Newmarket En and Express Thursday Mar FOR SALE ROOMED house with finished attic Oil heated 3- garage good state of Central Newmarket Phone TW Newmarket DOWN Two bedroom clapboard bungalow east side of town Oil furnace Full price Easy terms Phone TW Newmarket LARGE rooms includ ing kitchen diningroom living- room ground floor bedroom with rath three bedrooms and bath upstairs roomy fully moderniz ed immaculate family home on lot Newly painted in lovely surrounding Call owner Newmar ket REAL ESTATE CHARLES BOYD LTD REALTOR NEWMARKET REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FULL price clapboard home central main floor has kitchen Upstairs has large bedrooms and bathroom A real family home See it now Easy terms ji FULL price home located on lot Main floor has kitchen one bed- J R LEANEY REALTOR BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE NEWMARKET 11200 income home with rooms and a sepa rate 3room apartment rents for per month Twostorey brick house with a garage Meal loca tion low down VIRGINIA Six rooms la acre good garden soil highway location down payment balance on one mortgage SUTTON 4300 new bungalow needs some finishing can be bought for down balance on one mortgage SUTTON S6000 lovely bungalow all conveniences pav ed road suit a retired couple 3800 THIS is a real chance for a handy man to finish this new bungalow near town owner will consider a low down payment This one wont last so act quickly WANTED MORE AND FARMS IN THIS AREA Prompt Courteous Service J R LEANEY Realtor High Street Phone Sutton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OUTSIDE retail stall space for rent on a day to day basis Apply Farmers Market I Danforth Road Road and Wednesday and Saturday Mr Ross Wilson ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms one suitable for kitchenette centrally located available by June Phone New market TW c3w9 ARTICLES FOR SALE and store for rent Gro cery tobacco confectionery gas and oil Lockerbie Pine Beach Keswick PASTURE FOR RENT PASTURE with lots of water never failing springs on 2nd con midway between Sharon and Apply Holland Landing phone LARGE bedsitting room twin beds double clothes closets suitable for 2 girls Phone 52029 or 54262 Newmar ket c3w20 GARAGE FOR RENT dim Upstairs and immediate has three huge bedrooms full ST0UTT REAL ESTATE 9500 MODERN bungalow with 2 bedrooms uptodate kitchen oil heat full cellar Will con sider low down pavment 11500 OLDER style home on a Quiet street just a block from Main St Features spacious rooms throughout in cluding a familysized dining- room oil heat nicely decorated basement with furnace garage Owner must sell as he is mov ing out of town Easy terms FULL price 119001 A C U L A 2- house located on a lovely lot of trees and shrubs Features bedrooms with apartments each having room and bath on main floor modern kitchen livingroom bedrooms and bathroom com pletely remodelled and decorated throughout new oil furnace large treed lot with a double garage A good invest ment ranchstyle brick bungalow located on a lot GO x large Lshaped with dinette kitchen with break fast nook three large bedrooms and fourpiece tiled bathroom full basement with oil furnace laundry tubs and a partly finish ed recreation room re sale Full price 13500 Carries for per month modern kitchen farnilysied ingroom and oil heating Con venient terms URGENT LISTINGS WE require listings Call today for an expert opinion of your property Now is the time to REAL ESTATE Main St Newmarket Just south of Davis Dr Phone TW or TW WE HAVE over homes to choose from Come in and discuss them with us brick home located on a lot central main floor has living- room modern kitch en Upstairs has bedrooms and bathroom unfinished attic for storage Full basement with oil furnace Twoear garage Full price Low down pay ment CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Newmarket 240 Main Street Phone Open till pm JOSEPH REALTOR stucco home newly decorated good lot town water low taxes carries for per month One mortgage down stucco home hardwood floors piece bath closed in porch all town facilities residential immacu late nicely landscaped pictur esque Terms 13500 bun galow resale residential spacious livingroom dinette floors bath oil heating Only down SEE THIS Pastorey home nicely landscaped large bright livingroom good sized kitchen hardwood floors bath oil