r Jig lb Era an Express Thursday Aprtt Classifi Continued PET STOCK SALE REGISTER ONTARIO RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE BOARD your pets with us A home away from home heated and unheated kennels year- round boarding Morris Kennels St S Aurora PETS FOR SALE Public notice hereby given that in accordance provision of The Liquor Licence Act and in nee of a bylaw passed by the municipal council or Hie town of NEWMARKET on the eleventh day of February 1 require the presence of the voters Hat the Town Hall in the Town of Newmarket on the 16th day of April 1957 at one oclock in the afternoon Standard Time at which time I will announce the nam es of the persons appointed to act for the Affirmative and for the Negative respectively upon the poll to be holden under Section 69 of the Liquor Licence Act up on the following question CANARIES Singers baby budgies males fe males Cages supplies African violets colors double pink flame violets Mrs Agar phone SAMOYED puppies weeks old registered Phone Prospect 35595 Oak Ridges TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Tropical Acquar- ium Apply 294 Cawthra Blvd phone Newmarket lot SATURDAY APRIL 20 Auction sale of farm stock Implements etc the property of Wilfred Stevenson lot con 3 North mile north of Keswick Sale pm Terms cash Everything sold without reserve as owner giving up farming clerk Frank Kavanagh auctioneer THURSDAY APR 25 Import ant auction sale of head of Jersey cattle registered and fully accredited including fresh cows milkers springers and calves horses tractor with and all equipment new in tractor new in IHC combine 7 ft cut motor driven new in baler motor driven and full line of implements Chorebov milk machine with units complete Wilson Forage harvester wagons new month old heifer month old heifer 7L month old heifer 6 month old heifer Month old heifer 6 month old heifer Small heifer calves The above cattle are a choice IMPLEMENTS tractor with new in in firstclass con dition tractor new in with starter and lights com plete good combine 7 ft motor driven new in good pickup baler new in fertilizer drill disc good condition mower ft cut oil bath good steel roller good ace bottom plow good Aircooled motor Tractor manure spreader on rubber Large mow of cut mixed hay FURNITURE Studio couch Extension table cleaner Diningroom table 3 Cupboards Beds Single beds Antique spool bed Also number of other numerous household effects etc Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice Auctioneers Ont ohone 34 Milliken phone Axminster 35987 side entrance milk cooler like new at lot and 7 con 8 Whit church miles north of Ring- wood between 8th and nth con AUCTION SALE of modern farm machinery new threshing machine tractor antique and modern furniture on lot 27 concession Markham Twp property of ALBERT on SATURDAY APR 27 1957 Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE THEAKER FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert Newmarket Ambulance Service 24 hour Phone Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty 1S1 Main St Newmarket Phone 52962 a the Property of Kennedy yard Also ft of 8foot heavy 0 ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OK THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GOVERNMENT STORES FOR THE SALE OF LIQUOR MIXED wood hard and soft- AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT THE VOTE WILL BE Phone 22410 MouBt mesh fencing cheap Phone Newmarket c3wl5 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD cut lengths Delivered 22407 Mount Albert in stove P h on TAKEN UPON THE QUESTION IN THE MANNER PRO VIDEO BY LAW AT A POLL TO BE OPENED ON THE First day of May 1957 from the hour of oclock in the forenoon until 7 oclock in the afternoon Standard Time at the following placet List of polling places THE VOTING IN THE SEVERAL POLLING SUBDIVISIONS AT THE SUBSEQUENT ELECTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED THE RETURNING OFFICERS AT THE RESPECTIVE POLLING SUB DIVISIONS AS FOLLOWS POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER consisting of St Georges ward AF Canadian Legion Hall Deputy Reluming Of liter MRS FRED PENROSE j POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER IK consisting of St Georges ward Canadian Legion Hall Deputy Returning Officer MRS ISOBEL VANANT I POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER consisting of St Georges ward Canadian Legion Hall Deputy Returning Officer MRS JUNE POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER consisting of St Andrews ward AF Town Hall Deputy Returning Officer MRS SID SIMMONS I POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER consisting of St Andrews ward Town Hall Deputy Returning Officer ALEX EVES POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMIIER consisting of St Andrews ward Town Hall Deputy Returning Officer MACLEOD POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER 2D fill a tie composed of all the Parkview Plan No and Parkview Plan and Lyon Subdivision Plan at Queen St Deputy Returning Officer A SWINDELLS 1 POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER Metro politan Home for The Aged Deputy Returning