six years he had been on council They are being victimized be cause there are no taxpayers on one side of the road continued Mr These people helped share the cost of Main St and are contributing to other ex penses in the town There is also the health prob lem of raw sewage running down ditches to be considered said the reeve In an agreement with the OWC for the trunk sewer along the valley it would open up the Dennis property to the south of Newmarket Some feel the town should expand to the east or north It would he a mistake to turn this down he ad- ed Councillor disagreed with the reeves reasoning and said the extra expense was caus ed by the necessity for a trunk sewer from the area to the exist ing sewer on Timothy and not be cause there are no property own ers on one side of the road The delegation has spoken and has agreed to wait on the meeting with the OWRC continued Mr Ridler This resolution is against the decision of the engineer Mayor Gladman supported Mr view that it was wiser to postpone any action until a rul ing is received from the OWRC regret the reeve has put council on the spot way said Councillor I sym pathize with the delegation but they have agreed to wait for our OUR READERS write 219 Millard Ave May 27 The Editor Your latest issue reported a meeting of our Chamber of Com merce at which Mr chair man of the planning board ad dressed the members on matters pertaining to recent commercial development in town If one were to sum up Mr re marks he would have to con clude that the town and its vari ous facets of government had al most no control over what they were supposed to be governing One would conclude that our local merchants could expect no sympathy from town council in matters which miht threaten their positions in the business picture It almost appears that in order to get consideration at all a person must come in from the outside ask town council for something and either set or if turned down go ahead anyway because the town has no plans with which to control develop ment This represents a new twist in politics is nothing to fight about if you do not like it there is nothing we can do to correct it We have a council to conduct affairs to the best inter est of Newmarket people and yet these people can be sacrificed to outsiders because we have no control over the affairs to begin with We really do not need a council as one or two persons could handle the small stuff that does not involve policy We could likely do without an industrial and board as well for Mr reports that his group has no zoning plans anyway Nothing very startling in the development sense other than a few shopping centers which are causing concern to our merchants has taken place cither As a matter of fact the only real growth in town of late is the individual tax bill and this was something that was going to be prevented Of course this is warmed up hash for me isnt it because I spent a good deal of time on the subject last year While I do not like the situation as it exists at least it is a pleasure to read in print the truth that was denied us last year C R Resident Suggests The Formation i Of Retail Merchants Association Birthday Club Birthday wishes are extended this week to Keith Walker Stiles Newmar ket 7 years old on Sunday May 26 George Albert Wright New market years old on Monday May Carole Anne Brennan Peter- boro years old on Tuesday May Jackie Mount Albert years old on Sunday May 26 Richard Joseph Frank Evans Newmarket years old on Wed nesday May Donna Elizabeth Hope Newmarket years old on Wed nesday May 29 Wayne Burling Newmarket years old on Thursday May 30 Send in your name address age and become a member of the Era and Express birthday club The formation of a retail mer chants association has been by a Newmarket resident C Roy Keys in a letter to the Chamber of Commerce Mr Keys who has had consid erable experience in sales promo tion in Canadian towns and in re tail trade has shown a keen in terest in the future of Newmar ket retail business and in local politics during the past two years He has been a contributor to the letters column of the Era and Express In a letter to the Chamber of Commerce this week Mr Keys said this A number of your members are aware that I have a sincere interest in local affairs and that I share your concern over the es tablishment of shopping areas which might have a serious ad verse effect on local stores The towns position in these matters was clearly stated to you by Mr and it appears that you are on your own with no help from your elected represents A few days ago I had an in formative talk with a good friend of mine who makes and sells to the retail trade a nationally ad vertised style product His firm is genuinely interested in buying trends and habits and has recent ly learned a great deal from the establishment of a large shopping centre in Oshawa Ontario I do not intend to reiterate our con versation but I would like to in form you in brief of his findings The local or main street merchants were badly affected by the opening of the shopping cen tre at the very start After the centre could be considered well- established and taken for grant ed some of their business came back After a year they are about back where they were in he be ginning but this just did not come about by itself From interviews along main street it was found that almost to a man credit for reestablishing their business volume was given to the Retail Merchants Associa tion which had been formed for that very purpose It appears that joint promotions offerings of more varied lines and modern izing of sales premises and tactics has been a real help to the Osha wa business man A few of us have talked before about forming such an association in Newmarket but the idea has met with some apathy would suggest once again in all sincerity that this would be a step in the right direction and I am sure all member merchants would benefit from a well gov erned active and united group Refer Stewart St Surface Water Problem To Committee The problem caused by the ac cumulation of water on some Ste wart St properties in Newmark et ha been referred to the sew age committee and the engineer for a report