heating finished recre ation room a gem and immacu late Extra building lot avail able Terms SHARON 5ROOM chipboard garage nicely landscaped large kit- IB oil heating excellent value Terms CONTACT KEN GROVES hone TW Newmarket JOSEPH QUINN Realtor Open tilt pm V J LAUESEN REALTOR Ave MAyfair Member Toronto and Ontario Real Estate Hoards 2500 FULL price frame home on lot highway frontage opportunity for handyman close to village Newmarket DOWN brick home bedrooms and kitchen base ment coal and wood furnace double garage on large land- neaped lot in village Full price One mortgage with good terms NEW bungalow modern kitchen and full basement new furnace new gar age with small barn and poultry house on 2 close to No highway Full price Good terms NEW bungalow modern kitchen bedrooms and water on pressure new garage and brcezeway on large lot close to new highway Very reasonable terms arranged FULL price home storey large living- room large kitchen bedrooms bathroom hot and cold water on tap Large barn converted to poultry house and a targe poultry house on acres good garden soil on high way close to village and school Reasonable term Contact ALFRED OLIVER Representative for J Realtor OARAGE Niagara St New market or phone TW 54133 Newmarket TRAILERS FOR SALE STEEL box 2whcel car trailer Allen phone 20G07 Queensville lw20 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight offices in new building on Main St located near Ideal for light manufact uring or showrooms Approxim ately 2200 square feet Will divide Reasonable rent Phone TW or LOT FOR SALE PRIVATE sale lot Newmarket frontage 318 deep HP rear treed town school four blocks down town block stream through lot for swimming trout Phone Newmarket TW FOUR building lots approxi mately on Ave Vincent St or phone TW Newmarket LOT sewers and wa ter foundation in centre of town Phone New market WANTED TO RENT HIGH school teacher wishes to rent a house in or near Newmar ket view to purchase if satisfactory Write to Era and Express box HOUSE with small acreage near public school commuting distance Golden Mile Must be reasonable rent Write John Collier 2 Whitby Ont APARTMENT FOR RENT UNFURNISHED bed room apartment Possession June 1 Phone TW Newmarket NEWLY decorated bedsitting room centrally located board if desired Phone TW 54617 New market ARTICLES FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free mates and installations Phone TW 56551 or apply Harold Craddock 353 Ontario St Newmarket THREEsection steel Three speed water heater Set of drawers C Cudmore 592 Watson Ave or phone TW Newmarket GE stove Phone TW Newmarket FT freezer for family use Apply Andrew St Newmarket after pm SALE of household furniture chesterfields and chairs dining- room suite kitchen table and chairs iceboxes office and elec tric fixtures car accessories mo tors tire chains and many other items Apply Mrs George 379 St Newmarket 4 TIRES and tubes ply in very good shape Apply Mount Albert Creamery Mount Albert Ont 14FOOT cedar strip Roth nearly new Trailer and many extras Phone 52925 Newmarket clw20 ROYS bicycle balloon tires 21 inch frame Good condition Apply St or phone PIANO Mason and Risen Phone Newmarket 54269 with selfpropelled like new 135 Phone 56127 Newmarket 3 LARGE window screens small window screens studio couch ideal for cottage All very reasonable Phone TW 54310 Newmarket I GARDEN tractor Phone 52 LLOYD baby carriage 25 Sing er sewing machine Buffet Phone TW 5C569 Newmar ket clv20 LADYS grey and white flecked coat size new never worn Will sell for half price White enamel baby bath S3 Phone TW or apply Joseph St Newmarket MANS bicycle new tires in good condition Phone TW Newmarket garden tractor all attachments good condition Phone TW Newmarket clw20 SERVICES AVAILABLE OIL burner and space heater ser vice chimney and clean out Al so boiler repairs steam and hot- water insulating Fred Den Ouden Mary St phone TW 54770 Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE I WORK WANTED UPHOLSTERING FARM MACHINERY FOR SPRAYERS MEYERS tractor mounted wheat Orchard nth pi ton pump spray- GARDENS plowed Discing and cultivating Joe Ranks phonolrMIFQTfcDPipr Newmarket chairs rebuilt recovered in SOD loam landscaping I fabric Apply Ken Sargent Rhone Mount Albert 20417 ferl Newmarket freckle GARDENS plowed cultivated All makes by qualified factory Mount A v- and disked with garden