ON TARIO out King City and District Mrs Laura Rolling Correspondent Phone Kin Student Teachers Mrs Esson Baltimore Second vear students of Toron- Maryland spent last week at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Arnold and her daughter Donna Clear ed ONTARIO TRAVEL 737 Parliament Toronto OHM of Trove Hon Minister to Teachers College worked in pairs in rural schools last week in practice teaching before writ- j final examinations Joan ton King City and Sandra head Newmarket taught in Tem- school stayed at the home of Mrs Irving Scott and Susan Walker stayed at Mrs B J I and taught at Eversley school Janet Walker and Margaret Watson the home of Mrs Don Hutchinson were at Kinghorn school Betty and Evelyn Gormley were at Strange school where Miss becomes principal in September Miss stay- ed with Miss W Boys at Miss Joan will teach in North York township in ber and Sandra Muirhead of i Newmarket is going to Richmond Hill I Guides and Brownies From the sale of dozen boxes jof Girl Guide cookies on May the First King Guide company and the Brownie pack will about S30 including some do nation About c e r d the village and outside area Drivers were Alex Knight Mr Little of Tern- Jim Crooks Dr Ken Mrs Betty Billing Mrs Frances Davidson and Mrs I Harrison Under Guide Headquarters Toronto the local group derived i seven per cent commission on the total sales guides and the two packs divide the profit three ways The remainder goes to headquarters view Gardens King City Mrs and her sister have busi ness positions in Baltimore Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs Dave is improving from an eye condition which put her in hospital quite suddenly Cause of the trouble was believed to have been neuritis of the optic nerve She intends to return to the State Farm Insurance firm Toronto and take on light duties which do not present any eye strain Mr and Mrs Bob Turner To ronto and their daughter months spent the weekend at the home of Shirleys parents Mr and Mrs Fred G Hare at their home Want CNR Hearing After June 15 King City village trustees have requested King township to make representation to the Board of Transport Commissioners Ot tawa to hold a public hearing after June in the move to close the King City railway station if the timing is being set before that date RICHMOND HILL LIONS BINGO Monday May 13 Golden Line Numbers Called LIONS HALL 8 PM ALL CASH PRIZES JACKPOT 425 56 Numbers Called ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK King Township Building ByLaw To Be Revised The Christian church of India still depends on you your money leadership understanding and prayers Rev Daniel Pallia told the morning congregation at the King City church anniver sary where he was the guest preacher on May The Indian preacher and edu cationist is studying at Emmanu el College Toronto on a special course until the end of this term He is professor and principal of Union Theological Seminary dore and was district superin tendent of in India It is the very poor the unedu cated and the underprivileged masses in India who are accept ing the love of Christ he said and through them are other class es of people acknowledging the Christian gospel The challenge for you is the evangelization of the per cent of Indias four hundred million people who have not become Christian said Rev Pallia We in India believe we will be victorious and that there will be a united Indian society and a union of all churches he said He said Canadian churches have the right to know how their mission money is being used in India whether their time and ef forts are bringing results Ninety per cent of Indias Christian pop ulation has come from the poor sections some of them illiterate outcasts with not enough to cat and wear Rev told the story of his I own background It was the Cartier copper and Canada As Jacques sailed into the welcome waters of Hale ties In he and Ills men caught their first sight of Indians on the shore and their hands Involuntarily clasped the copper- weapons at their sides The gesture was symbolic though knew it not For some years later amid the vast virgin forest Was to rise the copper smelter a new source of work ami wealth for Canadians For Nova Scotia has worked with men of enterprise and vision In Canada providing financial sinews for commerce and Industry Whatever your hanking needs may pay a visit to your local DNS brunch Youll find manager and stall interested and helpful Tl he BANK Of NOVA SCOTIA tor years a partner in helping Canada grow Jet know the friendly Brandies Newmarket Manager A Oak Man iiLr Ellin King Village Obtains Greater Share Of Provincial Tax Grant King District Trend Tea On May 15 On Wednesday May the fourth annual Trend Tea to aid the work of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held at the home of Mrs Glenn Sawyer on King near St third concession from 3 to pm The King branch of the Aurora and District Unit will sponsor the tea convened jointly by Mrs A Kelley and Mrs Charles Hostesses are Mrs James Bax ter Mrs Walker Miss Blair Burrows Mrs Cecil Mrs Ronald Bolton Mrs Gage Love and Mrs A Jar- vis Mrs Carl and Mrs Charles Tea are Mrs C Johnston Mrs John Mrs Jcnkinson Miss Boys and Mrs Buchanan of Aurora Mrs J P Crysdale president of the Aurora unit will receive with Mrs Sawyer On committees are Mrs Wilson Mrs Leon ard Appleyard Mrs Clarke Mrs Cliff Coutts Mrs Austin Rumble Mrs W Hood and Mrs in charge of young ladies serving refresh ments and Mrs M Find lay convening door receipts assisted by Mrs A J Gordon Mrs Crawford and Mrs J Evans A number of ladies from the Toronto area prominent in the work of the Canadian Cancer So ciety will be present including Mrs Port Credit the new president of the Ontario Services Committee Mrs mont past president Mrs O S Mrs M Glover and Mrs J Kirby On evening preceding the Trend Tea on May King Wo mens Institute is sponsoring an open meeting for the general public at the United church rooms when two educational films on the work of the Cana dian Cancer Society will be towiuhTp A letter from King City village trustees to King City Chamber of Commerce explains the vil lage taxes Copies have been sent to other local organizations The letter describes an import ant problem affecting the amount of the taxes which will be charged to the ratepayers of King City The question became ur gent business because of the per capita grants made by the Pro vince of Ontario to the munici palities which has stated that these grants are to be applied to relieve the residential and farm owners of a part of their local tax burdens Called to a conference with King township council and offi cials to hear the proposal of the township for the handling of gen eral tax rates and the benefits of the provincial grants King City trustees were of the opinion that the township proposal failed to apply any of the benefits of these grants in favor of the