Officer MRS MCGUIRE POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER 3A consisting of SI Pat ricks ward AF Fire Hall Main Street Deputy Returning Officer FRANK DOYLE POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER 3B consisting of St Pa tricks ward GO Fire Hall Main Street Deputy Returning Officer CECIL WRAY POLLING SUBDIVISION NUMBER 3C consisting of St Pal- ricks ward Fire Hall Main Street Deputy Returning Officer MRS JIM THOMPSON ADVANCE POLL Notice Is hereby given Hut pursuant to The Election Act Section a poll will be opened on SATURDAY the Twenty- seventh day of APRIL from am until 5 pm and from pm until Standard Time The polling place for the Municipality of the Town of NEW MARKET will be located at Committee Room Town Hall Hots- ford Street for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent from the Municipality on the day fixed for poll DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER MACLEOD CLEAN dry firewood All kinds Free delivery Taylors Sawmill 2 Aurora phone A Venue c8wl2 PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS A LOVELY Easter gift Choose a violet from among the hund reds of large flowering plants at Clarkes Violet Centre on Dr off Davis Dr New market Price to 130 Open daily am to 9 pm ex cept Sundays MISCELLANEOUS AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic neuritlc and sciatic pains Price SI Best Store phone Newmarket Terms cash No reserve a owner giving up farming Lloyd Turn er clerk James on pedigree Alvin Farmer auc tioneer phone 5311 Gormlcy FRIDAY APRIL 28 Auction sale of tractor combine tractor farm machinery household fur niture etc on Lot 35 rear of Concession 5 Town ship on country road Property of J Brodie Sale at pm Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers c2w8 WEDNESDAY MAY 1 Import ant auction sale of head of grade cattle fresh cows springers and bred heifers and calves horses hogs M1I tractor No Combine Clipper ft motor driven Ford- Ferguson tractor and full line of power implements at lot and con East north of Mount Albert on with steel and wood boxes complete Dont miss seeing these wagons double disc tractor cultipacker good harrows White washing machine on rubber Set sloop Single plow Rubber tired wagon and flat rack Steel wagon side delivery rake Brand new grain box electric motor 60 cycle good Litter carrier and track com plete with dolly on rubber Rolls barbed wire new Number of milk cans good for feed or swill Gal hot water tank Quantity of fence wire Quantity of new lumber Quantity of poultry netting Sledge hammers Steel post driver 2- Wheel trailer Cutler Circular saw and frame Set Stewart electric clippers Emery stone and motor Lb scales Potato sprayer Paint sprayer New Fork Scoop shovels Rubber Wheelbarrow Road the properly of George MUCOUS IN THROAT Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the diopping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by and children with good results Price SI 175 The Best Store phone New market LARGE quantity of rich loamy top soil Apply Grange Farm Queens phone THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket Price No reserve farm sold Trims cash Sale at sharp DST Reg clerk Al Farmer auctioneer phone exchange SATURDAY APRIL 27 Auction sale of new threshing ma chine tractor modern farm machinery antique and modern furniture grain manure etc on lot concession 7 of Al beit Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers James Smith clerk Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from various veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago bells Drug Store phone TW Newmarket AUCTION SALE OF HEAD OF JERSEY CATTLE fully registered and accredited inters fresh cows springers calves horses tractors and equipment combine baler im plements milking machine The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc tion at Lots and Con Whitchurch Township Pi miles north of between eighth and ninth concessions THURSDAY APRIL 25 the following properly to H KENNEDY CATTLE to mention The above implements are an extra good lot This is an ex ceptionally good sale DAIRY EQUIPMENT Wilson side entrance milk cooler new in Milk scale Milk pail washing vat Number of milk pails strainer and plunger Chore Hoy milking machine with Surge units in firstclass condition with outlets for head HARNESS Set double harness complete Collars HORSES Sorrel Iding Black Mare aged Terms Cash No reserve US giv ing up farming Sale at 12 oclock sharp James W on pedigrees Lloyd Turner Clerk A Farmer Auctioneer Phone Exchange auction sale For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone READY MIXED CONCRETE For Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE anil CINDER BLOCKS HEADYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD 5601 accredited cow dale given of tractor combine traitor ma chinery hay household furniture The undersigned have received lions to sell by public auc tion ill Lot 35 rear of Conces sion on the iormleyStouffville paved coun try the following property belonging to 3Z0 Boundaries of the above polling subdivisions ST GEORGES WARD In composed of that part of town lying on the east side of the Canadian