tractor trained service man Phone TW Newmarket STEWART BEARS r weighty Radio and fluid for any purpose Also a full line 20 REPAIRS to alt makes of cars by licensed mechanic Special rate on spring tune- up lubrica tion and used cars hour towing Service top of Holland Landing Hill phone TW Newmarket 2w20 SERVICING on all makes of typewriters adding machines calculators both electric and manual by experienced service men Rental machines also avail able York Office Equipment authorized distributors for Rem ington Rand Limited 21 Phone TW Newmarket Ptranek 4l63 GARDENS T 2 GARDENS plowed cultivated and disked with garden tracts 2 Bruce phone TV Newmarket SPARE tim- job gardening something like that TW Newmarket M MOWING lawns and eating garden f5 etc Davis Dr Newmarket Ivan machine T lend id iirib Street South Aurora Telephone CUTTING lawns cuing for Albert byson 454 Ontario St or phone I POTATO TW Newmarket Clarkrcn cor NOW is the time to have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Skilled Can adian workmanship All work guaranteed Call TW Newmarket for information and pickup service RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW 54001 NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ing- made to order lion work of all kinds Vincent Prop For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone TW BARBER t Davis position Apply Lane Newmarket RENFREW cream Full parr o- Gros I Electric Coop Vega USED CARS S3 a HEAVY duty range apartment size Phone TW New market APARTMENTS Modern hard wood floors Main St Newmar ket Charles Bond I Bros Real Estate phone Newmarket bachelor or business girls apartment downtown Main St A real home Available July Phone TW 545B4 CHOICE lots in Sutton and vi cinity single or in blocks of and Suit builder Geo pro Sutton TINGS required as we have waiting with cash for farms and homes and acreages For ultimate in service just call ALFRED OLIVER representing V REALTOR ftUnlon Ave Toronto Phone ALEX LIMITED REALTOR SHORT distance from town permanent home large livingroom bright kitchen two bedrooms water pressure lot A3 Small cash down Terms NORTH of town on pav ed highway lot 100 bed reams kitchen large living- room home good value small amount down Terms 2STORKY home central location large bedrooms kitchen 3 piece hath large din- groom and Good fnmilv home Terms bungalow bedrooms all large Die CO bath spacious dining area modern kitchen lot Sinn cash down Terms ALEX LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite New market Phone TENDERS FOR SALE THE HOLLAND MARSH Chris tian School wants to sell Its pre school building size approxi mately frame construc tion cottage roof with or with out fixtures School may be seen any day except Sunday Removal to take place between I and August For further particulars Mr A Rudder Newmarket Out TENDERS will be received until May and must Ik- ac companied by certified cheque for of tender Balance to be when tender successful HGHEST or any tender not nec essarily to be accepted A ROOMS and hath private en trance heavy wiring Phone TW a Newmarket 2WI0 HEATED Hat hardwood floors rooms and couple Write Era and Ex press box modern base e n apartment private bath with shower builtin clipboards Ap Queen St or phone TW Newmarket 2w20 apartment floors kitchenette heavy wiring piece bath oil heated Imme diate possession Middleaged couple Will allow part rent for light housekeeping services Ap ply Joseph St Newmarket clw20 BOARDERS WANTED wanted by Mrs Patterson next to the town hall St phone Newmarket ROOMS RENT FURNISHED south bedroom in adult home Ave TW Newmarket ATTRACTIVELY furnished sitting room centrally located gentleman preferred Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket 2 UNFURNISHED rooms one large iodiii and small kitchen Newmarket BRIGHT gentleman Phone or apply Court St Newmarket CHESTERFIELD bed modern nearly new Hollywood couch piece chesterfield lime green Five- piece chrome suite ma hogany dining chairs Windsor chair tea wagon childs cot complete wash ing machines radios Pro pane gas stove red maple Welsh dresser occasional and bedroom chairs lamps mantel radios chests of drawers single and double beds students desks din ing table kidney dressing table mirrors sick bed table commode chair Riding boots mens size It Walnut gateleg table comport table baby carriage utility cup board and table office