back to council the receipt of a leHer from York County Health Uni The area was inspected the let- stated by a plumbing inspect or from the unit who little if any public health pro blem He said the trouble was caused mostly by surface wat er I visited the area after re ceived a complaint from a wo man who said a child could be drowned in the pool of water on her property said Reeve Edward The adjacent lot has been raised Mr Perrin has de finitely blocked a watercourse After we have advice on the matter we shall report back to council he added A lot of septic tanks have been installed on Stewart St said Councillor Gladstone who explained the situation was a complex one It is too low for them in that area and seepage from them was coming through onto Mr property I vis ited it and could tell by my nose Mr Perrin was annoyed He felt the seepage was coming into the natural watercourse and on to his porperty These difficult ies will continue if we permit sep tic tanks to bo installed in this rather heavy clay Mr Ridler said The problem was referred to Mr further study committee for Ancient railroad Work on the St Lawrence Seaway has uncov ered remains of a centuryold railroad Just across the St Lawrence from Montreal bull- dozers laid bare old timbers that I were part of the Champlain and St Lawrence Railway Canadas first Hog Producers CoOp Opens Assembly Point The first assembly point of the Ontario Hog Producers Cooper ative to be established in the eastern end of Ontario commenc ed operations on Tuesday May 21 The assembly point to be lo cated at on the south edge of Otawa will operate one day a week during the initial stages of its program The Co operative has assembly points al ready operating at Windsor Chatham London Kitchener Stratford and Lindsay Hogs arriving on the Ontario Stock Yards in Toronto are also sold on the through the Cooperative Opening of our yards in Ot- Mr said will result in a complete shakeup in the pricing system for hogs in the Ottawa Valley For too long I a time hog producers of the Ot- Valley have been receiving consistently lower prices relative lo Toronto In the month May the Cooper ative president said the aver age price paid for Grade A hoes in Toronto was higher for 35 weeks than the average price paid in the Ottawa Valley In those three weeks the difference between the Toronto and Ottawa prices was more than per hun dred pounds dressed weight This regular variation in prices between the Ottawa and Toronto hog prices Mr continued is primarily due to the fact that there has not been any public openmarket where Ottawa producers could enjoy the benefit of competitive bidding In such a situation the processors could fix hog prices With our new yards in the area however these old habits of pricefixing will be rudely up rooted and eliminated In those other districts where we have opened assembly yards the hog president concluded we have produced an immediate levelling out of prices between the Toronto area and the area in which the yard was opened In fact in some areas we have a situation where the local price has been higher than the price in Toronto Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May 30 ACCIDENT Will anyone witnessing accident between auto and motorcycle on AuroraSchomberg sideroad at 100 high way Sunday April about pm please phone collect Baldwin 13 Toronto daytime and Parkview Aurora or Avenue even I THANK YOU The Betty Gordon Dancing Club wishes to express thanks to the following for their assistance during the year and during the recital ANNIES LUNCH for donating 5 cases of pop for nights CANADIAN LEGION for use of the hall all year VETERANS ASSOCIATION for use of dugout WESLEY BROOKS for opening his office to date the youngsters on recital night SANDERS LADIES WEAR and FRANK for helping out at the last minute Thanks are also expressed to Bakery and Newmarket Dairy for helping the children to have a successful party J MEET The regular meeting of the Wo mans Christian Temperance Un ion will be held at the home of Mrs w a r 279 Court St Newmarket on Tuesday June at 3 pm Cliff INSLEYS Store NEWMARKET ONT AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT I Yes Its so cool in Cliff Insleys store John and Bill had to grow a beard to keep warm Cliff says its just impossible to satisfy all people Please do drop in Cliff Mens and Boys Store Newmarket ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS f WINNING I WANTED DEALERSALESMAN FOR THIS TERRITORY Awnings doors windows car ports and other kindred items of home improvements The man we want must be a business man with sales ability to produce business himself know how to or ganize the territory and impart KnowHow to other subordinates Customer finance is available to right party Age no barrier Write Era and Express box meeting with the commission I would like to see the matter de layed until after that meeting I am not voting against them hav ing sewers up there he explain ed The resolution was lost with only the reeve deputy reeve and Councillor supporting it Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora For Friendly Personal Service Telephone PA AURORA QUI BOUT THAT BV TEE i i I J v i i v A TINV GATHERS CANDIDATE FOR YORK NORTH JOHN NATIONAL CONSERVATIVE LEADER A MEMO TO BUSINESS MEN OF NEWMARKET THIS hen Jr come home from he told his rather who did a very nice business that bad times were so his father look down his slopped as much merchandise stepped people what he had to sell ami sure people slowly slopped comma Id him for things to buy After a few months the father turned to his son end said You went are bad YOUR INVITATION DIEFENBAKER to meet and MRS DIEFENBAKER at a chicken barbecue luncheon at She RICHMOND HILL FAIR GROUNDS 12 NOON DST FRIDAY JUNE 7 PLEASE ADVISE YOUR COMMITTEE ROOMS REGARDING THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN YOUR PARTY WHO WILL ATTEND AND IF YOU WILL NEED TRANSPORTATION RICHMOND HILL 57 YONGE ST N OR 2233 NEWMARKET 146 MAIN ST 54182 OR 2309 MARKHAM HOTEL MAIN ST AURORA DOAN HALL PA 75765 a VOTE CATHERS ON JUNE 10 Published by the York North Progressive Conservative Association Sponsored By The NEWMARKET CHAMBER OF COMMERCE And Newspaper