National Railway AT ANDREWS WARD Is composed of Hut part of town lying on the side of the Canadian National Railway and south of Millard Avenue and south of the northerly limit of Mock P from Main Street to the Canadian National Railway Parkview Plans 435 and Edwin Lyon Subdivision Plan No ST PATRICKS WARD Is composed of that part of town lying west Of the Canadian National Railway and north of Millard Avenue and north of Block P from Main Street to Canadian National Railway And further that at COMMITTEE ROOM TOWN HALL on the SECOND day of MAY at the hour of TWELVE OCLOCK NOON Standard Time I shall open he ballot boxes up the votes given upon the said question and declare the result of the said vote in the said Municipality Of the TOWN of NEWMARKET Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice govern themselves accordingly Given under my hand at NEWMARKET this FIRST f APRIL in the year GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Ontario Wesley Brooks Returning Officer WELL tile and 36 Immedi ate delivery Lome Baker and Son concrete products Newmar ket phone TW If SHAWNEE loader and mounted on International used hours Phone Newmar ket TW or write James Stephenson Landing THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS PhontaiTWining 2332 and 2333 OFFICE CHARLES ST Between Queen and Dr east of Main Hours Nine to Moil Accounts Also Payable At Toronto Dominion Rank The Hank requires your bill when you make payment PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS The Era and Express la The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Find f i- i and fully Reg Jersey name and breeding day of sale Right Paill ette bred Feb to Don- head Double Judges Poppy bred Sept 22 1056 to Don- head Double Kelson Royal Jesters Lady open Chasmur Prudence bred March 16 to Farm Dreamer HIM will have her name and breeding date day of sale I0HPYM Kenerin Samarcs Iris bred June to Inniscarra Bene Pauline pasture bred to 4ILIWH Peacemaker Pauline pasture bred to lands Royal Marie bred in Jan to Sam ares Standard Taw ny bred March to Klin Dreamer 26EEDJ Standoff Basil Boys pasture tn Kenerin Daisy pasture bred to will have her name and breeding date nay of sale 3GLWTJ Classified Good Cosmo hied Auk to Diraconis Royal Jesters IMP 6FLWB Cosmo Dutches pasture bred to 3IIPYM Kenerin Hose pasture bred to Kenerin Prides Fancy bred Oct 22 to Bramp ton Worldly Acme Pansy Loo Cameo pas ture hred to Kenerin Samares Pet bred Oct 1056 to Brampton Worldly Acme Kenerin Bridget pas ture bred to Kenerin Star pasture bred to Royal Jes ters Platitude bred Sept IB 1 I2HLWU Royal Jesters Praise bred Oct to Brampton Worldly Acme Kenerin Pearl bred Sept to Bramp ton Worldly Acme wil have her name and breeding date day of sale bred Oct to Brampton Worldly Acme will have name and breeding day of sal WM J on FRIDAY APRIL TRACTOR COMBINE ETC Oliver No row crop tractor with live starter lights etc very good condition Oliver Grain Muster ft cut combine complete with special finger type reel scour Kleen lifters and pickup attachment for same Late model and good Case model forage harvester drive and complete with pickup and row crop at tachments in good repair grain or blower with filler pipes etc International disc grain and fertilizer with makers and powder lift Oliver corn picker Oliver No corn planter fertilizer attachment and marker tired forage wagons with rackf corn shelter with bagging attachment side delivery rake on rubber good and nearly new Oliver ft power angle ac tor harrows Case ft ft cultipacker Oliver 3- furrow base ti actor plow also complete with No bottoms for same Oliver plow hard pan breaker with bagger attachment MII Hon set springtooth harrows Sections of diamond drag har rows Sections of diamond drag har rows Oliver No 1095 2row crop trac tor mounted cultivator com plete with shield and depth control wheels ft cut mower oil hath Tractor mount circular saw Farm 2wheel tractor trailer with racks Hay windrow Clover Fanning mill Blacksmith forge Pile of scrap iron Electric set of sheep shear mas ters Sheep shearing machine Also number of forks shovels hoes ladders chains bars odd tools along with several other useful articles too numerous to mention IMPLEMENTS McCormickDcering su per A tractor complete with hydraulic lift system This trac tor is almost new used very little for above grading blade of snow plow for same ISC ace trac tor plow McCormickDcering 22 33 all steel threshing machine com- with clover concaves high elevator etc This machine is almost new used only two years on this farm Ft endless drive belt hammer mill small size This machine is almost new McCormickDcering ft grain hinder cut three crops good as new fertilizer grain drill near new Set 7 ft double discs Set springtooth har rows Set 6section drag harrows land roller Walking plow Sect Ion drag barrows McCormickDcering power mow er ft cut Mil near new ft dump rake Farm wagon gear good New flat hay rack with oak sills and standards tired trailer complete with racks and lic ense suitable for car or trac tor Con boy covered buggy complete with pole and shafts good con dition Number of other implements MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Tecumseh dropin electric milk cooler near new DeLaval milking machine P electric motor Chick capacity colony house Oil burner brooder stove Number of feed troughs water fountains etc Fanning mill Bag truck oil drums oil drums Hay fork with ropes Set platform scales Chop boxes Root Mil cream separator Electric fencer Number of steel electric fence posts of good spruce saw logs of elm planks Milk pails strainer and plunger Oil pump Cedar telephone poles 500 bus oats Large pile of good well rotted cow manure Fork shovels tools etc HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Quebec heater and pipes Antique sectional seat Coffee table Chrome kitchen set modern electric kitchen stove Casco step stool cut It electric re frigerator in good condition Lamps and shades Mm table lamp Continental bed complete Mantle radio Ai car radio Ford or Meteor Oil space heater with blower Number of odd dishes and other articles McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ATTEND SUNDAY MGWMtf AT Church of the NazarM Main and Queen Newmarket AT II For Transportation Phone TW Yaw Your Friends are Cordially invited to a presentation of SIR JOHN SACRED CANTATA THE CRUCIFIXION On Good Friday Evening APRIL at pm TRINITY UNITED CHURCH CHOIR Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY APRIL SPECIAL EASTER FILM I Beheld ills Glory am April Boy Scout GOSPEL SERVICES Pentecostal a Morning worship pin Ureal Evangelistic Service Worship with us on this Easter Sunday pastor Running Hebrew and Jesus Christ the yesterday and today and forever A C 373 St Pastor A Yielding EASTER GREETINGS to am Sunday school for all am and pm The pastor Messages on the RESURRECTION Special music ALL WELCOME ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Stuart Johnsiort Organist Mr Rudolph llrvdms am Church school am Nursery and Beginners yrs 11 am Easter service Special music by the choir Visitors cordially welcomed 1 CHURCH OF THE MAIN June Haines lft am- Family Sunday am Morning worship pm Easter Cantata You will like these The following listed household furniture the property of J will he sold also extension table buffet Pullout couch or day bed with mattress Good kitchen cabinet J Antique barroom chairs Antique bureau or chest of drawers in perfect condition Dresser chest of Steel bed complete Antique spool beds solid oak Number of springs and mat tresses Feather tick Number of Rood feather pillows Iron steel bed single complete Antique cane bottom chairs Number of odd chairs livtii oak table Antique high chair Sideboard Coleman gasoline lamp Aladdin oil lamp Antique coffee grinder Number of 4Inch field Power lawn mower good order A large number of dishes glass ware ornaments etc Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold James Smith clerk Ken and Prentice Auctioneers Phone Milliken Ont Phone NOTICE THIS to notify the public but Roy has no further connections with the Clark Mar- tin Real Estate Keswick Signed Clark Martin MORB ON PACE 16 FRIENDS MEETING Street EASTER SUNDAY The Lord is risen behold he before you am Meeting for worship Come with us and worship our risen Lord All Welcome May Ho whose resurrection Brings faith and hope anew Kill your life with happiness And keep you ever true CHURCH OF THE A Mount Albert Church Sunday School 3 pm Frank Clark Sunt pm Evangelistic Rev Earl Minister FRISK METHODIST CHURCH W Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Sedore Organist it am Sunday school Special Easter program It am Easter message pm message pm Prayer service All welcome TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Leon Nash Music Director am Easter Sunday service THE QUEST FOR THE KING DOM IS COMPLETE Glorious Easter music by the choir and male quartette Sunday School am Senior school and Primai y It am Junior congregation am Nursery class An Easier film will be shown in all departments pm Easter evening service THE POETS SPEAK OF EASTER Music by senior choir Male quartette girls choir and boys choir Good Friday Evening THE CRUCIFIXION by choir Everybody welcome CHRISTIAN CHURCH Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp am music and mes sage Sunday School pm Evening gospel and song service All SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps It queen Si pm Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home meeting Thurs a pm Cottage Prayer Meeting ami Mr commanding officer Invite you to make the Army your church home MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister am Broadcast Ki ll am- Worship Gormley 11 am Sunday schoolGot mley noon Worship pm Evening Welcome to our Services VICTOR BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Churches Corner Arthur and New ton SI Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy am Sunday school am Pastors Bible class am Worship service Wed pin- Happy Hour Wed pm Young People Wed pm Prayer meeting- Wed Apr pm Mrs Wep- of African Inland Mis sions guest speaker A warm welcome awaits you GREETING the best Christian liter ature books plaques motto stationery and greeting cards of all kinds coma and at the Evangelical Bood and Gift Howard William authored agent New- market