desk swivel chair typist chair ver andah chairs and rockers Bell piano Grandfathers clocks chime footstools Cham ber set Indian tree china Lim oges Royal fire screen sealers china glass kitchenware pillows linen Fred Hirst phono TV SET refrigerator and wash ing machine Babys crib high chair and playpen Mr Evans phone TW Newmarket oil burner medium sue thoroughly reconditioned Geo Mitchell phone REFRIGERATOR dining table buffet kitchen cabinet Phone TW Newmarket COLEMAN oil circulator heater small size 12 Phone Newmar ket after pm suite Prospect St phone TW 54898 Newmarket GOLD plated trump- i Al playing condition Accessories included A real bargain at this price Phone Newmarket TYPEWRITERS adding mach ines calculators ribbons tapes carbons and manual models New and used York Office Equipment authorized dis tributors for Remington Rand Limited Street South Aurora phone Aurora Rental machines avail able c4w20 At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Ruins moth- holes tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone Newmarket NOW NASH Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors For Home Demonstration and Accurate Estimate BILL BROOKES Phone TW Newmarket BUDGET TERMS HIGHEST PRICES PAID I ALL models cars and wanted for wrecking ew and used cream trucks where Separator Service ALSO used parts tire etc for sale BA Auto Parts miles north of No Highway on 3rd Line Hillsdale via WINDOW cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone TW 54181 Newmarket tf4 HAULAGE STONE sand and gravel right from the pit Phone Newmarket If REUPHOLSTERING Repairs lieModeling Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK Gorham St Newmarket phone WINDOW cleaning Mac Dona Id Window Cleaning Service phone TW Newmarket OILBURNER service Day or njght Newmarket Services Co phone TW Newmarket NATURAL gas heating by your local dealer Newmarket Services Company Newmar ket SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WE INSTALL complete septic tank and weeping beds at re duced roles All workmanship guaranteed We also appreciate custom trenching depths up to 7 feel Murray Baker phone 54151 Newmarket NO JOIt TOO SMALL PAINTING a n plastering repairs G phone TW Newmarket PIANOTUNING and all repairs Guaranteed workmanship Tuner for music camp of the Royal Conservatory Music churches schools etc Free estimates For information and for appointments please phone rolled AV cSwlS DILLONS DRIVING SCHOOL EXPERIENCED Toronto Instruc tor Phone Prank Dillon Valley View Lunch aW20 New market or pes Mount Albert 229011 evenings Dual controlled cars fully insured NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P Newmarket PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES USB Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor For sale at DISTRICT COOP If 1G HELP WANTED R s on siblc job with varied duties in congenial office 5day week Write Era and Express box MERCURY automa tic transmission chrome discs and immaculate con dition inside and out Private Phone 243J Mount Albert Classified Advertising Rates Three cents a word minimum of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement Is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement Is paid within week of cost three cents a word minimum cents Sale 110 for the first week rents for each successive week Card of Thanks Wedding and announcements for each less cents If paid within week of publication In 100 fur each Insertion plus 5 cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertisements may be phoned Into or left at The and Express office on Charles St Newmarket phone TW The Misses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs Roll- In phono 8 Kim or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the null only where name and address of send er Is clearly Indicated Your advertisement gets Into over homes In North York SALESLADY Apply Yates Jew ellers 220 Main St Newmarket crlw20 FREE accommodation in ex change for duties in Sharon Phone 20120 after pm WOMEN wanted for poultry pinning and packing King Cole Duck Farm phone TW Newmarket HELP WANTED FEMALE POSITION in municipal office available for an experienced and competent bookkeeper typist Shorthand an asset but not es sential Position offers excell ent opportunities pension plan and insurance Apply letter only stating experience when available