ratepayers in the three police villages After lengthy discussion the trustees finally concluded iicro- tiations with the township under which an amount of about is being credited this year to King City ratepayers which the origin al proposals by the did not include the letter states The 1400 is less than half of the amount of money that the township is drawing in these pro vincial grants based on the popu lation of King City This same amount is about two thirds of the amounts of the grants that would be applied to this village on the basis of its as sessment And it is only about half the amount of the grants which would be made separately to the village if it were dealing directly with the provincial gov ernment the letter states The report is not in a spirit of criticism of the township council and officials according to the let ter They have been doing their duty as they saw fit and village trustees have been doing their duty to King City as they saw fit The only point of criticism of the township is that if the final cotnproinise had been proposed The Newmarket Era and City under the present system for this year is only about half of what the benefit would be if the village were dealing separately and directly with the province Furthermore the letter stres ses the village trustees believe the township has made it clear that it intends to terminate the existing financial agreement be tween the village and the town ship at the end of 1957 This means that the sharing of the provincial grants and all oth er financial questions between King City and the township will be thrown wide open requiring their renegotiation possibly be fore a judge the latter points out In an earlier paragraph the me morandum says Trustees feel they have made the best possible deal for the village that there are only three trustees and there is a limit to the amount of time that can be given The trustees havent the fulltime staff and consultants which are available to the town ship It is important the trustees state to maintain a high level of friendly cooperation in the nu merous dealings between village and township The report is signed by trust Ernest R Smith Ronald J Bolton and Donald Find lay the King City trustees OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA Canadian Company on a national openings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with some of Canadas largest chain store can be handled in spare hours at start rf desired honesty and depen dability more important than past experience Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion This Is a business on a high plane for high type men or women of character only APPLICANTS MUST HAVE 160000 Which is secured and good references Those openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly income immediately and rapidly increase as business expands Prefer applicants aspir ing earnings from 10000 to 20000 yearly No high pressure men wanted as NO SELLING required If can qualify and have necessary cash write today giving phone and particulars for local interview Write J WEBB B100 St Alexander Montreal 2 Quebec Bulk Milk Coolers COST LESS THE FUTURE TOURS VOTE SOCIAL CREDIT For Information write to the Soc ial Credit Association of Canada Km Ave Ottawa Out shown under Mr Maurice Grimes executive secretary of the Ontario Cancer Society A silver collection will be taken to be given to the CCS Mrs Nor man Wade is the WI convener Mrs A Peter Institute presi dent will preside ference the time trouble and ex pense of the latter negotiations could have been saved The letter emphasises the point in informing the taxpayers that the benefit of the grants to King If Youre TIRED ALL THE TIME get a bit now and lhn lit nothing put toxic condition by TKfi time to Doddi the lidnt and help their normal of tutu and work Get Kidney Pill rv Look for iht the red at You ran depend on DodoTo YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Less to Less for Less for and UN ICO COOLERS are easier dean Joist ask any UN ICO then NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOPERATIVE write OF Oak Street TORONTO Ontario Era and Express Classifieds bring results nickels and dimes from a small Sunday school which gave him his start he related Left an orphan at the age of five in the jungles of India the little boy followed his parents Christian belief when he was he- friended by a missionary who provided his early education No longer able to continue young Pallia faced a bleak future How ever the pennies from Bright Sunday school gave him a new start boys quartet sang four hymns in beautiful harmony At the evening service Arn old Foster of church and the mixed choir took part One Ton Roller Runs Over Boy Now In Hospital is in Toronto General hospital from o fractured skull and to his back after a one ton seed packing roller ran over the full length of hilt body late last Friday after noon It was In- Iftlh birthday thai day and was riding the seed drill being hauled by a tractor driven by his father Albert Most on the west farm of Kingfield Farms near King City The father said bis son boot caught the roller throwing him headlong in front of the moving implement Mr Moses happened to look bark and saw boy ly ing face down ten feet behind the seed drill His face was bur ied in the soft earth which had been freshly worked for seeding lie had heard no sound with the tractor operating Mr Moses quickly turned son over afraid to move him lie laced to the garage for car and took Hob to the Lang- staff Clinic when Dr John Wyn ne attended him and called an ambulance He was taken to hos pital for surgery His condition was grave It is believed a prong of the rol ler put a hole in the back of bis head and splintered a in the skull Hie marks of the roller prongs made the bruises on his back Fortunately his arms leg were not fractured Hi father salt the soft giound and the heavy clothing worn by bis son saved bun from being crushed was a chilly the fields The accident happened in a field north of the house On Sunday when the parent saw their son in hospital his con- i was satisfactory A birthday supper was to be held that day ami had plann ed go after some Ice cream on his bike He is a grade eight pup il in school Mr Mosses isemployed on the Kiiigfield Farms owned by Hums The family lives on the Weal Farm at and the Km and Vaughan BRINGING NEW HOUSES TO LIFE This mans job is to bring now houses to with electricity Long this new house was finished Ontario Hydro and your local Hydro Utility had planned ahead for it this house and many more like it Increased power requirements were analyzed Lines were constructed and necessary new transformer facilities installed For the occupants flick of a switch will bring electric power surging to their bidding to do a multiplicity of chores faster and more economically by electricity HYDRO In Ontario Hydro and Progress Go Hand in Hand