and salary to Box Newmarket Ontario Applications must be received oclock noon Fri day May 24 MIDDLEAGED woman to baby sit late afternoons No weekends an hour dinner Included Phono any morning LADIES do wink in their own home Phone TW fi8101 New- market TWO good men to help in garden Will pay H for eighthour day lunch and transportation from the Kinn Hotel Newmar ket supplied if necessary leav ing am and at Phone Mount Al bert IMMEDIATE opening Establish ed available in Newmarket customers No experience necessary No investment to make Minimum earnings io weekly Ago no handicap Write to Granger St Montreal Quelle Six pood con dition 300 Phone TW Newmarket PLYMOUTH Hardtop Belve dere custom radio new white- walls turn signals washers other extras Very clean car Phone PA Aurora even ings PLYMOUTH sedan 50 Phone TW Newmarket PREFECT car mileage owner sole driver in excellent condition upholstery unbroken spare lire defroster Apply Maple St phone PA USED TRUCKS SALE OFF Ford tractors parts gal paint for for house or barn Farm per gallons tax Moffat Mo tors Zephyr Mount Albert REPOSSESSION 1953 FORD ton pickup Will sell to highest bidder Can be financed Enquire Citizens Fi nance Co Ltd A Mam St Newmarket A V GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines etc Our information and service is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester boat The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone TR AVAILABLE LEAVING St am for Front St Toronto Returning pm Phone Norm Ikiant New market TW 50083 TWO hundred ft and 35 ft hydro polos Phone DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal 200 service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket phone TW 56112 or Toron to EM YOUNG LIMITED USED milking machine stainless steel late model mag netic unit sterling unit Late model Uni versal Woods 25 Kite- way Chore Boy Stain less steel pails only Used milker pump DeLaval from 25 to converters genera tors 10 pumps to Surge pump 50 Wool ley 9t Son Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges phone Pros pect Oak Ridges 3 shelters excellent- shape Two electric brooders good as new 300 ft plaster hose as new Two plat form scales recently tested Steel guard trailer ft cross cut saw like new Pen for mov ing hogs wood sawing machine For full particulars phone J W Longs Mount Albert CREAM shippers we are On tarios largest separator dealer years selling the best Viking separators are the finest Liberal allowance on your old machine Free demonstration Terms to suit Sold satisfaction or re fund Phone Moonstone Separator Service Hills- da POULTRY FOR CHICKS one day old Also early hatched pullets Apply Newmar ket Hatchery Newmarket AVON Products have openings Newmarket Sutton Roches Point and vicinity for capable pleasant ladies have four hours a day to spare Vacation time ahead start TRANSPORTATION WANTED TRANSPORTATION required to Front St by am returning pm Phone Howard 15540 Toronto LEAVING Newmarket am or earlier to Queen and llroad- VlOW Ave Toronto returning Pm or later Phone Newmarket after pm 150 WHITE Leghorn hens lay ing good Allan Morning R I Newmarket phone TW GOOD laying hens Reasonable Apply Keswick LAYING strain Barred Rock pullets months old starting to lay Maurice Kennedy phone I58r23 Holland Lauding to To ronto Leaving am returning pm Phone TW New market FROM or Newmar ket to Wtllowdale leaving am returning around pm Phone TW Newmarket days FROM Oak Ridges to Toronto leaving am returning pm Eastern Ave district if possible Phone Prospect ing now let Avon help you lOQ Ridges earn a good income Write Hiss M Towers Apt Wilson Ave Toronto for personal in terview WORK WANTED PRODUCE FOR SALE WANT your radio repaired in a and guaranteed Phone Newmarket TW COOKING potatoes Jim Mil ton or phone Mount Albert POULTRY WANTED m LIVE poultry Any quantity tiring them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid S Appleton Oak Ridges or phone TUrner 42643 ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone TW New market LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED roan Shorthorn hull born April Sire is Thunderbolt by paehy Diplomat and out of Glen- bum 16th who top ped her claw at the Toronto Ex hibition when shown Dam is a big good milking cow 17500 Douglas Clarke phone Newmarket Era and Express POTATOES 150 per bag Em- bring results Wardell Baldwin